Chapter 1427 The Return
In the Suzaku Mountains, the heroes from all walks of life have already evacuated, and the treasures in the Holy Fire Palace have been emptied, leaving only a dilapidated hall. The medicine fields occupied by the Holy Fire Palace have also been taken over by several forces, and people are arranged to guard them, and they can be picked when they are ripe.

The surviving disciples of the Holy Fire Palace have left, and this place is no longer their territory. Although they are unwilling to do so, there is nothing they can do. Who will make their fists weak? This is an era when strength is king.

After the Suzaku Empire ended with the incident in the Suzaku Mountains, several waves of opposition forces appeared, but these forces did not make a difference, and Dai Chun led his troops to wipe them out.

All the credit for this time is recorded in the credit book, Dai Chun is smiling when he sees everyone now, Liu Yi really can't stand it, she dragged Dai Chun to practice a few times, and then she calmed down.

Dai Chun is honest, but Dai Peng's life is not easy, because he is suppressed by Dai Chun to practice, Dai Chun's talent is so far, and he is getting older, it is difficult to go further, but Dai Peng is still young Well, it is a good time to work hard.

It took Huangshan three months to straighten out the affairs of the Southern Continent, and then to entrust the guards, and then to promote a group of officials from the Suzaku Empire to balance the forces of all parties.

In addition, the reincarnation language was officially promoted in the Southern Continent and became the official language, while the original language of the Southern Continent remained unchanged and was not wiped out. Qin Zixuan was soft-hearted and did not do the crazy thing of burning books and burying scholars.

After another two months, Huangshan settled all parties and was preparing to return to Daqin in a military ship. Various government orders in the southern continent were issued in an orderly manner, and the era of rule of law began.

The news of Qin Zixuan's departure quickly spread throughout the Southern Continent, Qu Chang became anxious when he heard it, and Qin Zixuan's group had long since disappeared by the time he rushed to the beach with Qu Chang.

Anxious, Qu Chang was going to fly to Daqin with the Dapeng. Fortunately, Qu Chang had a lot of experience. Since Qin Zixuan won the Southern Continent, there was no reason for him to let it go. After inquiring, he found out that there would be a ship sailing to Daqin every ten days.

With the news that Qu Chang brought back, Qu Chang was relieved, and began to practice hard again. Qu Chang felt that Qin Zixuan only looked down on him, and it must be because his strength was too shoddy, so Qu Chang worked very hard to practice, hoping Meet Qin Zixuan's request one day earlier.

The poor child didn't know that Qin Zixuan just looked down on him, it was because Qin Zixuan believed that he was a thief who came to steal his precious daughter, who would look up to a thief.

Feng Qingluan's strength has recovered, and she is sitting in the cabin learning embroidery from Gong Liangyan. Before, she had no choice but to settle for second best. She didn't expect Huangshan to take so much time to deal with political affairs, and Feng Qingluan's heart was moved.

Although the female red has never learned it, she is a girl after all, she is very quick to learn, and now she has a good embroidering style. The three girls sat in the cabin and embroidered silently.

Gu Yueru rushed in and sat there for a while, then couldn't bear to look at it anymore, one or two of Yaya's were perverted, what's so good about embroidering flowers, Gu Yue blew out of the room like the wind, and ran to find Wu Ying to play with.

When I went to Wu Ying's room, Princess Ren was training Wu Ying with a ruler, forcing Wu Ying to embroider. Gu Yueru was immediately amused, this guy was not afraid of big things when he watched the excitement, and even called Qin Zixuan and Li Han over.

At that time, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were playing mahjong, so Liu Yi and Bai Jing followed with fruits and melon seeds. They entered the room and sat in that row, watching Wu Ying learn to embroider excitedly.

Wu Ying's face turned red at that moment. Princess Ren looked at her in-laws with black lines. She knew that Qin Zixuan liked to join in the fun, but she didn't expect to watch all the fun, but Li Han was still a doting guy.

In desperation, Princess Ren had no choice but to send someone to notify Dahai. The good guy Dahai came over with a wine jar, sat beside Qin Zixuan and yelled for a few drinks.

Wu Ying pinched the needle and said that she couldn't embroider anything anymore. This was too embarrassing, and she was visited like a monkey. Princess Ren had no choice but to let Wu Ying go temporarily.

It was useless for Qin Zixuan to yell to continue, so he just yelled and played mahjong boringly. This proposal was good, and Wu Ying sat on the table naturally. These guys like the game of mahjong very much.

Princess Ren was not in the mood to watch them play mahjong, so she decided to go and see Jiang Qinglian. Jiang Qinglian felt that Princess Ren was more reliable. She was born noble and capable, and she was a bride. Ask her for advice.

When Concubine Ren arrived at Jiang Qinglian's place, Jiang Qinglian was being embroidered by her mother. She didn't have any good ideas. She just worked hard on her own part.

Jiang's mother and daughter almost died laughing after listening to Princess Ren's story. They are still very optimistic about their in-laws.

As for some unreliable parts, you can ignore them, and then sit there and discuss what you have prepared. The Jiang family has not declined, and the preparations are excellent.

Although King Ren's Mansion fell, Dahai sent some things over, and shared some spoils during the battle. The dowry prepared was also excellent, and both parties were very satisfied.

The days at sea became lively because of Qin Zixuan, and there were laughter every day, Qin Zixuan who was stress-free could be regarded as having fun.

Four months later, the fleet docked at Qianzhou Bay. Before stopping the ship, they saw continuous artillery fire in the distance. Da Hai went to the bow of the ship to have a look, frowning slightly. It seemed that Empress Ren had already launched an attack on the shipyard.

It's just that he wants to take down the shipyard. It's just a dream. This area has long been in the hands of Cheng Wangfu. If there is no way to save his life, how can Dahai be willing to let his grandma stay in Yujing as a hostage.

The appearance of the fleet encouraged the soldiers on the shore. They saw the banners of the Reincarnation Sect and Prince Cheng's Mansion, which proved that their master had returned.

Ren Dashan watched the fleet approach the shore, and his forehead began to sweat. The densely packed fleet that covered the sky and the sun could not see the end. Just looking at the warships, he knew that there were definitely more than a million soldiers.

Besides, even if there are only a million soldiers, the current Daqin might not be able to match them. After all, they are heroes in a hundred battles, and they are just recruits who have just been recruited. How can they fight like this.

To be on the safe side, Ren Dashan handed over the battle to his confidants, and he decided to go back to Yujing to discuss countermeasures with the Queen.

Qin Feng was so excited when he saw Qin Zixuan and his gang go ashore, he finally fulfilled his mission, Qin Zixuan waved him to stand up, Qin Feng didn't need to control the battle in the future, Qin Zixuan raised his chin slightly towards the sea, Dahai waved his hand and rushed down from the boat A group of soldiers rushed to the front line with guns and cannons.

The group found a spacious place to sit down, and Qin Zixuan and the others began to listen to Qin Feng's talk about Daqin's current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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