Chapter 1444
The news that Bai Jing was going to be a grandma spread, and everyone's eyes dropped, but it was a good thing, and everyone was really happy for Bai Jing, especially Jiang Yunji, who called her old lady.

It's not about taking advantage of Bai Jing, that person sincerely treats Bai Jing and the others as daughters. The old man has never married a wife in his life, and these are his eyeballs. He is happy to see which one is doing well.

Regardless of being busy in the army every day, the presents were delivered early in the morning. Ever since Qin Zixuan and his group came back from Yujing City, there has been good news.

There is a long queue every day in front of the porridge shed in Cheng Wang's Mansion, Qin Zixuan is rich and not short of money, most people will be poor within a hundred days of giving porridge, and Cheng Wang's giving porridge can see dry goods, it is definitely not a bowl of soup A grain of rice, Cheng Wangfu can't afford to lose that person.

Bai Jing was so happy when she was told that she returned to the mansion and sent someone to set up a pot in front of the porridge shed in Cheng Wang's mansion, and distributed steamed buns for free, not for a hundred days, but for three days, and this also made people who hadn't eaten steamed buns for a long time happy. up.

Qin Zixuan sat in the maple garden, sipping tea in the sun, thinking about when he would set off for the Western Continent, they had never been there, and it was very good after listening to Changjiang, Li Han told him to go there after they got married.

Song asked weakly, "Don't you wait for the Yellow River?"Li Han was right when he thought about it, the Yellow River is still waiting to become new, so we will all go after the Yellow River becomes new. Mrs. Song was very happy to hear that, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

Who will take care of the mother-in-law?This is indeed a big problem, Qin Zixuan stroked his chin and urged Song to persuade his mother to go with him, his mother has never traveled far, so he should go and see more.

Now that Daqin is about to settle down, it is a good opportunity to move around. If you don't move now, do you wait until you are old?Mrs. Song thinks it makes sense, and she probably can be persuaded. After all, the fief of the Yangtze River is there, so it's not too much to go and have a look.

Li Han yelled to bring grandma with her, and Qin Zixuan gave her a haha. The old lady looked in good health, but if she really had to spend a few months at sea, she might lose her old bones.

Gong Liangyan sat next to him and gently sent a sentence to think about the age of the old lady, so Li Han shut up, the old lady is indeed quite old, life is rare in seventies, and the old lady is already in her eighties.

Alas, Li Han sighed, lamented how time flies, and in the blink of an eye, he will be a grandma too. Qin Zixuan's egg hurts, he hasn't reached forty yet, in his previous life, it was the era of the diamond king.

Thinking about those who marry late and have children late, the child probably won't leave. If the child hasn't come out after a while, Qin Zixuan will figure it out with his fingers, forget it, forget it, he's too good at hitting people.

Thinking of my uncle in my previous life, who only had a child at 43. At that time, my father laughed at him and said that when I was a grandpa enjoying the blessings, you were still running around earning money.

Qin Zixuan would feel that what his father said was wrong, that is, when he was a great-grandfather, that uncle was still running around earning money.

A few people sat there chatting and sipping tea, the small life was really nourishing, and on the other side, Changjiang was looking at his new house in the Duke's mansion, and he was very happy to see the big red happy letter.

I haven't seen Jiang Qinglian for two days, and I don't know if the girl is thinking about herself. She walks around with her hands behind her back, and Changjiang decides to go and have a look.

Changjiang thinks that this is a bad habit and should be eradicated. As a pioneer, he will use actions to eradicate the bad habit.

The old lady walked over on crutches, and Changjiang, who was about to run away, had to stop. She had affection for and respected the old lady Changjiang.The old lady was smiling as she walked, not because of anything else but because of Bai Jing.

"Grandma, what are you laughing at? So happy." Changjiang stepped forward to support the old lady, asked aloud, looked up at the magpie that had fallen on the branch, and wondered where the happy event came from.

"I'm happy for your Aunt Bai." The old lady patted Changjiang's hand and told Changjiang the news she just heard. Is the kid too awesome?

Thinking of his father telling them not to lose their virginity too early, he suddenly felt that his father's words may not be correct. Look at how awesome the Wang family brothers are, they are all fathers!
"Yangtze River, tell grandma, have you crossed the line with Lian'er? Will she have one too?" The old lady Pan Zhong and grandson Pan Pan lost their nerves. How dare you think about it.

Changjiang rubbed his nose, forgetting to continue this topic, let's think about what gift to give.

The old lady was in a good mood, and the topic quickly brought up the gift giving, because it is twins, so this gift should be well prepared, even the child's share, this is our intention.

If others heard about it, they would curl their lips in disdain and point behind their backs. At the old lady's age, this is really not the case. I wish that it happened to Changjiang, and I am happy.

The Yangtze River responded with a sip, this generous gift should be, Bai Jing is her mother's personal soldier, although she is now a general, but the relationship with her mother is really nothing to say, she is definitely a right-hand man.

Thinking about his own marriage, Changjiang thinks that he should go see Jiang Qinglian earlier, it is actually good to have a child, especially when he sees the old lady with hair like snow, Changjiang really thinks so.

Wang Xiaoyu's marriage was very rushed. The date was calculated by Gong Liangyan, which was two days earlier than the Yangtze River. The middle process was very rushed, because many things were not prepared, including the woman's family.

Knowing that she is going to be a new woman, Fang's family is really relieved. I am afraid that Bai Jing and the others will dislike their daughter, and their reputation will be bad if they are pregnant before they are married.

Qin Zixuan likes to join in the fun, so running to Wang's mansion is not helpful, Wang Ming is seeing Qin Zixuan's scalp tingling, is this master here to help?How come the more you help, the more busy you are!
In the end, there was no other way, Wang Mingzheng called Wang Rui over to drink with Qin Zixuan, if you are busy, just sit there and enjoy it, Li Han and Bai Jing patrolled together with their hands behind their backs, as if they were patrolling a camp.

Mrs. Wang kept busy, watching the leisurely two find something for them to do, but the result was that Wang's mother regretted it. Hasn't her own daughter-in-law's virtues been clear for half her life?
Fighting a war is a good thing, but dealing with internal affairs is really not good, but pass!Wang's mother followed Wang Mingzheng's trick and confessed the two of them, as long as it didn't cause trouble.

On the day of the wedding, Qin Zixuan brought a whole family to congratulate, which really gave the Wang family enough face. The Wang family, who started from the Jianghu sect, is now one of the most famous families in Yujing. With light, wind and scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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