Chapter 1435

Unprepared Thief Saint was thrown into the yard by the Yellow River, this kid is bad, he was afraid that the people inside would not know, he even screamed and watched a good show, then dragged Xiao Qi and ran away.

Li Han's reaction was good, and he jumped and flew away after Pirate Saint threw it. The sea and the Yangtze River accelerated. In order to have a heavy back, the two brothers teamed up and patted the Yellow River to prevent the Yellow River from leaving quickly.

So the poor Huang He and Xiao Qi were blocked for a while, and finally they were caught by Gong Liangyan and others. Thinking about the things discussed just now, not only the wedding but also the big sleeping together, Gong Liangyan became angry from embarrassment.

The thief saint is an old man, Gong Liangyan can't catch the thief saint and beat him up, but Huang He can, he has been used to beating him since childhood.

So Gong Liangyan ran towards the Yellow River, and Huang He was so frightened that he called mother, not to mention mother, but he didn't even call him father, because his father was leaning on the door frame to watch a play.

Xiao Qi stood obediently against the wall, watching Gong Liangyan lift Huang He's neck to spank his butt. For some reason, Xiao Qi wanted to laugh.

This kid has already gained experience in beatings. Seeing that Gong Liangyan didn't attack him, the Thief Saint imitated Qin Zixuan and leaned against the wall to watch a play, and then was beaten by Gu Yueru holding his neck.

Gongliangyan is not easy to attack, but Gu Yueru is easy to attack. Gu Yueru is very familiar with the robber saint, and he has been torturing the robber saint a lot in the past. There will be a valid reason for this, so the courtyard of the Yellow River is full of excitement.

Li Han jumped far away, and was afraid after hearing the screams coming from the yard of the Yellow River. Fortunately, she was not caught, otherwise her image would be gone.

Song brought Xiuniang over from a distance, saw Li Han slapping her chest, thought Li Han was not feeling well, stepped forward to care, and startled Li Han who had just given out.

After being frightened, Li Han looked at the things in Xiuniang's hands, hugged Song Shi's shoulders and decided to go to the show again. Song Shi didn't know what happened, but she was very cooperative, and reported the work progress to Li Han while walking.

After listening to it for a while, Li Han felt that what the Song family had prepared could be cancelled, because Xianggong's side had already been reduced. It wasn't a little bit less, it was a lot less.

Song expressed her disbelief, a wedding is a big event, a woman only once in her life, as if she didn't even once in her life, that is a soft sedan chair carried into the house through the small door.

Of course, Mrs. Song can also understand why she doesn't have a good family background. It seems that there is no one with a simple family background this time, so the wedding must be very grand.

The two came to Huanghe's yard while talking. Seeing Huanghe being beaten was very distressing for Mrs. Song. These children were raised under her care. Mrs. Song felt distressed for anyone who was beaten, so she couldn't help but speak out to stop them.

You said that you are so old and you are going to get married soon, so it is not appropriate to fight like this, Song did not dare to approach her, so she could only stand by and persuade her, not to mention, Gong Liangyan was very persuasive.

Before beating Huang He, he was angry from embarrassment, but after listening to Song's persuasion, he thought it was reasonable, and thinking about it, Xiao Qi was watching from the side.

So the Yellow River was liberated, and this boy gave Song a smiling face of Pipi, and he dragged Xiaoqi away. He should find a place to discuss the wedding. It is probably useless to discuss with Xiaoqi, and he has to talk to his family. Elders discuss.

Halfway through the run, Huang He turned around and shouted: "Father, don't be too happy, the elders are the ones to decide about the wedding, what you say doesn't matter."

Well, Huang He admitted that he did it on purpose, who made Dad stand there and watch the joke, Qin Zixuan gritted his fists after hearing this, this brat can't see him having a good time, right?

Seeing Huang He running away, Thief Saint found a chance to run away too. If he stayed here, he would be looking for abuse. Thinking of Huang He would make him angry. That kid is too bad, and he is not afraid of breaking his old bones.

Prince Cheng's mansion soon became lively, Qin Zixuan invited Gong Liangyan and Gu Yueru's elders together, and began to discuss the simplification of the wedding ceremony, as Huang He said, to simplify it, the elders had to agree.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was a good talker, that boy coaxed the elders into a joy, and agreed even where he disagreed, and Gongliangyan and his daughters just sat by and listened.

Sitting in the hall, Huang Shan watched the officials speechless for a while, he had only been enthroned for a few days, and these ministers actually persuaded him to become the empress. Was it so easy for him to become an empress?

After not talking about love and love, Huangshan complained in his heart. The child's education is a bit chaotic, bound by ancient rituals, and also impacted by modern thinking. Most Huangshan will abide by ancient rituals.

But in a certain aspect, Huangshan yearns for freedom, such as love. My father said that love is the kind of longing that never sees you every day, it is the kind of little heart that beats after meeting, and it is surrounded by countless butterflies. flying spring, yes
No matter what the situation is, Huang Shan has never experienced it. Huang Shan hopes that he can experience it once, so his queen must be the woman he loves the most, not for the sake of becoming a queen.

Huang Shan didn't want to refuse bluntly, so he chose to change the topic, but he didn't expect the minister to be stubborn, and he would continue to hold on to this topic, and if he didn't agree, it would be like making a huge mistake.

Sitting on the main hall, Huang Shan felt a little annoyed, imagining if it was the eldest brother sitting here, would they dare to do this?If the second brother is sitting here, would he dare to force the palace?
What if the Yellow River is sitting here?Well, they dare, but Huang He will definitely point his fingers and say, I see you in a bloodbath!Thinking of this, Huangshan wanted to laugh, but found that it was not the time to laugh, so Huangshan put on a straight face and resisted in silence.

The officials knelt down on the ground, they were still thinking about good things in their hearts, the emperor was young and hadn't experienced the nourishment of women, and I heard that the first woman is also the woman that men will never forget, they all want their daughter or granddaughter to be That number one.

Even if it is not number one, it is not bad to be a noble concubine. Everyone wants to use their children's love to tie Huangshan together. Huangshan is sullen and silent. Huangshan seems to have made a big mistake.

King Xian and Lin Yucheng glanced at each other and felt that these ministers were going too far. Although Huangshan was a young emperor, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were still there, as was Princess Cheng. It seemed that the marriage had to be approved by them.

What's the point of forcing Huang Shan to agree to accept the imperial concubine now, and the two of them stepped forward to plead for orders, hoping that Huang Shan could discuss this situation with Qin Zixuan, and the matter of becoming an empress is not in a hurry.

This can be regarded as giving Huangshan a step, Huangshan knew in his heart that he would naturally go down the steps, the matter of the officials forcing the palace was finally resolved, and the officials also remembered that it seemed that Qin Zixuan really needed to nod.

But can Qin Zixuan nod easily?Some people are already thinking about whether to take their daughter to Cheng Wang's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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