Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1463 What a Big Caterpillar

Chapter 1463 What a Big Caterpillar
Someone caught him, but the secret has not been solved, this group of people belongs to Qin Zixuan who is the calmest, and will be pulled down if he can't solve it!Gong Liangyan interrogated the others, and found that this group of people didn't know as much as the elder.

In order to cut grass and roots, Gong Liangyan ordered all these guys to be beheaded, and they could not be left to recruit enemies. No one objected to this matter, and Feng Qingluan didn't care, anyway, these people were not her subordinates.

During this time, Feng Qingluan clearly distinguishes outsiders. The family members of Xianggong's family are all insiders, and the rest are outsiders. Good things should be picked up at home, and outsiders can't be cheap. I don't know who lost this concept to her. Execution is in place.

Changjiang saw that he had nothing to do, so he went back to work. After two years of laziness, the machine was still running, but the speed was a little slow. Changjiang needed to add some oil to the machine.

Ending the war is a period of rapid development, and if you fall behind, you will be one step behind. Changjiang knows this very well. The current situation of Daqin is in front of Changjiang. However, Changjiang feels that Daqin will catch up head-on because it is his hometown.

Regardless of whether it is the Yangtze River or the sea, they will pour resources into Daqin, but the development of the Southern Continent will definitely be much slower. The Yangtze River must strive to develop faster than the Southern Continent and match the Eastern Continent.

Deputy Liang came in to report on the situation of the Reincarnation Sect. That guy is strictly the number one sect in the Western Continent. It is not a good thing to continue to develop like this. After hearing this question, Changjiang was noncommittal.

He had already discussed the issue of reincarnation religion with Dahai in Daqin. In fact, since the founding of reincarnation religion, Dahai had been thinking that reincarnation religion should not become an obstacle to social development.

In the old man's words, society is progressing, and anything that hinders social development will be ruthlessly destroyed. If you want reincarnation to avoid this big pit, you must avoid it in advance in terms of canon. This is what reincarnation does very well.

For example, paying taxes, the Reincarnation Church is a serious taxpayer organization. Compared with those forces that refuse to pay taxes, the Reincarnation Church is like an angel.

Deputy Liang didn't know that this strange religion of reincarnation belonged to Da Hai, and it was even the property of Changjiang's own brother. He raised this question not entirely out of public interest, but because the rapid development of reincarnation religion has harmed the interests of some people.

As a representative of an interest group, it is not impossible for Deputy Liang to attack the Reincarnation Sect, but he knows that the Reincarnation Sect has made a lot of efforts on the battlefield and has a good relationship with Changjiang. Alice.

If he could persuade the Yangtze River to do something, the conclusion would definitely be different. Deputy Liang also knew that no big boss could tolerate the existence of things that threatened his status, such as the religion of reincarnation.

It's just that Deputy Liang was wrong this time, because Changjiang was really tolerant. His success today was related to the support of the Donghuang family, and it was also inseparable from Dahai's support. All the money for Guichu's business came from Dahai.

Changjiang still can’t figure out how much money the sea has, as if it’s not enough to spend. Of course, Changjiang has never doubted the ability to make money from the sea. into the hands of the sea.

Unknowingly, his thoughts ran a long way. Seeing that Deputy Liang was still waiting for his reply, Changjiang smiled and said: "It's okay, the development of reincarnation religion will not become an obstacle to the development of the empire, but will become a driving force for the development of the empire. Don't mention this matter again. gone."

"Yes." Deputy Liang responded mechanically, saluted and returned to his office, staring at the delicate and beautiful flowers in front of the window in a daze. Just now, the Lord was very sure of what he said. Could it be that the Reincarnation Sect is related to the Lord?
No, Deputy Liang thought of his own investigation data, no matter how you look at it, the Lord has no intention of believing in religion, so why is he so sure?Deputy Liang's gaze moved away from Changjiang, and landed on Qin Zixuan and his party. Could it be that they are believers in the religion of reincarnation?

If they are, then their relationship with the lord is too close. I heard that among the group of people are the lord's old lady and many aunts. Their influence on the lord is not ordinary. How can this be fixed? Woolen cloth?

When Deputy Liang was in trouble, Qin Zixuan was taking Qin Ziming to investigate the market. Qin Ziming wanted to start the rice noodle shop business. Qin Zixuan supported this, but he had to look at the tastes of the people in the Western Continent and their favorite food. Branches cannot be opened blindly.

And Qin Ziming just planned to open branches in various places at the same time. This behavior was impulsive, and Qin Zixuan didn't like it. That's why today's trip happened. Qin Ziming believed in Qin Zixuan's vision, but he was very obedient.

Along with them was Tang Shijie. Tang Shiqiang came to the Western Continent to play with Qin Zixuan for two days before going to work. He held an official position in the Western Continent, and Tang Shijie was an old businessman.

When Qin Zixuan started the book factory, this kid was the spokesperson of the Tang family. Now that he came to the Western Continent to open up the market, Tang Shijie is one of the main personnel.

As the group walked and discussed, Qin Zixuan's point of view caught the eyes of many modern people, which benefited the two of them a lot.

At noon, the group came to a rather large restaurant for dinner, but when they sat down, Qin Zixuan's face became ugly, and the waiter wiped the table with a black smoldering rag.

Then the teapot that was delivered was covered with a layer of dust, which was absolutely unacceptable in Qin Zixuan's Weijixuan, and even Qin Ziming's rice noodle shop was determined not to allow this to happen.

Qin Ziming squinted his eyes to look around, and said with a smile: "Brother, now I am full of confidence in my restaurant, not to mention just the sanitation, which they can't catch up with."

Tang Shijie nodded accordingly. This is not bad at all. The sanitary conditions here are not generally poor, but so poor that they cannot be noticed.

Qin Zixuan resisted the idea of ​​getting up and leaving, and waited quietly for Xiao Er to serve the dishes. He wanted to see how the dishes were here. He heard from Changjiang that this place was still half a bottle of water, which was incomparable to the development of Daqin.

I remember that most of Daqin’s dishes were boiled in water, and the stir-fry was driven by himself. I don’t know if there are wonderful dishes in the Western Continent. If there is, it is probably driven by the Yangtze River.

Soon the dish they ordered came up, it was named well, it was called Sanxian Huihui, and it turned out to be one fish, two prawns and a few green leaves, it was green vegetables, Qin Zixuan didn't know what kind of dish, it was boiled and turned yellow.

Looking at the food, Qin Zixuan lost his appetite, it was because he was determined not to taste it, Qin Ziming looked around, and he was looking at Qin Ziming all the time, it was Qin Ziming who was going to open a restaurant, even if it was for tasting, Qin Ziming would eat it, poison him first if it was poisonous.

Alas, Qin Ziming sighed, and put on an expression of going to the guillotine, let him try this, it is probably not poisonous, Qin Ziming picked up a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, Qin Zixuan stared at the plate with wide eyes.

Seeing Qin Ziming stretching his stomach to swallow, Qin Zixuan pointed to the plate and said, "Wow, what a big caterpillar!"

(End of this chapter)

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