Chapter 1462

The Great Elder led his subordinates and rode tall horses all the way to the goal of Fengtian City. This day, they came to the foot of Rabbit Mountain. There was a restaurant here, and the business was good. There were cars and horses parked in front of the shop, and many people were eating inside. .

The Great Elder looked up at the sky, it was almost noon, and it was time for dinner, if they missed this meal, they could only eat wild fruits, the rich First Elder would never wrong his stomach.

Dismounting from the horse and entering the shop, a strong smell of meat could be smelled in his nose, looking at the steaming ribs in the pot, and looking at the diners gnawing on their mouths full of oil, the great elder's stomach let out a growl.

A group of more than a dozen people sat down at two tables, patted the table and yelled to serve wine and meat, the Lord is not short of money, and all the delicious food and drinks are served!The diners next to them watched this group of people perform, and said something like a country bumpkin in their hearts, as if someone was short of money.

The waiter was very clever, and came over with a teapot, saluted cheerfully and took away the bank notes on the table, and asked the master to wait a moment, and soon several waiters lined up to deliver meat dishes.

A few more people came in, looked left and right to find an empty table and sat down, they also patted the table and called for wine and meat, the Great Elder was not annoyed when he saw someone imitating him, he felt that this was a Jianghu person, refreshing!

Xiao Er's movements are quite fast, and it is unlikely that the table will be full of food. It is definitely a matter of collecting money. How much food and drink you pay, the speed of food delivery is also amazing.

It wasn't until the cook came out with a big pot to add vegetables that the great elder realized that it was difficult for the elder to understand that when the guests came, they would put a pot over there, and it would be hard not to think about it quickly.

Hearing the sound of ba chi, the great elder's doubts gradually disappeared, and he also joined the team of ba ha, with a meaty bone in each hand, his face was covered with oil, it was really delicious.

After adding the dishes, the cook returned to the back kitchen with a basin in his hand, with a strange smile on his face. He was not very good at it, but the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from outside. The Great Elder watched Chen Yu fall from in front of him, unconsciously.

Looking at the diners around, these people seem to have not noticed, they are still gnawing on the bones in their hands, drinking the wine in the glass, why do they feel weak and drooping eyelids?The Great Elder can't figure it out.

As the Great Elder fell down, there were cheers in the store. The diners stopped eating, threw away the bones and cups in their hands, took out the rope and started to tie people up. If the Great Elder woke up, he would find that these people were a fucking bunch man!

Even the abolishment of martial arts failed to wake up the elder, but the old face was distorted for a while. The medicine is not so powerful. Bai Jing patted the elder's face and sighed.

Wang Rui tore off the beard on his face, and took out a towel to help Bai Jing wipe her hands. Liu Yi's teeth were sour, and she called to leave.

Soon there was the sound of a flute in the distance, a truck and several cars stopped, and these people didn't want any goods, they got on the trucks and left one after another, and gave all the goods to the real shop owner, the happy shop owner persisted It's called good man.

After Qin Zixuan took his afternoon nap, the Great Elder was also sent to him. Gong Liangyan was eager to try and interrogate people himself. Qin Zixuan was not interested in those matters of longevity, but this was Feng Qingluan's major matter, so Qin Zixuan decided to interrogate himself.

Changjiang also rolled over from the office, very satisfied with this operation, and strangled the greatest danger in the cradle without hurting his muscles or bones.

The Great Elder was given the antidote, and soon the Great Elder woke up from the coma, struggling to sit up straight, the Great Elder was surprised to find that he was surrounded by people, and wanted to jump up to hurt others, only to realize that he had lost all his cultivation.

How is this going?Didn't I just eat a meal?I remember that Chen Yu passed out, and then, and myself, oh my god, a black shop!
"Great Elder, I have admired you for a long time, can your performance be more colorful?" Qin Zixuan sat on the top and shouted strangely, with a smirk on his face, the old man's expression on waking up was so amusing.

"Qin Zixuan!" The Great Elder followed the prestige, and recognized the person sitting at the top, and then swept his eyes away. Oh my God, the Great Elder felt like he was thrown into an ice cave in the coldest sky. to the feet.

Feng Qingluan stared at the elder with hatred, it was this old thing that forced her to jump off the cliff, and now this old thing is not going to let her go, how could Feng Qingluan not hate it.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be caught by geese all day long!" The great elder looked sad, he really didn't expect to end up like this in the end, he wanted to live forever, he wanted to become a god immediately, he really didn't want to die.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want after all this pursuit?" Qin Zixuan asked, casually picked up the paper he found from the First Elder's arms, looked at the strange shape on it, and didn't quite understand it.

The sadness on the elder's face has not dissipated, he turned a deaf ear to Qin Zixuan's question, and was still immersed in self-sorrow, Li Han saw that he was unhappy, and before she did anything, Bai Jing came on stage with a whip, interrogating such things does not require generals Do it yourself.

After a few whips, the Great Elder came out of his sad mood. He was facing an important problem, that is how to survive, he really didn't want to die.

The older you are, the more you are afraid of death. This is not a bad thing to apply to the Great Elder. The white-haired Great Elder suddenly collapsed and surrendered, kneeling there and begging to be let go.

He answered Qin Zixuan's questions honestly, and explained the blueprints to Qin Zixuan one by one, that is, this thing is the door to enter the secret place of the Holy Fire Palace, as long as you enter, you will have the secret of longevity and the secret of becoming a god.

Qin Zixuan didn't believe it at all. Is it so easy to become a god?If this is the case, will the people of the Feng family end up like today?They have already rushed in to become gods and live forever, how could it be their turn now.

Qin Zixuan didn't believe that some people believed it, but Gong Liangyan believed it. When he interrogated the First Elder how to get in, the First Elder said that he didn't know, but the palace masters from generation to generation had inheritance tokens, and I heard that it was the key to open the door.

Speaking of tokens, Feng Qingluan remembered that she did have a token from her father, but it was given to Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan blinked, as if it was true.

Qin Zixuan took out the token Feng Qingluan gave him from his neck. Is this the key to unlock it?Seeing that he didn't believe it, Qin Zixuan gestured with the token on the blueprint, curled his mouth and scolded the elder for lying.

Gong Liangyan took the token and gesticulated on the blueprint for a while, then came to the conclusion that there was only half of the token, and the other half had to be found. The question was, where is the other half?Seeing that the appearance on the picture is a little different from the keepsake in the hand, it is difficult to find it.

The Great Elder knelt there in a daze, listening to everyone's gossip, he didn't feel sadness coming from it, he didn't expect that they couldn't open the things guarded by Feng's family, they couldn't help being so angry that they spurted out a mouthful of old blood , and fell straight to the ground, this great elder who pursued his life pissed himself to death.

Qin Zixuan stared at the pissed elder in surprise, wondering why this person is so popular, if he can't open it, he can't open it.

(End of this chapter)

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