Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1484 Combat

Chapter 1484 Combat
The dinosaur stayed underwater for a quarter of an hour, and then was pushed out of the water by the monster. The dinosaur looked at Qin Zixuan and screamed strangely, saying that there were too many monsters to kill, so he asked Li Han and the others to help, and he would take the monsters for a few days. lock up.

Qin Zixuan and the others responded immediately, wanting to know how the dinosaurs ran away from the monsters, and soon saw that the dinosaurs were running ahead, and the monsters were chasing after them, just like that.

Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when he saw this scene. He put the banner behind his back and started to attack the monster. He saw the dinosaur running in front. Qin Zixuan and his gang chased the monster on the shore, killing the monster in the lake while chasing.

The dinosaur was running in front, turned around from time to time and killed a few monsters ferociously, and then turned around and walked around. Just like the dinosaur said, there are too many monsters in the lake. After killing three times, there are still so many monsters. It seems that there is no decrease. Like too.

If it weren't for the corpses of monsters floating on the lake, Qin Zixuan would have suspected that they had done nothing for nothing, it was too scary, that is to say, the dinosaurs had thick skin and flesh and were not afraid of beating them, otherwise they would have been beaten to death long ago.

The onlookers were dumbfounded, only to realize that Sanxian Lake is so dangerous. Where did these monsters come from? They have never been seen before.

Qin Zixuan mingled in the middle of the team, and asked while attacking: "Brother, how many are there? Why can't we kill them all?"

"There are many more. They are guarding a white flower. I don't know what kind of flower it is, but I think it will be of great use to me." The dinosaur replied and then turned around and killed a few more.

"Can't you break in?" Li Han asked.

"Densely packed and airtight, you can't get in with brute force." The voice of the dinosaur was helpless, and he charged with brute force, but he couldn't get in. The monster he killed was blocked on the way forward, blocking the way. dead.

"Why are they guarding and not eating? Isn't it time?" Qin Zixuan asked again.

"Yes, the time hasn't come yet. It looks like we have to wait until all the leaves turn red, and it's already half red now." The dinosaur didn't look in for a long time, and the information he inquired was still very clear.

It was about my own interests, and the dinosaur was very dedicated. Seeing that there were fewer monsters behind him, the dinosaur told me to go down and have a look, and then dived into the lake.

Qin Zixuan and the others continued to fight monsters, but the monsters didn't care about Qin Zixuan's group at all. They swung their tails and dived into the bottom of the lake in the direction of the dinosaur. Qin Zixuan stared at the blood-red lake surface, wondering what the underwater situation was like.

Huayan stood behind Qin Zixuan with her hips crossed, panting heavily. Qin Zixuan turned to look at Huayan and told Huayan not to attack, just stand in the line and watch the excitement, don't move away.

Li Han and his daughters also persuaded her that pregnancy is a big deal and they really shouldn't be bothered.

Ling'er clasped her fingers to count how many monsters there should be, and Qu Chang talked beside her. The two had fought monsters in the sea together, and they had a lot to talk about at this time.

Gong Xu enjoyed watching from the side, he had never experienced these things with Linger, Qu Chang looked at Gong Xu speculatively, and was extremely dissatisfied with Gong Xu's appearance, but his strength was not as good as others, so Qu Chang could only Express dissatisfaction, but dare not do it.

Bai Jing climbed Wang Rui's shoulder and pointed to the lake to count how many monsters he had killed. After watching for a while, Bai Jing exclaimed: "It's so strange, the corpses of those monsters have also dried up."

What?Everyone immediately turned their attention to the lake and carefully observed the corpses of the monsters. As Bai Jing said, there were actually many dried monster corpses. Could it be that the altar in the middle of the lake does not suck blood, but the lake water?

That's not right, the lake water is just ordinary water, how could it suck blood?Qin Zixuan came to the lake and wanted to touch the lake water, but Li Han lifted his neck and left the lake shore, then Qin Zixuan could only look at Li Han with a black face, not knowing what kind of madness the eldest daughter-in-law had gone.

"Sir, don't stand by the lake. It's too dangerous inside. Waiting for the dinosaurs to tell us why." Li Han persuaded, and the girls joined in the persuasion, and all of them became cowards, and they didn't want to. adventure.

No way, Qin Zixuan had to stand by the lake bank and wait. This time the waiting time was a bit long. The dinosaur was pushed out of the lake this time. Is it going to hold the dinosaurs high?

Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing at this discovery. The dinosaur grinned helplessly, saying that there are many monsters inside, and they are undefeated. If it is in a large sea area, there is still room to display it. Here is such a large area. I think It is really not easy to display.

Before the dinosaur could speak, Li Han and others started to attack. This time, Qin Zixuan and Hua Yan did not join the attack range, because one of them was pregnant and the other was too weak.

Qin Zixuan can kill a monster with a few attacks, but Li Han and others are sure to hit it with one blow. They saw violent explosions on the lake from time to time, and all kinds of attacks landed on the lake.

This time the dinosaur attacked very fiercely, obviously time was running out, and the dinosaur was also worried about missing it, and after killing it, the dinosaur jumped into the water without saying hello.

Qin Zixuan was a little bored, and continued to observe the center of the lake with a telescope. Suddenly Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, what did he see!Are there flowers growing in the middle of the altar?
Qin Zixuan asked Li Han and the others to take a look. There seemed to be a real change there. Li Han blinked and rubbed a few times, looking at Qin Zixuan with a surprised face. Li Han couldn't find an explanation for what happened today. Reason, in short, is a strange word.

"Are we going to the middle of the lake?" Li Han asked.

"Go, I'll go!" Qin Zixuan rolled up his sleeves and decided to be the first one to eat crabs. Li Han was not willing to let Qin Zixuan take risks, and immediately objected.

"Let Xianggong go, I will be with Xianggong, and then you will meet the dinosaurs on the shore." Gong Liangyan said, seeing the unconvinced faces of Li Han and the others, she had to continue: "I am good at arithmetic, and I can fight back at critical moments Help Xianggong calculate."

"No, I'm going too, I have to protect my husband." Li Han said, Feng Qingluan quietly stood behind Li Han, and supported Li Han with actions, that is, she would go too.

"You are all on the shore to meet the dinosaurs. The three of us will go. With my luck, there will be no danger." Qin Zixuan pulled Li Han and Gong Liangyan, thinking that these three were enough, and he didn't feel any danger. People are enough to handle.

Look at Huayan, Qin Zixuan asks Feng Qingluan to protect Huayan, if something dangerous happens, he will back off, and remember to put his life first.

Ling'er asked to go with her, but Qin Zixuan didn't take her with her even if she was killed. Qin Zixuan dared to let Linger take risks. Linger could only curl her lips to express her dissatisfaction when facing Qin Zixuan's domineering behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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