Chapter 1460
The people on the shore saw that the Yangtze River was returning, and knelt down. Qin Zixuan saw that the knees of these people were hurting for them, and the face of the Yangtze River glowed with pride. This is prestige.

Everyone got on the shore and stood there to get used to it for a while before driving away, Huayan was protected by Gong Liangyan and Feng Qingluan, Qin Zixuan was held by Li Han and Gu Yueru, followed by Bai Jing and others.

When they walked out of the pier, they saw a row of shining cars parked there, Qin Zixuan raised his brows happily, good guy, this surprise came too suddenly.

Dahai Nawa kept saying that the car was researched, but Qin Zixuan didn't touch it. He didn't expect it to be sent to the West Continent.

"Father, this is a car." Changjiang saw it for the first time, also grinning happily, Qin Zixuan nodded with a smile, howled and rushed to the car, a beautiful girl with big eyes stood beside the car, and when she saw Qin Zixuan coming, she hurried to see him off. on the key.

Qin Zixuan was also polite, opened the car door, got into the car and started the car to start off. He sat down. Li Han had already got into the passenger seat, and the three seats behind were also taken by Gu Yueru and others.

Then I saw that the roof of the car was also seized, Hua Yan and Jiang Qinglian stood side by side watching, the two were honest and did not rush up.

Qin Zixuan lit the fire, looked up, down, left, and right, smiled strangely, and shouted to let you see the high technology, a car roared under his feet, and ran forward with a long smoke.

The Yangtze River hung on the door of the car, watching Qin Zixuan's movements one by one, Qin Zixuan turned around, and then began to explain how to drive. No one in this group can drive except Qin Zixuan.

Everyone listened carefully, this thing was too expensive, they didn't dare to do it carelessly, they all studied with their eyes wide open, Qin Zixuan told them to live in the pier today, since the land here is big anyway, he wants to teach everyone how to drive.

This remark received a burst of applause, the Kaixuan car drove around several times, and Li Han was salivating, Qin Zixuan switched places with Li Han and began to teach Li Han to drive.

Several people hanging on the car disappeared, and then another group changed. Under Qin Zixuan's hand, Li Han started the engine, refueled, put into gear, and the car rushed away with a bang, Qin Zixuan's face turned pale from fright.

The eldest daughter-in-law is too tiger!This was Qin Zixuan's conclusion. When Li Han stopped the car, he got into the car and rushed towards the remaining cars one by one. Qin Zixuan looked back and took a deep breath.

Damn, these daring masters actually got into the car and started driving. Fortunately, the place is big, and they all drove like drunk. Qin Zixuan watched the two cars collide, and then the driver began to despise each other. They all blame the other party for not being able to drive, and never find reasons on themselves.

Just watching, Li Han has already started the car to go on the road again, this time be more steady, but the steering wheel is not too much, Qin Zixuan quickly started to teach this guy, Li Han cheerfully responded I got it, I got it.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was sitting next to him, otherwise he would have thought it was the arrival of summer, knowing that he had got out of the mud and sang, Qin Zixuan slandered and wondered if the car was produced with energy, otherwise why did Dahai Nawa send so many.

Li Han glanced back, pouted and said, "There are too many, there are only a dozen or so, and our guards have nowhere to sit."

Qin Zixuan pointed in the direction of the big truck and said, "The guards take the truck. If all the cars are arranged, how long do you think the line will be?"

This is a problem, Li Han looked in the direction of the truck, and then he didn't continue to think too little, but he stepped hard, and the car rushed out like an arrow off the string, Qin Zixuan sat beside him and rolled his eyes.

However, Qin Zixuan found a problem, that is, did these people learn to drive too fast?Of course, except for the ones that crashed, Qin Zixuan looked around and found that there were no traffic lights, and there was no change of direction, so they drove as soon as they got on the seat. This may be the reason why they learned quickly.

Thinking of the second and third subjects in the previous life, the old driver couldn't help vomiting blood. If these people were asked to follow the level requirements, it is estimated that none of them would have learned to drive.

Changjiang touched the steering wheel and couldn't drive north and south happily. The eldest brother told him that this thing was sent to the Western Continent. He didn't expect it to be so enjoyable to drive. No matter what he said, he would ask the eldest brother to send more cars.

Look at Qin Zixuan's direction, his father will definitely not take the car away, these things will be cheaper for him in the end, Changjiang thinks beautifully, in the Yangtze River, if he wants to come, he will have a share of his father's things, no matter who gives it to him, it will be the same, Anyway, if I open my mouth, my father will definitely give it.

Qin Zixuan is a guy who doesn't like other people's kindness. After Li Han learned to drive, this guy started to think about how to draw lines and how to drift. If he doesn't stump these guys, Qin Zixuan has no sense of accomplishment.

When it was lunch time, everyone reluctantly got out of the car and rushed to the dining table in a frenzy, holding the keys tightly in their hands for fear of being snatched away.

Today, Qin Zixuan’s eating speed can be described as insane. After eating half full, he rushed to the pier, and then took Lin Xuan to draw lines and set up obstacles. He said that there will be a car skills competition. car.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was excited. Bai Jing grabbed Wang Rui's ear and warned him that he had to pass the customs. Wang Rui nodded repeatedly. Don't take advantage of the bastard.

It's just that when Qin Zixuan puts the obstacles in place and draws the lines, everyone stands there dumbfounded. Isn't this too harsh?Qin Zixuan took the lead in responding to the doubts, clamoring to show them what it means to drive.

Everyone watched Qin Zixuan's movements closely. They watched Qin Zixuan start the car, pass through the obstacles, and park the car in the garage along the line. The whole process went smoothly.

Li Han was the second to rush into the car, and then saw the obstacle fell to the ground, the car was parked crookedly, and Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes angrily because he still had a bright smile on his face begging for praise.

The Yangtze River is the second one to start. This guy has a good talent, but most of the obstacles are still down. As for the second class, don't mention it.

Changjiang got out of the car to observe and sighed and shook his head. This thing can’t pass now. If you want to pass the test, you have to practice the car carefully. There are so many trails.

Of the fifteen cars, only Qin Zixuan managed to drive one away, and the others were still firmly fixed there. It was too difficult to pass the customs. Changjiang drove the car to practice, and Qin Zixuan called Huayan to take her for a ride.

As for the others, I'm sorry, they have to learn how to drive, no one will play with Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan wants to play by himself, who made his driving skills so good that it provoked public outrage.

This group of people practiced driving at the dock for three days, and the soldiers came to report that the merchant ship could already see the mast. Qin Zixuan thought about it, let the elder walk around first, and let the old man run around.

(End of this chapter)

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