Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1434 Discussion

Chapter 1434 Discussion
Changjiang looked at his eldest brother and younger brother and snickered silently. He should just sit and watch the show. The eldest brother and younger brother would join hands to cheat the father. Thinking of Changjiang setting up the wine jar and putting a plate of peanuts on it, he decided to be a qualified melon eater.

The dinosaur looked left and right, exchanged glances with Robber, and was full of sympathy for Qin Zixuan. These sons didn't have a fuel-efficient lamp, and they cheated when they encountered problems. Who would let Qin Zixuan cheat.

"Father, are you ready for your wedding?" Dahai asked, Qin Zixuan spread his hands and he didn't know, he didn't ask, it was Li Han who prepared it before, but now his mother took over.

Li Han spared time to play with Qin Zixuan every day, and didn't worry about the wedding stage at all. This couple is lazy as long as they can.

"Father, tell me what gift you want, don't say son is stingy, son will definitely find a way to get it for you, use all the skills of cheating and cheating, and give it properly." Huang He said.

"The gift is your wish. I don't have the nerve to propose it to you. You can do whatever you want." Qin Zixuan waved his hands like a good old man.

Dahai rubbed his nose and looked at the Yangtze River, and found that the Yangtze River was smiling silly, this brother is watching a play!
"Father, why don't we be your best man?" Dahai said again.

"You can have this. There will be a stick array during the wedding ceremony. You can rush in and be beaten for me." Qin Zixuan replied solemnly, Li Han lowered his head and snickered.

"That's nothing to say, our brothers are good at kung fu, we promise to beat them down." Huang He pointed and shouted, his eyes rolled around for a while, why didn't his father talk about the wedding process.

"That's a good relationship. I feel relieved to have you backing me up." Qin Zixuan patted Huang He's shoulder, as if I liked you.

There can be more than a dozen rounds of father and son fighting, Qin Zixuan didn't talk about the complicated process, Dahai and Huanghe looked at each other, something is wrong with the father today.

Dinosaurs happily watched the show. Today, this brother was finally smart enough not to be fooled by these two bad boys. Changjiang rubbed his nose and prepared to join the battle. He couldn't believe that the three brothers could not fool his father together.

Not to mention, as soon as Changjiang joined, there was a problem with the process. Changjiang expressed sympathy for Qin Zixuan, that is, we marry one person, and you always marry four, so tired.

Oh, yes, I am really tired!Qin Zixuan chatted along the topic of the Yangtze River, and then began to complain about the pattern. In the end, Qin Zixuan suggested that we travel for pure marriage, and rush forward casually.

Li Han proposed to go to the Western Continent to see, but he hadn't seen the site of his second son yet. Changjiang said that he could have this, and claimed credit by the way, telling Qin Zixuan and Li Han that he had built many houses in the Western Continent, and he was waiting for the two to go.

As long as the places with good scenery are built, they are all star-level standards. You can live as long as you want, and you can live as a family. The happy Qin Zixuan even boasted that the Yangtze River can handle errands, then travel and get married, that's all.

After speaking, Qin Zixuan happily got up to discuss with Gong Liangyan and the others, and Li Han shrank her neck, thinking that these three bad boys were cheating her, she still didn't move forward.

So Qin Zixuan happily ran away alone, and then Dahai, his mother and son, and Thief Saint followed quietly to watch the play, and the dinosaur also wanted to follow to the play, but unfortunately it was too big to hide.

When Qin Zixuan arrived at the courtyard of the Yellow River, he saw Gong Liangyan embroidering with Feng Qingluan with Hua Yan, and Gu Yueru sitting in front of the embroidery frame dozing off, she was detained by Zhao Qingfeng to embroider in the courtyard.

It's a pity that Zhao Qingfeng didn't know how to do it either, so he wasn't in the mood to stare at it, so he let Gu Yueru follow here, even if he embroidered a little rooster.

Qin Zixuan rushed into the yard to wake Gu Yueru up. Seeing that it was Qin Zixuan coming, Gu Yueru was overjoyed and called out to sleep together tonight. Qin Zixuan's legs softened and almost knelt down. Feng Qingluan looked up at Qin Zixuan's blushing pretty face .

"That, hehe." Qin Zixuan gave a smirk, this question can be discussed, let's keep it for now, there are important matters to discuss, Gong Liangyan looked at Qin Zixuan's bad behavior and gave a slap, and didn't want to talk to Qin Zixuan, even these few days can't bear it ?Badass!
"Well, I'm here to discuss the wedding with you. That's what I want." Qin Zixuan sat down at the table and explained his thoughts. Gu Yueru agreed with her hands and feet, because she didn't need to embroider up.

But Gong Liangyan disagreed. A woman only goes here once in her life. She can travel and get married, but after the wedding, she is willing to accompany Qin Zixuan to travel all over the world, let alone the Western Continent.

Gong Liangyan disagreed, so Hua Yan would not express his opinion, and silently supported Gong Liangyan. Feng Qingluan looked around, and then looked at the wedding dress she embroidered, it was half embroidered.

Feng Qingluan raised her hand and said to Qin Zixuan: "My lord, look, it's tied."

"Oh, my baby, it's so pitiful. Let's not embroider anymore. Let's go on a trip and get married." Qin Zixuan called out in a small voice, Feng Qingluan blushed at the word "babe", bowed her head and stopped talking, letting Qin Zixuan touched her little hand and blew.

Gong Liangyan gritted her teeth, but still disagreed, there must be a wedding, Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan and grinned, whether to overthrow things, it seems that it is more obedient after overthrowing.

Gu Yueru asked to sleep together at night, Gong Liangyan blushed and remained silent, hesitating for a while between the wedding night and tonight, and finally decided to stay until the wedding night, this is a lifelong event, Gong Liangyan is a good idea people.

The rhetoric continued to follow the trend, Qin Zixuan had no choice but to take out a small book and ask the four of them to read it. This is their wedding process, Yaya's is really a hodgepodge, and it will not take a day to go through it all.

Gong Liangyan's scalp felt numb looking at the process, but her family didn't think it was too troublesome. It was really troublesome to meet up a few times. Finally, Gong Liangyan looked at Qin Zixuan and understood what Qin Zixuan meant. She was afraid of trouble.

After thinking about it, Gong Liangyan also found it quite troublesome, and tentatively said: "Why don't we simplify it, because some of the rituals written on it are unnecessary."

"Let's take a look." Qin Zixuan tugged at the small notebook and said, he finally understood that Gong Liangyan is a cold and glamorous master, but she is very conservative in her bones. If the wedding is really going to be cancelled, Gong Liangyan probably won't be able to live through it in her life. Hom.

Qin Zixuan is not a ruthless person. Since Gong Liangyan values ​​it, he can accompany him through the process, but the premise should not be so troublesome. Hai Hai and the others are lying on the wall to watch the show. It is a pity to see that the wedding will be held in the end, but on second thought, I want to reduce it. The process seems to be fine too.

They are all people of status. It seems unreasonable not to hold a wedding when they really want to get married. They must give others a chance to curry favor with gifts.

Dahai slipped away quietly holding a small notebook, he wanted to discuss with Wu Ying, the Yangtze River also retreated quietly, only the Yellow River looked at the Thief's eyes shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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