Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1445 No embarrassment!

Chapter 1445 No embarrassment!
Wang Xiaoyu's partner is the same age as Wang Xiaoyu, because he found out that he was not pregnant at this time, but the wedding process is as simple as possible, mainly because he is worried about tiring the bride.

When Wang Xiaoyu came to toast, Qin Zixuan looked at that immature face, and felt like he had fucked some animal, that was really a child!
Looking at Wang Xiaoyu, Qin Zixuan had an impulse, that is to set a marriage age, don't get married before twenty, it would be too harmful to the children, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

This is not the past life. The average life expectancy of people here is 50 to 70 years old. At [-] years old, [-] years old is rare. To live to [-] years old is really a long life.

People like the old lady who live to eighty are already long-lived generals and treasures of Daqin. They can see the king without kneeling and enjoy many privileges. As for those who reach ninety, Qin Zixuan didn't even think about it.

In the previous life, a 70-year-old old man danced square dance more flexibly than a young man. That is really incomparable. Qin Zixuan deserted while drinking. Fortunately, he had a high status, so no one dared to say anything even if he deserted.

After a lively day, Qin Zixuan and his party went back home and sat in the carriage. Gong Liangyan looked at Qin Zixuan's blushing pretty face, thinking of something bad.

When talking about Chen Xiaoyu's little bride, his eyes are full of envy. Li Han can tell what Gong Liangyan is thinking at a glance. He must want to have a baby. Li Han is really generous about this kind of thing. Look at this matter with the mentality of the more the better.

It's a pity, Qin Zixuan didn't do well in sowing, so Li Han gave birth to three children, and the other women were all one baby, which made Li Han very regretful. This will show Gong Liangyan's careful thinking. Li Han hugged Gong Liangyan and started to teach small lessons .

As someone who has experienced it, Li Han began to impart experience to Gong Liangyan. The first thing is, don't let the prince pull it out and shoot the wall. Once you shoot the wall, you don't want to get pregnant.

Gong Liangyan couldn't figure out why she shot the wall. This Li Han knew one thing, that is, she loved them very much, and felt that a woman had a child to travel to the gate of hell, and it was all right to have one child.

Hearing this explanation, Gong Liangyan was very moved, and felt that she had read the right person. Qin Zixuan was a good man, but women were originally used to have children. Is it really good to do this?
Regarding this suspicion, Li Han couldn't give an answer. She personally thinks it's pretty good. Although pregnancy is a happy thing, it's really hard work. Ten months, it's too tiring.

Gu Yueru saw Li Han whispering to Gong Liangyan, hugging Qin Zixuan to play games, Qin Zixuan is really corrupt, lying in the crowd of women, he can't find north or south, he can play any game.

Qu Chang came to Cheng Wang's mansion as a guest, and it was Huang He who received him. Huang He pointed his fingers to tell Qu Chang a fortune teller. Qu Chang said you should help me figure out the future with Linger.

Before Qu Chang could understand what it meant, Huang He punched Qu Chang in the nose, causing Qu Chang's nose to bleed profusely, and tears from his nose rolled out. Qu Chang looked at Huang He with a grievance.

"Tell you, don't get Linger's idea, or I will beat you!" Huang He clenched his fists and threatened, Qu Chang shrank his neck and didn't make a sound, he was beaten, it was too late to say anything, at worst, he worked hard on cultivation, as long as he was stronger than These brothers are sure to be able to embrace beautiful women.

The genius's petty temper broke out, and Qu Chang still didn't believe that he couldn't beat a few of them. Anyway, he fell in love with Ling'er, and he wanted to embrace the beauty if he wanted to, so just hit him, as long as he beat them, he would be fine.

If Huang He knew that Qu Chang thought so much, he would probably beat Qu Chang into the mud.

Gong Xu walked over with a few pheasants. This kid went to play in the mountains and saw that the pheasants looked good, so he picked a few and decided to give them to Linger. He didn't know what he thought.

He was quite happy to see Qu Chang being beaten, and was about to walk around the two of them, Huang He hooked his fingers and asked Gong Xu what he wanted to do, Gong Xu said that I was here to give Linger a pheasant to play with.

Pooh!Huang He swung his small fists and rushed over, as if he had never seen a pheasant, a few broken pheasants wanted to hook up with Ling'er, and Huang He's anger would not be dispelled unless he was beaten.

Seeing that Qu Chang is balanced here, it turns out that it is not aimed at himself, but that everyone looks like a thief. This is very good, this is very good!
Qin Zixuan took Li Han to go to the Duke's Mansion, but before he reached the gate, he saw Huang He and Gong Xu fighting together, the fight was wonderful.

Qin Zixuan raised his arms, Lin Xi ordered people to move benches and tables, put melons and fruits, and serve fragrant tea, Qin Zixuan and Li Han went to that one and started to watch the play.

Qu Chang looked over here quietly, and was dumbfounded by the series of actions. Did the prince and his wife love watching the theater so much that they actually used the gate as a stage, and wondered if they would give a reward.

Before Qu Chang's thoughts changed, Qin Zixuan had already called out for rewards, Qu Chang's face was black, the prince really couldn't be understood by ordinary people.

Dahai defeated Gong Xu with three moves. The gap between the Yellow River and Dahai was quite large. After seventy or eighty moves, he took down Gong Xu. Gong Xu's face was black. A fuel efficient lamp.

Huashan and Taishan came in together from outside the door, and seeing Gong Xu's loss to Huang He, they shouted shame, it's too embarrassing for a man, how could he lose to Huang He, Huang He is a magic stick, what can he do.

This brother was quite complacent when he was talking, Qin Zixuan wiped his face while listening, how does that old monster Zhoushan usually teach these two children?This is to challenge the Yellow River.

Sure enough, Huang He became angry after hearing this. What does it mean to lose a man's face if you lose to him? Is it a shame to lose to him? That's a very normal thing!
After getting angry, Huang He decided to use these two brothers to practice, but to see what the old monster Zhoushan taught them, so the three brothers fought together, Gong Xu stepped aside to treat his wounds, and looked at Huang He with fear in his eyes. I mean, all of these are perverted.

Huashan and Taishan had never fought against Huang He before, because Huang He was unruly, and when they met, they just pointed their fingers and made a hexagram. After the official fight, the two brothers were dumbfounded. It turned out that having a good master is really different.

I thought that Gong Liangyan only taught him arithmetic, but I didn't expect that his martial arts didn't fall behind. Now it's all right, the reality hits the face, the two brothers have never beaten the Yellow River, and then they were taught by the Yellow River on their necks, so I asked them if they were ashamed !
Huashan tilted his head, rolled his eyes, and said that it was Huangshan who said, why don't you go and beat Huangshan!Qin Zixuan was amused by what he said, that coward was just trying to trick him.

Among the brothers, it is estimated that they will be able to step on Huangshan. Thinking that Huangshan is the emperor, Qin Zixuan thinks it is good that Huangshan is the emperor, otherwise he will be played badly.

(End of this chapter)

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