Chapter 1453
The Great Elder managed to recover from his injuries and came to Daqin, but he came a little slowly. Feng Qingluan was already married to Qin Zixuan, so it might not be easy to snatch Feng Qingluan away.

Today is the day of Huang He's marriage. The Great Elder thought it was an opportunity, so he presented a gift. The Great Elder thought that he could sneak into Cheng Cheng's mansion with the gift, but he thought too much.

His presents were impressive, but no one accepted them. Qin Zixuan had long ordered that people he didn't know would not accept gifts, and ordinary people would not accept gifts. However, ordinary people could go to the running water mat outside the gate of the house to get some joy.

Qin Zixuan is a generous person, the flowing water mat outside the mansion will be set up for three days, if you want to eat, go up there, Qin Zixuan is not worried about being poor, the common people will run to eat the flowing water mat after watching the excitement and congratulating them.

The rest of the elders stared at the gate of Prince Cheng's mansion to think of countermeasures. As for the stupid thing of calling on the door, the elders did not do it, because the elders knew that they were not their opponents.

Chen Yu proposed to follow the brigade to eat the floating table, thinking about recruiting while eating, anyway, they have already arrived in Daqin, so they are not in a hurry to make a move.The Great Elder thought it made sense, and took a few people to sit on the flowing water mat.

It was not the first time for the people of Yujing to eat the flowing water banquet in Cheng Wang's mansion, and they praised it while eating. Some people shouted that they would be full for three days, and they were ridiculed by everyone.

It is impossible to be full for three days, but it is true to think about it for three days, because the taste is so delicious, and I want to eat it after eating it, but this kind of food is not something ordinary people can afford, so I can only think about it.

Seeing the plates of big fish and meat on the table, the person who spoke immediately picked up the chopsticks and started eating. His mouth was not enough for eating at this time, so there was no time to talk.

The Great Elder and the others picked up their chopsticks to eat, and saw that the people on the opposite side were already stuffing vegetables into their mouths. That action was really unmatched by the Great Elder and the others. They never thought that someone was eating so ugly.

The Great Elder put down his chopsticks and didn't want to eat it, but seeing that the people on the opposite side were eating deliciously, he couldn't help but picked up the chopsticks and grabbed a piece of braised pork and threw it into his mouth, um, it was delicious.

Delicious and tender, the Great Elder can bluntly say that this is the first time he has eaten such delicious meat. Looking at the actions of the common people, he doesn't feel that the actions of the other party are vulgar, so he joins the ranks of earning and grabbing.

The same is true of Chen Yu's followers. Only then did they realize that there is a big difference between people. They stayed in the mountains to seek longevity, but they didn't seek longevity, and they didn't eat the delicacies of the world.

After three rounds of cooking, the group of people slowed down, and when they slowed down, their mouths also became idle, and then a string of praise words came out from the mouths of the common people, boasting Cheng Wang's mansion into a flower.

The Great Elder found out that Prince Cheng's place in the hearts of the people is really high, it was a genuine compliment from the heart, and he didn't do this action just to please Prince Cheng's house.

A secular prince, what can he do?The First Elder couldn't figure it out, so the First Elder tried to say something bad about Qin Zixuan, and then he received countless blank stares, and some even called him a black-hearted, heartless bastard.

It is said that eating people has a soft mouth, but taking others' hands is short, why didn't I see the old man's soft mouth, he must be a wolf-hearted guy.

Ordinary people scold people, no matter who you are or how old you are, the cursing words range from elegant to swearing. The elder who scolded directly was dumbfounded. He lived in the mountains for a long time and really didn't know the power of a sharp tongue in the world.

The Great Elder who scolded him couldn't sit any longer, and ran away covering his face without eating enough. It's not that the Great Elder didn't think about revenge, but he really didn't dare to do it. He came here for Feng Qingluan. Once Qin Zixuan was disturbed by his actions, There is really no good fruit for him.

The Sacred Fire Palace and the Suzaku imperial family failed to defeat Qin Zixuan and his group, and now they are the only ones left. They really are not their opponents.

After scolding the Great Elder away, the group of people were overjoyed, and they all toasted to celebrate, this little thing really didn't disturb Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan was so excited to drink, watching people fall in front of him one after another, let alone a sense of accomplishment.

Huang He saw that he didn't have anything to do, ran to the kitchen and carried the food to the in-laws' room, he should get some food for Xiao Qi.

Qin Zixuan drank a piece of people in the front yard, and then went to the yard of the dinosaur with the wine. The dinosaur was too big, and he couldn't move around in many parts of Prince Cheng's mansion, so he could only celebrate alone.

Dinosaur looked at Qin Zixuan who was blushing with envy for a while, and said he would never do animal husbandry in the next life. He has paid off the debts of the previous life in this life, and in the next life he will be a good person and enjoy a happy life.

One person and one beast were having a good time drinking, when there was a slight sound of footsteps, Qin Zixuan looked up to see if he saw anyone, the dinosaur listened with his ears open, and whispered: "Do you have any enemies you haven't settled yet?"

Qin Zixuan looked up at the sky, this question stumped him, and he didn't know if he had any enemies, Qin Zixuan didn't know, all these years he has always followed the principle that if people do not offend me, I will not offend, if they offend me, they will be destroyed if they can, and if they are not worth killing, they will be let go.

There must be a few of these enemies, probably none who dare to show up on such a happy day, after all, there are so many guests and masters today, who would pick such a day to come and provoke them.

"There are five people outside the wall, and two people inside the wall. Their strength is very high, above you." The dinosaur continued to whisper, and Qin Zixuan stared at him. He must be a holy master with strength above him. Could it be the remnants of the Suzaku Empire? The holy master challenged himself?

It shouldn't be, Qin Zixuan didn't think that those people had any reason to trouble him, after all, they were all courageous beings, and they already knew that their strength didn't make sense to come to him today.

Lin Xi sat beside Qin Zixuan and waited on the two of them, listening to Qin Zixuan's conversation with the dinosaur, he quietly got up and called for some more wine, the dinosaur laughed and scolded Lin Xi for being too slippery, and he couldn't refuse such an excuse.

If you want to drink, it must be from Prince Cheng's Mansion. Here are all authentic fine wines, which are prepared for Qin Zixuan to drink. All the wines are brewed from the finest grains after careful selection.

Lin Xi left and soon found Li Han. Over the years, Lin Xi has had a problem, that is, to find Li Han if something goes wrong, which will definitely solve the problem, and this meeting is no exception. Li Han became angry when he heard about it.

Let Wu Ying accompany the guests to talk, and lead a few girls to the courtyard of the dinosaur. Gong Liangyan crooked her fingers while walking, and said halfway, "The person here is the Great Elder of the Holy Fire Palace, he must be rushing to Qingluan." of."

Feng Qingluan's eyes widened after hearing this, and she came running towards her, isn't the Great Elder dead yet?That's right, she didn't die, how could the Great Elder die, that old man is still stronger than her, but why did the Great Elder find her?
It is said that the Holy Fire Palace is over, if the Great Elder didn't find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to practice, why did he come here?
(End of this chapter)

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