Chapter 1424
The people from Huangshan finally came to the imperial city. Looking at the neatly lined up soldiers, the people from Huangshan were shocked. Huashan told him to find his elder brother to make him a general.

Huang Shan followed behind obediently. Upon receiving the news of the arrival of several people, Qin Zixuan brought his family out to greet him. Da Hai smiled wickedly, and Chang Jiang smiled wickedly. The expressions of the family were different, but they were equally happy.

When the two parties met, Qin Zixuan, as a parent, thanked Zhoushan old monster and Nanyangzi for their painstaking efforts in teaching their three useless children, and the two replied that they should.

Gong Xu stood behind Sanxiao and looked at Linger's eyes glowing. Qin Zixuan instinctively hated Gong Xu, just like he hated Qu Chang. Li Han knew Qin Zixuan best. This would really make me laugh and cry. I can't just show up and drive away the other, right? .

Gong Xu was an acquaintance, he introduced himself on his own initiative, and his attitude was pious when he saluted Qin Zixuan, but this didn't count for Qin Zixuan's favor, Qin Zixuan just didn't like Gong Xu.

After seeing the ceremony, everyone went back to the hall to take their seats. Gong Xu also came over, but Qin Zixuan found an excuse to drive him away. The old monster of Zhoushan hadn't realized it until Gong Xu couldn't forget to stare at Ling'er. Come here and sigh that Gong Xu is trying to die.

When the family was reunited, there were people talking and laughing, Wu Ying and Jiang Qinglian were also called, Qin Zixuan didn't have any big rules, since it was a family, it was natural to meet early.

So everyone's greetings flew back and forth one by one, the scene was harmonious and warm, Qin Zixuan exclaimed happily, and asked for a few drinks, Li Han didn't stop him, and let Qin Zixuan make trouble.

That night Qin Zixuan didn't get over the alcohol, he was completely drunk, but fortunately Li Han was strong enough to hug Qin Zixuan, Gu Yueru cheekily stepped forward to help Qin Zixuan take a bath, but in the end he kept taking advantage of it.

Li Han and Gu Yueru were already throwing temper tantrums, and they actually discussed Qin Zixuan's skin while washing. Li Han had a lot of experience in this regard, and in a word, Xianggong's skin is smoother than that of a big girl.

Gu Yueru even said that she was right, thinking that when she took the sea to practice, she often went to brothels, and she had rich experience in hand feeling.Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was drunk, otherwise he would have been pissed off by the two of them.

The next day, Dahai called the brothers together. Changjiang sat on the lower left of Dahai, Linger sat on the lower right, and the others sat down.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Dahai, and Dahai's eyes fell on Huangshan, so everyone's eyes turned to Huangshan again, and they heard Dahai drop a word very plainly.

"Huangshan, you can ascend the throne and proclaim yourself the emperor, the ruler of the world, the first emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty."

What?Huang Shan jumped up and stared at the sea. He couldn't believe his ears. It wasn't his turn to sit on the wheel this day. His father was on it. Otherwise, there would be the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother. How could it be his turn?

Although he is registered under his mother's name, he can be regarded as a descendant, but after all, he was born of a concubine. It's not his turn in this world. Huangshan is still a man of etiquette. What does it look like to be an emperor if his father is still alive.

I saw Huang Shan salute Da Hai deeply, and began to tell the reasons why he was not an emperor. Da Hai waved his cup and let Huang Shan discuss it.

Huang He crooked his fingers and smiled crookedly, his eyes darted around Huashan and Taishan. The two boys knew that the third brother was taking bad water by seeing Huanghe's expression, and immediately covered the money bag.

Changjiang picked up his cup and took a sip, looked at the incense burner, and lamented that Huangshan was really good at talking, but he didn't stop talking about a stick of incense, and the things that can be summed up in one sentence can lead to so many classics, Changjiang expressed his convincing.

"Brother, I really can't be the emperor." Huang Shan talked for half an hour, and finally said what he thought, and then stared at the sea, which means, brother, have you been understood by me?
Dahai put down his cup, looked at Huashan and Taishan, and said with a smile: "If Huangshan doesn't become the emperor, then you can choose one of them. Do you know how to do it?"

"Huh?" Hua Shan quit when he heard it, he didn't want to be the emperor, what's the good of being locked in the palace all day long, he wanted to be a general, if he had something to do, he would go out to be majestic, and if he had nothing to do, he would carry Jian Tian Playing in the South China Sea and North China.

"Fourth brother, you are the emperor." Tai Shan jumped down from the chair, and walked quickly to Huang Shan. Huang Shan shook his head. He didn't want to be the emperor, but Tai Shan punched him down.

Hua Shan quickly realized that if Huang Shan didn't become the emperor, he would be unlucky. In order to prevent himself from being unlucky, he should beat the fourth son hard first, and beat him until he was obedient.

Changjiang held a cup and glanced at the sea, the eldest brother was still so bad, if he said a word lightly, Huangshan would have to be beaten out of shit.

Huang He pointed his finger at the Yangtze River to make a bet on when Huangshan would surrender, and the Yangtze River slapped Huang He's hand away, so he wouldn't bet with this money fan.

"Fourth brother, are you going to be the emperor?" Tai Shan asked.

"It doesn't match the etiquette."

bump bump.
"Fourth brother, are you going to be the emperor?" Hua Shan asked.

"There are father and elder brother."

bump bump.
"Fourth brother, do you want to be an empire?"

"Inappropriate, on"

bump bump.
These two guys really fought, Huangshan's nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his whole body was sore, until Huangshan told me to be me, then he stopped.

The Yangtze River also put down the cup, and the next step is the main event. This throne is not so easy to assume, and he has to manage a large area of ​​land, which naturally requires more effort. Huangshan looks at the sea with black eyes and wants to cry.

"Brother, what about our father, he must show up for such a big matter." Huang Shan felt wronged, unable to fight back after the beating, thinking that Qin Zixuan would always uphold justice for himself when he saw his miserable appearance, but he was Didn't know that Qin Zixuan had already sold him.

Huashan and Taishan stared at each other, and they were about to beat them up again. In short, the throne of emperor should not fall on their own heads, the two guys are very tough.

Dahai waved his hands and said, "I've already discussed this matter with my father, and my father is also optimistic about you. Huangshan, you have a great responsibility in the future."

"Huangshan, you are the only one of us who can read. If you say you are not the emperor, who will be the one? We have never learned how to govern the country. If we really want to be the emperor, we will not be able to govern the country. You have to bear this burden no matter what. Take it up."

Changjiang said with a smile, calculations flashed in his eyes from time to time, he had discussed with Dahai that the Western Continent would be the place where the Li family would rise, but this rise was not to become the emperor, but to establish a family.

With the goal of the four largest families, it is not impossible to develop into the fifth largest family after several generations of hard work. This is the real development.

(End of this chapter)

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