Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1459 Arrival

Chapter 1459 Arrival
Mother Jiang took over Li Han's position with needlework, and began to teach Huayan how to make small clothes. By the way, Jiang Qinglian also learned it. This skill is very important, but I dare not learn it from the general.

Qin Zixuan quacked happily while carrying the small clothes. In fact, Qin Zixuan didn't know how to make small clothes, but he just thought it was fun. Unexpectedly, his son was married and had a baby soon, and the eldest daughter-in-law still couldn't make small clothes.

Instructing the servant girl to make more sets, Qin Zixuan carried the small clothes and ran to continue to laugh at the general. On the sea behind them, there was another cargo ship sailing forward. There were thirty or so guests on board, all of whom were going to the Western Continent. Gold digger.

The Great Elder was among them, and stayed in the room every day except for meals. Sometimes Chen Yu would go in to communicate with the Great Elder, and then leave, so quiet that it was ridiculous.

In front of the Great Elder was a piece of paper with pictures drawn on it. The Great Elder had looked at this piece of paper countless times, but he still couldn't see through the truth.

"This should be the key, but the key is too weird." The elder muttered to himself, wondering what it was, and said it was a door. Unlikely, I have never seen this kind of door before. .

Let’s say it’s not a door. That thing is facing the underground entrance of the old hall. If you want to enter the underground secret room, the first pass is this thing. The Great Elder has tried many methods but can’t open it.

Alas, the Great Elder sighed, looked up and looked ahead, he knew that there was Qin Zixuan's Falcon in front, and Feng Qingluan was on the Falcon, as long as he caught Feng Qingluan, everything would come naturally.

How to catch her?A lot of small calculations flashed through the head of the Great Elder, but he rejected them all in the end. The Great Elder regretted his rash actions before, and he should think of a way to defeat the enemy with one blow.

Now that Qin Zixuan had taken precautions, he would definitely have to pay a price if he wanted to succeed again. This price was something the Great Elder didn't really want to pay. He was worried that the price would be his own life.

"There are pirates! Come on, the pirates are attacking the ship."

The sailors shouted from the deck, and the Great Elder showed displeasure when he heard the shouts. He folded the paper in front of him, wrapped it in an oilcloth, stuffed it in his arms, and then opened the door and walked out.
There were shouts everywhere on the deck. Several pirate ships were besieging the merchant ship. They were all naked, shouting and shooting sharp arrows.

The convoy prepared by the businessman is fighting back fiercely to prevent the pirates from boarding the ship. The battle between the two sides is fierce. The elder looked around and found that the pirate ship was not ordinary. It was really incomparable with the big ship. No wonder others It's a merchant ship, but they can only be pirates, not at the same level.

The guards started to get injured, the pirates were attacking too hard, the captain had already sent out a distress signal, and summoned the warriors on board, as long as anyone could help him deal with the pirates, the trip would be free, and a large sum of property would be given to him.

This proposal is good. The Great Elder has been living too poorly for a while, and he finally knows the benefits of gold and silver. It is not something that is spread on the ground or wiped on the wall. This thing can buy many good things.

The great elder made a look, and Chen Yu brought two masters to the stage. In Chen Yuyun's bland performance, the pirates were completely wiped out. After returning, Chen Yu looked terrified.

The captain hurried forward to congratulate him, and at the same time secretly cursed him for being heartless, acting like a fool here, shouldn't he go to the pirate's lair after killing the pirates?

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't have such intentions, the captain would not kindly remind them, and it would be nice to let them have their way, and take someone to raid the pirate's lair when they return.

I have to say that these pirates who survived the catastrophe were really unlucky. Qin Zixuan wanted to destroy them, but in the end he pretended to be pregnant. Qin Zixuan yelled not to kill, and then let them go, but he found himself in the business of the Great Elder hands.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what happened on the ship behind, the sea was vast, and he had to find something to pass the time, the best thing was mahjong, and the sound of eating and touching could be heard from time to time on the deck.

Jiang's mother was teaching Huayan to make small clothes, while looking at Qin Zixuan and his group, she really couldn't figure out how this group of people cultivated to be a holy master, each of them was very good at playing, and I didn't see them retreating to death every day.

Li Han had already come out of the attack, sitting opposite Qin Zixuan to draw cards, Gu Yueru was holding a card to look around, hesitating whether to play it, she felt that this card was not easy to play, she might shoot.

Time passed by at the fingertips, and three months passed in the blink of an eye. Changjiang sat beside Qin Zixuan with a happy face and reported the good news to Qin Zixuan. Through hard work, Jiang Qinglian finally became pregnant.

When Qin Zixuan heard the good news, he called for a reward, a big reward, Yaya's own son was about the same age as her grandson, fortunately there was no baby boy, otherwise he would be ridiculed by a bunch of old men and women.

Jiang Qinglian felt as if she had eaten honey in her heart, her smile radiated from the inside out, her glory bloomed, her good mood spread to everyone, and the long distance gradually became meaningful.

Mother Jiang will stop teaching her daughter how to make small clothes, and instead make small clothes by herself. Boys and girls make one suit after another, fearing that it will not be enough for the baby to wear. development to a higher level.

Jiang Qinglian's pregnancy also means that Jiang Qinglian's identity is confirmed, and there is no need to worry about the vixen stealing her daughter's throne. It was discovered that the identity of the Yangtze River was so high that they jumped up and down.

Feng Qingluan looked at Jiang Qinglian's belly with envy, why isn't she pregnant yet?Feng Qingluan sighed again, and then moved to the incense burner to burn incense and pray, begging all kinds of gods to bless her with an early pregnancy.

Gong Liangyan was sitting next to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan felt a knife appearing in his waist, no, it was five fingertips like a knife, cutting his soft flesh, this guy grinned from the pain.

Qin Zixuan felt wronged, he pinched himself because Mao was not pregnant, did he prevent them from getting pregnant?It's obvious that they are not up to date, alas, you can't say that, why are they not pregnant?

Li Han came over with a bowl of soup in his hand, and asked to make up for the young man. He has worked so hard during this time, Qin Zixuan praised him repeatedly, and it was still his eldest daughter-in-law who loved him.

This trip was lively and full of joy. In order to spread the joy, Qin Zixuan calmed down all the way, did not mention the matter of fighting pirates, and proceeded honestly to the Western Continent.

After four months of long-distance traveling, I finally arrived at the Western Continent. The garrison at the seaside immediately greeted the Falcon as it approached the shore. Changjiang stood on the bow of the ship and watched the soldiers rushing ashore with a smile on his face.

It's been almost two years since I left, and I don't know how the Western Continent is developing, and whether there is any turmoil.
(End of this chapter)

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