Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1473 Want to cover up

Chapter 1473 Want to cover up
What happened outside Guanbei County spread quickly in the small county town. Before Qin Zixuan entered the city, he already knew what he should know. As for asking about the identity, he didn't mention it.

I didn't see that the other party beat the second young master of Ma's family like stepping on ants. The little soldiers didn't dare to rush up to beat them up. If it was said that this convoy had no power, they wouldn't believe it if they killed the soldiers.

This kind of thing has just appeared in the Western Continent, and it is strange that ordinary people can touch it. It is just the heartless letter of the Ma family.A group of onlookers followed behind the convoy, discussing a lot along the way, trampling on the poor guy Ma Liao.

The Cheng family is also a big family in Guanbei County. It is too easy to find the Cheng family. Qin Zixuan sat in the car, looked at Gu Yueru who was driving, and said, "Do you think there is a giant standing behind the Cheng family?"

Gu Yueru nodded, she felt that there was a force standing behind the Cheng family, otherwise how would he know that his group passed by, and he could even guess the time.

Li Han shouted at the back that he would never tire of cheating. The Cheng family definitely didn't know it. It might be that Cheng Yan, that prodigal son, took advantage of others and set up such a shallow situation.

Qin Zixuan thought it was reasonable, and he thought so too. The whole thing started with a lie. Cheng Yan seemed to be in charge of everything, but in fact he was probably being tricked.

A few people sat in the car talking and chatting, they really had everything to say, anyway, they have different points, Qin Zixuan will stand on the same side with Li Han, Gu Yueru is fighting alone, Gong Liangyan and the others feel that this is trying to cover up .

To put it simply, the Cheng family knew the truth, but they just wanted to get rid of themselves through this simple trick. After all, normal people would think that the Cheng family was being used by others.

There was a lot of discussion in the car, and the car was moving fast. When they arrived at the Cheng's house, there were already a crowd of onlookers standing outside the gate of the Cheng's house, and a young man was hanging from the gate of the Cheng's house.

The motorcade came to a stop, and before Gu Yueru could inquire, the spectators had already told them who Fang Sheng was hanging, and it turned out that Cheng Yan was hanged on the gate of Cheng's house.

Ouch I go!Qin Zixuan looked at Cheng's gate from the car with a smile that was not a smile, this was trying to cover up, he really thought his group were fools, this situation was too fake.

Cheng Yan died before they arrived, what are they trying to cover up?Qin Zixuan was slandering, when an old man walked out of the gate of the Cheng family, followed by a group of women and children, seeing Qin Zixuan kneeling down and crying was truly sad.

He said that Cheng Yan was ignorant and offended the nobleman, and begged the nobleman to let the Cheng family go. Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and looked at the old man with white hair, and then at the woman kneeling on the ground behind the old man. It's so flavorful.

Who did this?What is the purpose?Just want to send Ma Liao to death, and want the Cheng family to be wiped out?It shouldn't be that simple. Obviously, the other party knows their identities, so there must be a deep meaning in it.

Qin Zixuan happily yelled to leave, the Cheng family's troubles are over, they should find a suitable place to live, the scenery in Beiguan County is good, Qin Zixuan wants to see more.

Seeing Qin Zixuan leaving, the old man stopped crying and looked up at Qin Zixuan's convoy with hatred flashing in his eyes. Qin Zixuan didn't drive too far, and lived in the Chenggong Building near Cheng's house.

Qin Zixuan made a big move, and directly rented out the Chenggong Building. The food was prepared by his own cook. Qin Zixuan only complained about the hot food in the Western Continent, it was too unpalatable.

Hearing that Qin Zixuan was staying in the Chenggong Building, the elders of the Cheng family couldn't help but frown. Why hasn't this test passed yet?

At this time, Qin Zixuan was sitting in the restaurant discussing the Cheng family. What Li Han meant was to destroy the Cheng family directly, and beat them to death so that no confessions could be made.

Qin Zixuan sipped his tea and called you not bored, finally something happened, let's treat it as a little seasoning on the journey, wouldn't it be more interesting to solve the case like an ordinary person?

With the improvement of strength and status, there are really not many fun things to find. Fortunately, people in the Western Continent don't know his identity yet, and they are going to kill him. If they don't take the opportunity to have fun, how can they be worthy of themselves.

As soon as the words came out, everyone understood Qin Zixuan's meaning. This guy was too boring, so he wanted to find something to do. Solving cases would be good, brain-burning and interesting.

While talking, the sound of a dinosaur came from outside. The Chenggong Building was too small, and the dinosaur found an inappropriate place to live. In a rage, he tore down the backyard of the Chenggong Building. Qin Zixuan would send someone to pay for it.

Qin Zixuan covered his face. The big killer dinosaur was really dismantled wherever he went. He lost money along the way. Fortunately, he was not short of money. Ordinary people can only declare bankruptcy when they encounter dinosaurs.

Several people left the room and came to the backyard. The boss was squatting beside him with a face full of tears. Qin Zixuan glanced at the boss and told him to take the money and leave quickly. After they leave, come back and clean up the mess.

Yang Shulin took out the banknote and paid very readily. The boss saw that the money could buy Chenggong Building, and he immediately took the money and left without saying a word. Just demolish it and build a new one.

The dinosaur sat there with his head on the table, and asked, "Are you going to play here for a few days, aren't we going to the Valley of the Wicked? Don't you think it's more interesting to go straight to the goal."

"Hey, the Valley of the Wicked is waiting there. We can't move away anyway. It doesn't matter when we go. I'll just play here for a few days." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, lay there and whispered to the dinosaur, and then received a message from the dinosaur. of contempt.

Dinosaur thinks that one force will drop ten times, and the fist will reveal the truth. He doesn't care who is standing behind the Cheng family, and he doesn't care what their calculations are. He goes up and wipes out the matter. Why bother to solve the case like it's real? Woolen cloth.

Qin Zixuan really didn't find this troublesome, and sat there with great interest to analyze the situation, and finally Qin Zixuan came to the conclusion that there was something wrong.

"You really know how to talk nonsense, who doesn't know what's going on here?" Dinosaur raised his white eyes and was very dissatisfied with Qin Zixuan's analysis. After a long time of analysis, he couldn't figure out which force was behind him. Is this still called analysis?
Of course, the dinosaur didn't know who was stumbling in the dark. The opponent's tactics were too high, and he hadn't revealed his true body until now, and he didn't know the opponent's purpose. If it was just to add trouble, the price would be too high.

It is not a good thing to reveal your identity at this critical moment. The Yangtze River is cleaning up. If you are found out, don't even think about surviving.

"I want to visit Cheng's house tonight, you help me guard them here." Qin Zixuan patted the dinosaur and revealed his purpose, the dinosaur didn't refuse, and he still expected these people to give him a whole meal.

The atmosphere in the Cheng family was not good, and the old patriarch sat in front of the ancestral hall and kept chanting, begging his ancestors to bless him so that he could pass this test.

(End of this chapter)

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