Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1425 Shameless

Chapter 1425 Shameless

As for being an emperor, there is really nothing good about it, it is easy to become the target of attack by everyone, and it is thankless, and it is easy to be scolded by the world.After thinking about it, Changjiang felt that it would be more promising to develop a family, so he decided with Dahai to give all the burden to Huangshan.

Poor Huangshan was missed by these two brothers before he even reached the imperial city. All the reasons Huangshan could find were blocked by the two of them. Huanghe happily watched the play. He is unreliable.

Ling'er looked at Huangshan's miserable appearance and felt sympathetic, but sympathy is sympathy, and someone still has to pick up the burden, so Linger patted Huangshan's shoulder and said: "Fourth brother, if someone bullies you and gives my name, I will give you my name." Help people find a place."

"Looking for a place?" Several people in Haihai shouted in unison, looked at Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, you are a little princess, there are brothers in such things as looking for a place."

Ling'er sticks out her tongue, and suddenly feels that she is very powerful. If someone bullies her, just yell out and a few brothers will come, hehe, who else in this world dares to bully her?

No one dared to bully Ling'er in this world, because Ling'er was so strong that most people couldn't beat her, but the feeling of being protected by his brothers was really warm.

Because Huangshan took over the important task, Huanghe told him about his work, so he still went to play with Xiaoqi, Huashan Taishan called to go to ask his mother to say hello, but also ran away, afraid that some task would fall on him.

Huangshan took over the heavy responsibility cutely, Dahai kindly helped Huangshan to apply the medicine, he couldn’t let Huangshan meet the ministers with injuries all over his body, he still had to pay attention to his image in this respect.

After the injury was treated, Huang Shan came to his senses and finally understood why Zhoushan old monster and Nan Yangzi always let him understand Minsheng intentionally or unintentionally. The relationship is waiting here.

All these years, I have traveled all over the world with my master, seeing all the prosperity and vicissitudes of the world, is this just for this day?Why has no one told him?Huangshan's little heart couldn't bear it a bit.

He didn't even think about the throne, but one day he was allowed to ascend the throne of God. This joke is a bit big. Huangshan murmured for a long time, but before he could figure it out, Dahai and Changjiang took Huangshan to meet Jiang Yunji.

When Huangshan was not here, they had to deal with a lot of things. Now that Huangshan is here, these tasks should be handled by Huangshan. The poor children have not enjoyed a day in the southern continent before they started working.

Qin Zixuan was not idle at this time, he was entertaining the direction. The entire Suzaku Empire was defeated, and now there are still 40 soldiers who followed him in the battle, which is a loss of [-]%.

Hearing this number, Qin Zixuan felt distressed for a while, but Qin Zixuan also understood in his heart that no one is immortal in a war. Fang Yang held the doctrine of reincarnation and stared at Qin Zixuan like a devout believer, which made Qin Zixuan feel terrified.

Fang Xiang looked at his younger brother, knowing that his younger brother had been brainwashed, he really regarded Qin Zixuan as a patron saint, he almost knelt down, facing this situation, Xiang Xiang was really helpless.

Fang Xiang is a man of determination, he has also read and learned the teachings of reincarnation, and now he is also a believer, but he is not as enthusiastic as Fang Yang, and still retains his reason.

Unable to stand Fang Yang's stare, Qin Zixuan had no choice but to let him take Fang Yang away with careless directions. At the same time, he was going to go back to Daqin.

Of course, the most important thing is getting married!Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and smiled badly. He never thought he could take concubines. Although he said he was loyal, but there were beauties who were sent to bed. This loyalty really needs to be discounted.

Dahai left after throwing Huangshan to Jiang Yunji. He still had a lot of work to do, and he had to make full use of those medicines. Dahai looked up at the sky. He didn't know if he could break the void, but he wanted to try.

Everyone has their own goals. Dahai’s goal is to go back to his previous life and clear the books. This goal is a bit difficult, but Dahai is willing to try. Human potential is endless. If you don’t work hard Isn't it a waste.

Qin Zixuan sent Brother Fang away, and was about to chat with Linger, when he saw Gong Xu stopping Linger from speaking, Qin Zixuan's small flames multiplied, rushed to the middle of the two, and separated them every minute.

Gong Xu hurriedly greeted him, while Ling'er grabbed Qin Zixuan's shoulder and asked why Qin Zixuan had come. Ling'er didn't realize that there was something wrong with saying a few words to Gong Xu.

Qin Zixuan knew that it was true that his daughter was a padded jacket, but the padded jacket was too warm and easily missed by thieves. Qin Zixuan felt that Gong Xu was now a thief and was thinking about his little padded jacket.

"You, didn't you ask to open your eyes? The sky is big and the earth is big, you should open your eyes. This is ten thousand gold, and you can go as far as you can with the money." Qin Zixuan took out the gold ticket and patted it on Gong Xu's hand, thinking Throw money at people.

Gong Xu took the golden ticket and thanked him earnestly, and then invited Ling'er to go with Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan felt like he was being bullied, why not use his money to soak up his daughter!How about being so shameless!
What's more shameless is still behind, Gong Xu didn't know that Qin Zixuan was throwing money at him, and thought that Qin Zixuan liked him very much, he kept thanking him, patted his chest and told Qin Zixuan that he was a man and would treat his woman well.

My day!Qin Zixuan was so angry that he fought with Gong Xu on the spot. Of course, Qin Zixuan was not Gong Xu's opponent, and Gong Xu was so beaten that he didn't know why Qin Zixuan, who gave him money back just a moment ago, beat him.

Gong Xu didn't dare to attack Qin Zixuan, but asked why while hiding, this kid is really easy to learn, he just asked if he didn't understand, Qin Zixuan got angry when he asked, Ling'er stood beside him and shouted cheers, and he didn't know who he was cheering for Anyway, she was happy to see the fight going on.

The farce here spread to Dahai, Dahai stretched his waist and came to the battlefield, seeing the two people fighting happily, mainly Qin Zixuan was fighting happily, Gong Xu just hid.

Dahai supported Qin Zixuan with one hand, and grabbed Gong Xu with the other. Gong Xu struggled hard, but failed to break free. At this time, Gong Xu realized that he was not invincible, even Dahai couldn't hold him back with one hand.

"What's going on?" Dahai looked at the anxious Qin Zixuan, wondering how Gong Xu, a little white, offended his father.

Gong Xu was aggrieved, seeing Qin Zixuan's stare, he immediately aggrieved Baba and told the story, so Hai Hai also got angry, grabbed Gong Xu, beat him up and threw him out of the palace, what kind of person is this? ah.

Gong Xu lost his temper after being beaten, he was like a child in front of Dahai, and he didn't know how deep Dahai's strength was, Gong Xu touched the ticket and thought for a while, thinking that he should ask someone who understands Well, what went wrong?

Gong Xu is not an idiot, he knows that there is a misunderstanding here, and the only way to solve the misunderstanding is to find the point of misunderstanding. Gong Xu, who is traveling far for the first time, started to study.

(End of this chapter)

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