Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1428 You Are Dead

Chapter 1428 You Are Dead
The land area of ​​Daqin plummeted, Qi Chu re-established the country, and Daqin ceded the land for compensation. This is not counted, the grassland territory was also taken away, and the soldiers who went to the expedition either became kings on their own or were wiped out. In short, it has nothing to do with Daqin relation.

The reason for all these serious changes is the military sound and military rations. The Daqin treasury has been in deficit again and again. With the closure of Ziming Bank, other banks have also closed their doors.

The banknotes in the hands of the people became waste paper, and the food was confiscated by the state, causing explosions one after another. Even so, Empress Ren still had no intention of loosening power, but decided to take down Chengwang Mansion.

As long as the treasury of Prince Cheng's mansion is taken over, it will be enough, because Qin Zixuan has too many properties, if Qin Zixuan has no money, who has money, and the shipyard is really enviable, Empress Ren is really reluctant to give up.

What Empress Ren didn't expect was that Prince Cheng's counterattack was so fierce. Although they didn't push into Yujing, if they advanced one mile, Prince Cheng's residence would advance ten miles.

Dahai handed over the military command to Jiang Yunji, and Huangshan became familiar with the government affairs of Daqin. Qin Zixuan sent people to the sea to bring back Taifei Cheng and others, without worrying about not being able to take Daqin down.

Jiang Yunji's speed was very fast, and he gave the soldiers two days to get familiar with life on land. On the third day, they began to launch a counterattack. Wherever they passed, they were either surrendered or died. At the same time, the news of King Cheng's return also spread.

Empress Ren of Yujing City sat there in a daze. She didn't expect that Qin Zixuan was not dead. Not only was he not dead, but he became stronger and was sending troops to all parts of Daqin to quell the chaos.

The most frightening thing is that they didn't use the banner of Attendance King, but directly played the banner of Prince Cheng's Mansion. Is he planning to rebel?Empress Ren thought of this and decided to meet Emperor Qin Zihe again.

Qin Zihe, who was drunk and lying in the flowers every day, heard Qin Zixuan's return, was so frightened that he woke up from the wine, and sat there in a daze until Queen Ren was anxious, then looked up at Queen Ren and said, "You are dead!" gone."

One sentence, no friends, made Queen Ren so angry that she wanted to stab Qin Zihe to death. What do you mean she was dead? Could it be that Qin Zixuan was a murderer? If Qin Zixuan really dared to kill her, he would be rebelling.

Empress Ren stared at Qin Zihe bitterly, and Qin Zihe stared straight at Empress Ren. After a long time, Qin Zihe laughed, and tears came out of his smile. Qin Zixuan didn't die, it's so good!
Qin Zihe, who used to wish Qin Zixuan would die, finally found that King Cheng was better alive than dead. After King Cheng died, he became a useless person, a waste who was kept in the palace.

Only when Qin Zixuan is alive can he live well. Who in this world dares to snatch it, and who can snatch it away!Qin Zihe laughed like a madman, laughing so that Empress Ren's scalp became numb. Empress Ren had an intuition that Qin Zihe would be the first to kill her after gaining power.

After all, no one wants their imperial power and hegemony to be snatched away, and no one wants to see the foundation left by their ancestors being ruined by others. The same is true for Qin Zihe. There was no way to do it before, but now, hehe!
After she figured it out, Empress Ren's heart was cold, and she looked at Qin Zihe with murderous intent in her eyes. In this case, she definitely couldn't let Qin Zihe gain power.

Even if Qin Zixuan entered Yujing, as long as Qin Zihe died and his son ascended the throne, hmph, Queen Ren didn't believe that her son would be willing to kill her.

"You want to kill me?" Qin Zihe suddenly stopped smiling. He saw the mad killing intent in Empress Ren's eyes. He was frightened and frightened. Why did he get carried away? Qin Zixuan hasn't entered Yujing yet when he came back .

"Yes, you really deserve to be killed!" Ren Dashan stepped in from the door, he had been eavesdropping outside, Ren Dashan knew that Qin Zihe could not live, a mad dog who had been imprisoned for a long time, who would stop him once he had fun.

"You dare!" Qin Zihe was furious, and shouted for escort, those women who were enjoying themselves under him retreated one after another, and the eunuchs who served his food and drinks all moved away, Qin Zihe realized that he was really alone.

"Qin Zihe, you are very smart, you know how to protect yourself, but you are too stupid, you shouldn't get carried away, before Qin Zixuan entered Yujing, you are nothing!"

Ren Dashan approached Qin Zihe while talking, if he didn't attack Qin Zixuan, would he still attack Qin Zihe!Qin Zihe turned around and ran away in fright, but how could he run past Ren Dashan with his body hollowed out by wine.

puff!The tip of the knife pierced through the flesh and pierced into Ren Dashan's heart. Ren Dashan's face showed mad hatred, and he stabbed into Qin Zihe's body one after another. What appeared in front of his eyes was Qin Zixuan's smiling face.

Ren Dashan hated Qin Zixuan for spoiling his good deeds, and wished he could kill Qin Zixuan right away. He assumed Qin Zihe was Qin Zixuan, and killing him was a pleasure.

"Enough!" Empress Ren finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted loudly, waking up the crazy Ren Dashan, only to find that Qin Zihe was completely dead, his body was covered with blood.

Empress Ren couldn't bear to see Qin Zihe's miserable appearance anymore, she turned around and shouted: "The emperor is dead!"

The palace ladies and eunuchs knelt down and wept bitterly following the Queen's shout. Queen Ren stopped looking back and left quickly. She knew that Ren Dashan would take care of everything.

The news of the emperor's death spread quickly to the court, and the officials were stunned, sighing secretly that the emperor was so blessed, and the emperor died before the return of King Cheng.

Of course, everyone knew that the timing of his death was really a coincidence. Even so, no one dared to question it, and even Yu Shi kept his mouth shut.

In addition to announcing the news of the emperor's death, Empress Ren asked the Ministry of Rites to prepare for the crown prince's enthronement, and the emperor's burial. Before that, Empress Ren was solely responsible for all affairs of the Great Qin Dynasty.

When the news reached Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan kept sighing, Qin Zihe's hand was so bad, he finally beat himself to death.

The news of Qin Zixuan's return spread to both Qi and Chu countries at the same time. The two countries were startled at first, thinking that Qin Zixuan was the Nine-Life Cat Demon, and they would not die like this.

Then there was worry. The two countries sent envoys with a tacit understanding. They wanted to discuss cooperation.

Qin Zixuan returned to Daqin on the third day, that is, when Jiang Yunji officially counterattacked, Princess Cheng and the others were taken ashore, and Qin Zixuan brought his wife and children to greet him.

Concubine Cheng is much older than before Qin Zixuan left, her hair is gray, and Qin Zixuan's heart aches all the time, even though she often writes back, it is obvious that her mother is worried when her son travels thousands of miles, and her parents are all worried.

Qin Zixuan knelt in front of Concubine Cheng, his eyes were red, the distressed Concubine Cheng quickly pulled him up, her son had worked hard outside, Concubine Cheng stroked Qin Zixuan's little face and kept feeling distressed, screaming that she lost weight, wishing she could die now Feed Qin Zixuan with a table of good wine and good food.

(End of this chapter)

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