Chapter 1461
Qin Zixuan's motorcade set off. The first stop was Fengtian City, the capital of the Yangtze River. It was the political center of the Western Continent. It was not far from the sea. It only took two days to ride a horse, and even faster to drive.

There were three trucks clearing the way in front, and the guards were sitting on the trucks. These guys were standing like javelins with long guns on their backs, with excited smiles on their faces. It seemed that not only Qin Zixuan was excited when he touched the car, but these guys also like.

The roads are all five-lane. Back then, Dahai sent a letter asking Changjiang to build the road. Changjiang didn’t understand why. Now seeing cars passing by on the main road, Changjiang knew that his elder brother was too wise.

If I hadn't listened to my elder brother at that time, it is estimated that the road will have to be rebuilt, or else a broken road will drive a car on it and kill a person.

Qin Zixuan touched the steering wheel and saw that there were people under construction in the distance. Li Han held up his binoculars and looked at it for a while, asking if it was the legendary railway. Qin Zixuan was shocked. Reliable news, people have already started to repair the railway.

The scientific research institute on the East Continent is currently in a blowout period. After the car was developed, the train proposed by Qin Zixuan was also developed, but it was the East Continent that was used first.

This can be regarded as being close to the water. The reputation of the sea is extremely famous in the Eastern Continent. Every fanatic wants to sacrifice their lives to Islam. It is really their leader who is too wise and powerful.

Regardless of the fact that Dahai has not appeared in the Eastern Continent all year round, no one can take away his limelight. The second recipient of the results is the Western Continent. The reason is very simple, because it is in the hands of the Yangtze River.

The Southern Continent has also started construction, and now it is the responsibility of the Great Qin gang, because the rebellion needs to be quelled and reforms must be carried out. These are factors that restrict development. Dahai is also in Yujing to promote reforms, and he is worried that Huangshan will not be able to handle it alone.

Qin Zixuan drove the car and sang at the top of his voice, Huayan was protected in the middle, touching his belly, causing envy from both sides, Gu Yueru poked his head from the roof of the car, and told her to drive for a while, Qin Zixuan had no objection, and decided to sit in the car top go.

Fengtian City, as the political center, was functioning well, and the welcoming team lined up far away. They respected their lord from the bottom of their hearts, and some were afraid of being beaten. They were worried that their narrow-minded king would retaliate, and they tried to curry favor everywhere.

Changjiang popped his head out from the roof of the car, waving his hands in all directions, the people who saw the car for the first time let out a loud cry, Qin Zixuan looked at his coquettish son full of pride, his breed is a cow.

Hearing Qin Zixuan's narcissism, Gong Liangyan couldn't help pinching her, so why didn't the cows plant seeds for her? Qin Zixuan sucked in the cold and grinned, not daring to meet Gong Liangyan's resentful eyes.

Can you say it's not your fault?Qin Zixuan thought silently, saying that being pregnant proves that his ability to sow seeds is fine, and the problem is with the recipient. Of course, he would not say such things. Qin Zixuan is worried about being beaten to death. Let the imperial physician handle such matters .

Fengtian City was extremely lively, and there were also people cheering at the seaside. The Great Elder touched the bank notes in his arms, with a smile on his face, feeling that he was also a rich man, a local tyrant.

After getting out of the pier and buying a big horse, he decided to chase Qin Zixuan in the direction he left, but he didn't know that he had been under surveillance from the moment he set foot on the shore.

Outside the city of Fenghua, the formation has been set up, and they decided to clean up the elder and his party there, while inside the city, Qin Ziming followed Qin Zixuan and was wandering around. Qin Ziming saw that everything was ingots, and he had already thought about what kind of shop he would open.

Qin Zixuan took his own woman to buy and buy, Qin Zixuan didn't care about the business, he had better leave it to others, he just had to have fun, otherwise he just opened his mouth and let others run away.

Changjiang sat in his office, looked at the piles of documents on the table, and then opened them one by one to read. These were some more important documents that the guys outside couldn't make up their minds about.

Ever since Changjiang sat in the office, several old guys who worked outside looked up at Changjiang's office from time to time, worried that their boss would lose his temper. Although we hadn't seen each other for two years, Changjiang's prestige still persisted, and even became stronger.

Under the encouraging eyes of everyone, Deputy Liang finally opened the door of Changjiang's room high, and when he came near, he gave a silly smile without saying a word. Who would have thought that this was Yan Luo with a cold face who stood alone.

"What's the matter?" Changjiang asked casually while writing on the document with a pen.

"That, hehe, that, the one parked outside is called a car?" Deputy Liang bowed his head and looked servile, almost drooling.

Changjiang looked up at his right-hand assistant from the document, and couldn't help laughing: "I know what you want to say, it is indeed called a car, but it hasn't been sold to the public yet, if you want to buy it, sign up first, and then follow the order of registration Ship."

"What about the price?" Deputy Liang's smile grew wider, and he decided to be the first to sign up. He saw that Duo Lafeng, which can run faster than a horse, and doesn't need to eat grass.

"The price hasn't been set yet, let's pay a deposit of [-] yuan first." Changjiang rubbed his head, this thing was given to him by Dahai, and it doesn't cost money, but what price others want to sell needs to be evaluated and priced. This work has not yet started Woolen cloth.

"Okay." Deputy Liang agreed, and happily retreated to the door, and asked where to sign up. Changjiang pointed to Deputy Liang. If you don't want to bother the two masters, you can sign up with Deputy Liang. Deputy Liang is even more happy to hear the news. .

Sending off Deputy Liang, Changjiang squinted his eyes and turned the pen in his hand, not knowing what bad idea he was planning.

After a day of shopping, Qin Zixuan returned to the other courtyard and lay still on the bed. He was exhausted, more tired than a fight.Li Han didn't feel tired, so he turned Qin Zixuan over to massage him, while Hua Yan was thinking about making clothes with the fabric he bought.

Gu Yueru hugged the sword and sat next to him, Feng Qingluan shouted that he forgot to burn high incense today, Qin Zixuan heard a black thread, who should burn this high incense for, or give himself a stick.

Gong Liangyan sat there and counted, and said that the enemy was coming soon. Qin Zixuan looked up at this magic stick, and expressed his admiration for the strength of the magic operator. This group of people is not at the same level as the magic stick in the previous life.

Gong Liangyan looked at Feng Qingluan who was burning high incense, these two idiots asked three questions, if these two idiots knew what they were guarding, they wouldn't have to go to such trouble to find a way to capture the Great Elder alive.

Bai Jing walked in from the outside, shouting for a drive, asking who would go with her, Gu Yueru was the first to sign up, how could the drive be without her, Qin Zixuan lay on the bed and didn't want to move, whoever wanted to go, anyway he don't go.

Gong Liangyan put away her fingers and called to go together, she also likes cars, especially when the roof is removed for a ride, it feels very cool.

Li Han also wanted to go, but when he saw Qin Zixuan not going, he got down on the knees and continued to massage.

(End of this chapter)

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