Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1454 Interrogation

Chapter 1454 Interrogation
The Great Elder is a cautious master. When he saw Li Han appearing in the courtyard, he ran down from the tree without saying a word. He didn't even care about the two guys in the courtyard.

The two guys also knew they had been spotted, so they turned around and jumped onto the wall to run, but the dinosaur's tail curled and flicked, and the two fell in front of Qin Zixuan. The two guys met Qin Zixuan's eyes and were dumbfounded.

Qin Zixuan recognized at a glance that they were the remnants of the Holy Fire Palace, but he didn't expect them to make trouble on the day of the Yellow River's great joy, so he quit immediately.

"Chen Liang, it's really you!" Feng Qingluan was furious. If she hadn't been soft-hearted at the beginning, these guys would have died in the hands of the enemy. I didn't expect to save the next white-eyed wolf. This is against me.

Feng Qingluan is very satisfied with her current life. Every day, there are endless delicacies from mountains and seas, endless silks and satins to wear, and a group of people who care about themselves. They don't care about themselves because of their own identities, but because they like them.

There is no need to intrigue in this family. She will have what others have. The husband-in-law is handsome, talented and humorous. When he is unhappy, he will make himself happy, care and love himself, and have a husband so contented.

Now Feng Qingluan is really upset to see someone trying to ruin her good life.Chen Liang glanced around, and found that he had zero desire to escape, and he couldn't beat the dinosaur, among other things.

But Chen Liang was not reconciled to dying like this. Watching Feng Qingluan's eyeballs turn wildly for a while, he suddenly burst into tears, and while crying, he blamed Feng Qingluan for forgetting his ancestors, and even lost the inheritance of the Holy Fire Palace.

Feng Qingluan's head was full of black lines, she had never forgotten the inheritance, it was obvious that these guys carried her away, why did it sound like it was her own fault, Feng Qingluan with a simple mind is really not Chen Liang's opponent.

But Qin Zixuan's mind is not simple, it's just that Qin Zixuan was stunned by Chen Liang's actions, a big man, no, an old man with a beard, how could he cry when he said it?
The most important thing is that this old man not only cries loudly, but also expresses his meaning accurately and clearly. This kind of kung fu is really not accomplished in a day. How thick-skinned and fearful of death can he do it!

"Old bastard, you don't need to be here. The surname of the Holy Fire Palace is Feng. As long as Qingluan is not dead, the inheritance of the Holy Fire Palace will not be destroyed. When Qingluan gives birth to a child in the future, I will generously send a child who inherits the Feng family." Incense, dare to ask the old man, where is the inheritance lost?"

Qin Zixuan crossed his hips and looked Chen Liang up and down. He felt that something was wrong. There must be something that he didn't know about. What exactly was it?

Not only Qin Zixuan couldn't figure it out, but Feng Qingluan was also confused. If these people want to inherit the Holy Fire Palace, then they should inherit it. Anyway, the old hall of the Holy Fire Palace is there, so they can just live by guarding it.

It belongs to the Holy Fire Palace, and this rule has never been changed. Feng Qingluan teased Gong Liangyan to express her doubts. Feng Qingluan knew that Gong Liangyan was very smart and could pinch and count.

Gong Liangyan had been observing Chen Liang, and when she heard Feng Qingluan's question, Gong Liangyan had a flash of inspiration, and asked Feng Qingluan what the secret of the Holy Fire Palace was. This Feng Qingluan really stared twice, but she didn't know.

Gong Liangyan looked at the bewildered young palace master and sighed, this one was really well protected, he probably died before the secret of the holy fire palace came and passed down.

After all, the palace lord was killed by a surprise attack at that time, and he didn't even have time to leave a last word. There must be a secret that Feng Qingluan didn't know, but the Great Elder must know, otherwise why would he travel all the way to Daqin to find Feng Qingluan.

After thinking about it, Gong Liangyan began to think about how to win the Great Elder.Qin Zixuan didn't know what Gong Liangyan was thinking, and was arguing with Chen Liang. Chen Liang looked at the second-hand Qin Zixuan, and planned to escape in his heart.

It's just that this plan hasn't been implemented yet, Li Han made a move, dare to speak loudly to the husband, what a guts, this protector doesn't care whether he is right or wrong, he only defends the young husband.

As soon as Li Han made a move, Gu Yueru kept up with the beating without saying a word, Qin Zixuan stared blankly at Chen Liang and Chen Liang being besieged by a group of women with his arms crossed, the dinosaur directly covered his eyes, unable to watch.

"Find a place to interrogate these two guys. I think there are secrets in the Holy Fire Palace that have not been passed on to Qingluan." Gong Liangyan said after tidying up her clothes. Li Han supported this decision and ran to the secret room with the two of them. In-person trial.

Feng Qingluan saw Li Han carrying the person away, and followed. Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur exchanged glances. The dinosaur asked Qin Zixuan to take a look. If it wasn't too big, he would also like to take a look.

So a group of people came and went in a hurry, and quickly squeezed into the secret room of Prince Cheng's mansion. Their fighting ended quickly without disturbing the guests inside.

Li Han crippled the martial arts of the two of them, tied them to the pillar, and looked at Chen Liang and the two with a sinister smile, holding a soft whip in his hand, with a barb on the whip, and a blood mist was brought up when the whip went down, scaring him. Qin Zixuan straightened his neck.

Gu Yueru pushed Qin Zixuan to let him go out, cowards should not appear here, Qin Zixuan angrily stared, saying who is a coward!Li Han ignored the fight between the two and continued the interrogation.

Chen Liang was quite stiff at first, but when the pepper water was poured, Chen Liang cried, as if a fire was burning in his stomach, he had never been tortured like this before, Chen Liang wanted to die.

The person who was arrested with Chen Liang was even more courageous than Chen Liang. Chen Liang didn't say what he wanted to say about surrender, but Liang Qing did it first. Want to make life difficult for yourself?
Even if the Holy Fire Palace really has the secret of longevity, it is not up to him to enjoy the fruit, so why should he be the one who suffers and someone else to enjoy it?Many people have Liang Qing's thought, and once this thought came out, Liang Qing vomited it all out.

Qin Zixuan was dumbfounded when he heard it. He didn't expect that the rumor was true, and that the Holy Fire Palace was really related to the gods?That being the case, why didn't the Feng family become immortals, and why did the Feng family almost go extinct by now?

Liang Qing was also dumbfounded when this question came up. That's right, if the Feng family really kept such a secret, why didn't they become immortals themselves?

If it was a secret like a treasure, Qin Zixuan might go hunting for the treasure excitedly, the attraction of becoming immortal to Qin Zixuan was too weak.

But Gong Liangyan took it seriously. At that time, the old Taoist said that Qin Zixuan's chance was in the Suzaku Mountains, and it was related to his future luck. Now he doesn't see where the connection is. Could it be that they missed something?
Several people looked at Feng Qingluan, Feng Qingluan blinked her confused eyes, she really didn't know about this question, perhaps catching the elder could find the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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