Chapter 1472
Some people are happy and others are naturally unhappy. Gong Xu and Qu Chang stopped fighting, Qin Zixuan started to be unhappy, and guarded Linger more closely, but Linger is a human being, and Quchang is still a good friend. It's not like you can just watch if you want to. live.

Fortunately, there were other things to distract him, otherwise Qin Zixuan would really become a tail and follow Ling'er, and in the Guizong, the old ghost of Huangquan had already received the news that someone was pretending to be a dead soldier of the Guizong to assassinate Qin Zixuan.

The angry Huangquan old ghost jumped to his feet and cursed. He wanted to destroy the Yangtze River and replace it. For this reason, he even paid a high price to impress Liang Fu, but he really didn't want to do it hastily.

This kind of thing has to be planned slowly. There is no hope of winning the old ghost of Huangquan in a frontal battle. The old ghost of Huangquan knows this well, so he will hide in the dark and take action, or else he will bribe Changjiang's subordinates, and he will always find someone who is not determined. Firm, and then slowly corrupt the power of the Yangtze River.

After scolding for a while, Huang Quan old ghost immediately made a remedy. The pawns he spent so much money to buy can move one or two pieces, let these people help him speak good words, and then get rid of the suspicion.

At the same time, some people stepped on the ghost sect fiercely, insisting that it was the ghost sect's doing, and asked the Yangtze River to send troops to destroy the ghost sect. What they said was righteous Lingran.

No matter how these two groups of people performed, Changjiang just watched and made up his mind. Changjiang is not a fool, how could it be influenced by external forces, but Deputy Liang was caught in the middle and trembled.

Deputy Liang felt that he was too wise, so fortunately he handed over the ghost face, otherwise he was also one of the two waves of people, wouldn't he be acting in vain? There is an idea.

Changjiang pointed out that there was something suspicious about Guizong, and this needed to be investigated, so he sent those people who were determined to destroy Guizong to investigate the truth. This move can only be played.

Qin Zixuan drove to Guanbei County, but their convoy was stopped before they entered the city. The reason was that his young master had taken a fancy to these cars. Qin Zixuan laughed internally at hearing this reason.

I want to snatch his car when I see it. A young master in a small county, do you know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is?Qin Zixuan went down with curiosity to see what the young master looked like, but the person who got out of the car also fell in love with him.

Ma Liao pointed at Qin Zixuan and made two idiots, he had never seen such a beautiful lady at such a young age, commanding his followers to grab her, Qin Zixuan wanted to kill Ma Liao when he said this, what kind of look is this!

When Qin Zixuan got angry, he would naturally use fists and kicks. Although Qin Zixuan was not good at beating up those holy masters, it was really useless to defeat the stupid son of a small county landlord's family.

Qin Zixuan kicked a few of his attendants away before they got close to him and lay on the ground unable to get up. Qin Zixuan came to Ma Liao with his hips akimbo, and wanted to see how this second idiot would rob him!

Li Han and Gu Yue followed behind with their arms folded, looking fierce. Ma Liao didn't expect that this group of people was powerful and their origins were unknown. Didn't they say they were the second young master from a wealthy family?The second young master who has never seen the world, when did the second young master of the little rich family become so powerful.

"Sister, please let me go, I'm just a small person, you treat me like a fart, I dare not rob again." Ma Liao was sensible, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

It's just that Qin Zixuan, who was called by this sister, got angry, and Gu Yueru laughed even more. She tilted her head to look at Qin Zixuan, touched her by the way, and praised how smooth the little lady's skin is.

So Qin Zixuan not only got angry, but also made black lines, this bitch deserves a beating, so give her a good whipping at night, let her know who is the little lady.

Ma Liao was kicked by Qin Zixuan for more than ten meters, he made a flying trapeze, screams were sung outside the city gate, many people passing by applauded, it can be regarded as someone punishing the Ma family bitch.

Qin Zixuan was a crazy person, when he heard someone applaud, he suddenly regained his energy, and kicked the ground like kicking a ball. Ma Liao threw up on the ground when he kicked it straight, and then dodged to avoid it, and Ma Liao, a fool, fell to the ground freely.

Ma Liao had more than a dozen broken bones from the fall, and lay there like mud. Ma Liao had never suffered such a crime at his age, so he lay there crying.

Qin Zixuan detested Ma Liao's dirtyness, and waved Yang Shulin to interrogate him. He wanted to see why the second idiot happened to be waiting here.

The pained Ma Liao fought desperately, and finally realized that he had really offended a big shot. He was trying to snatch him away, and he didn't even look at the other side's mount. Could it be owned by ordinary people?It's a pity that it will be too late to understand.

Without waiting for Yang Shulin to open his mouth, Ma Liao told the story in detail. It turned out that yesterday he and his friends were drinking in Zuiyuelou, and it was normal for a few friends to sit together and brag.

Then his friend Cheng Yan spoke. Cheng Yan said that his relatives had a car that could run by themselves. The car came from the other side of the sea. It was so cheap that it was sold out as soon as it landed.

Some of the rich families even bought many cars to form a fleet to play around. Cheng Yan said that he had sent a sum of money to his relatives, and he would be able to drive a fleet back next month.

Ma Liao and the others naturally didn't believe it. Cheng Yan said you don't believe it, right? Let me tell you, there will be a convoy passing through our county tomorrow, and there will definitely be more convoys passing by in the future. That is, some eldest ladies and second young masters are out to play when they are bored.

As for why the second young master came out to play, there was something particular about it, the eldest young master wanted to inherit the family business, and he was raised as the head of the family since he was a child. He was busy, so there was no time to play when he was too busy with business.

But the second young master didn't need to inherit the family business, so he naturally had time to play, so Ma Liao didn't doubt Cheng Yan's words, and then some friends made a fuss and asked Ma Liao to snatch the second fool.

Well, Qin Zixuan has become an idle fool in the mouths of these people. Ma Liao made sense as soon as he heard it, but he was just robbed by a small rich man. He is the head of the three major families in Guanbei County, the Ma family. Second young master, it's a big deal to kill people afterwards and destroy his body and traces. Anyway, the boss will help him wipe his ass.

I have to say that Ma Liao is just a spoiled child who robs, kills, and does bad things without any psychological pressure. The most important thing is that this guy has never seen the world.

Finally, someone who dared to take care of it appeared, and he still killed him!After Yang Shulin got his confession, Kaka stepped on and broke Ma Liao's limbs and joints, turning Ma Liao into a real waste.

Qin Zixuan shook his head after listening to Yang Shulin's report. He could only say that Ma Liao didn't have a brain. He didn't hear such an obvious lie. How did he get a brain?Qin Zixuan was really curious.

But who is the master of this Cheng Yan?Knowing that he was passing through Guanbei County one step ahead, Qin Zixuan waved his hand and let the second idiot Ma Liao go. He drove the motorcade to Cheng's house, and he wanted to meet Cheng Yan for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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