Chapter 1458
Gong Xu jumped onto the boat and scattered the books on the floor, then picked up the books with a smile on his face, but he knew that if he wanted to marry Linger, he had to read books, as a good boy, Gong Xu really worked hard at studying.

Qu Chang greeted Qin Zixuan and the others, and then waited aside. If he was not given a room, he would sit on the deck. Anyway, he didn't intend to give Gong Xu a chance.

Before there was no competitor, Qu Chang could venture into the rivers and lakes with peace of mind. Ever since Gong Xu appeared, Qu Chang didn't dare to leave. He knew Linger's charm, and if someone snatched him away, he would regret it before it was too late.

Qin Zixuan looked at the two of them for a while, Linger was still young, and these bastards fell in love with them. When Linger grew to the age of a flower, wouldn't it be flies and bugs flying all over the sky!

Li Han grabbed Qin Zixuan's shoulders and entered the cabin with a smile. When he left, he took Ling'er away with him. He didn't give these two a chance. His little princess is still young, so he had to choose carefully.

Changjiang arranged a room for the three of them with a dark face, Qu Chang happily thanked him, Gong Xu asked if he could ask the teacher sometime, and Changjiang said directly that there was no time.

If you have that time, you might as well play with your daughter-in-law. The sister-in-law is pregnant, and the Yangtze River can’t be left behind. I originally planned to get Jiang Qinglian pregnant when I went to the Suzaku Empire, but the mother-in-law is so tight.

Now the mother-in-law has no reason to guard Jiang Qinglian anymore. Changjiang decided to return to make his little daughter-in-law pregnant.

The Great Elder watched Qin Zixuan and his party leave, his eyes flickered, and he finally went to the ticket office to buy a ticket, and he followed to the West Continent, not believing that he couldn't find a chance to make a move.

On the sea, the water and the sky are the same color, Qin Zixuan is wearing a worn-out cowboy hat, a black mask over his eyes, a skull is lifted from the big boat, two pistols are pinned to his waist, and he looks like a standard pirate.

Changjiang shook the cup in his hand, looked at Qin Zixuan's appearance and exclaimed that he was bored, anyone who is not a fool would see the three characters of Falcon, if you want to be a robber, can we pretend to look good?

But Qin Zixuan didn't care, standing at the bow of the ship looking for Captain Buick, while Li Han was looking for pirates with a map. After the opening of sea trade routes, pirates have become a big problem for caravans.

It is very easy to make money at sea. Seeing ships robbing him, this business without capital is booming, and the ships passing by have suffered a lot of losses. Qin Zixuan decided to eat black and let the gang of pirates taste what it is like to be robbed.

"Master, there is a pirate [-] nautical miles ahead, who has snatched our merchant ship, do you want to go over and kill them?" Li Han finally found the target and pumped his fist excitedly.

Qin Zixuan took his chin and nodded. Does it need to be said?Definitely destroying the opponent, daring to snatch his fleet, what a coward, Qin Zixuan feels sorry for himself if he can't destroy them.

Changjiang continued to cry about being bored, I really didn't see what fun it was to be a pirate, it's better to play a few rounds of mahjong, this is the generation gap, this is the cultural difference, Qin Zixuan covered his heart and screamed.

Gong Liangyan stood by and watched the weather. The sea was changeable. She had to find out the weather changes first, and then avoid bad weather to reduce losses.

Huayan covered her stomach and opened her mouth for a while, feeling a little seasick, Gong Liangyan was speechless to this very clingy Huayan, she was married as a husband, and instead of clinging to Qin Zixuan, she clinged to herself.

Feng Qingluan set up an incense table on the bow of the boat, and knelt there devoutly to ask the god of the sea to bless her so that she could conceive twins. Feng Qingluan heard that it is risky to give birth to twins at a young age. In order to pass on fragrant flowers to Feng's family, Feng Qingluan hoped that she would conceive on the twins.

Gu Yueru held the sword in the east and stabbed in the west, expressing disdain for Feng Qingluan's actions, this silly woman, if she really wants to have a surname of Feng, it's okay, the kind-hearted Prince Cheng will definitely agree.

As for having a child, Gu Yueru said that death is not life, that thing is too dangerous, even better than Li Han, who almost died, if he hanged himself to have a child, it would not be worth the loss, Gu Yueru said that he is not alive yet Enough, besides, she has a godson, and she is still filial to the old.

Li Han put away the chart, saw Huayan standing there and opened his mouth, thought for a while and shouted as if he had discovered a new continent, and soon the imperial doctor was called to the deck.

Qin Zixuan took off the blindfold, looked at Hua Yan, and then at the stern-faced imperial physician, his face was full of surprise, he couldn't really be pregnant, he was younger than Hai Hai's child, this old face couldn't help but flush.

Changjiang clicked his mouth a few times, thinking whether to ask his father for advice, because Mao Qinglian is not pregnant yet?

The serious expression on the imperial doctor's face quickly disappeared, and he got up to congratulate Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan was very proud with his arms akimbo, and called for a big reward. Li Han called the little maids and asked them to take care of Huayan carefully.

Huayan opened her mouth from time to time and was still a little dazed, while Gong Liangyan looked envious and felt her pulse quietly, disappointment flashed in her eyes, she was still not pregnant.

Feng Qingluan pulled the imperial physician to show her, preferably twins, the imperial physician has a black line on his face, whether twins are twins depends on Prince Cheng's ability, he didn't see it.

The sound of celebration sounded on the boat, and the joy was quickly conveyed to the boat, and people came to congratulate Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan responded with a grin, shouting that there was a big banquet for the guests. This is a good time worth celebrating.

In order to express my joy, this wave of robbers was let go, because they wanted to accumulate virtue for the children, and the reason was that the Yangtze River was also drunk. Killing pirates is a good deed, okay?
But Qin Zixuan said that if he didn't kill him, he wouldn't kill him, and Changjiang didn't insist. Anyway, he would send troops to suppress the bandits when he returned to the Western Continent. No matter what level of pirate he was, he could only tremble under the iron hooves of the army.

That night, Huayan was kicked out from the group of sleeping together, for fear of hurting the fetus, Huayan also knew that pregnancy was a big deal, so she didn't dare to be presumptuous, she lay on the bed carefully to protect her stomach, the brilliance on her face was always Blooming with dazzling light.

Qin Zixuan had a great time that night, because there were two other women who wanted to get pregnant, so Qin Zixuan had to work hard to perform.

The next morning, Feng Qingluan ran to the bow of the boat again to burn incense and worship the sea god. Qin Zixuan saw a black line, shouldn't he be worshiping himself at this time?The only one who can make her have a child is herself.

Li Han didn't care who Feng Qingluan worshiped, and happily sat beside Huayan and instructed Huayan to make small clothes. This action made Bai Jing and others feel embarrassed, and wanted to ask the general if he had made small clothes himself?
The little girl next to her was about to cry. She saw with her own eyes that under the general's guidance, Hua Yan sewed up the small cuffs. Qin Zixuan sat beside her laughing so hard that she couldn't straighten up. The eldest daughter-in-law is so funny.

When the little clothes were finished, the general covered his face and ran wildly, and finally realized how unreliable she was, she still didn't guide Hua Yan as someone who had experienced it, Hua Yan was holding the little clothes in a daze, not knowing what to do, No one taught her.

(End of this chapter)

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