Chapter 1485
After discussing it, Li Han and Gong Liangyan looked at each other, and the two of them carried Qin Zixuan and flew towards the center of the lake. The people onlookers exclaimed, the strength of the three of them subverted their imagination, so the masters are so good.

Look at Gu Yueru and his group, all of them have bright eyes. They are all masters. Many men look at Hua Yan and Feng Qingluan and other beauties crookedly. live.

Many men who thought they were extremely handsome even sang, danced, recited poems, and composed poems. They began to walk out of the team to show their talents. Seeing Linger turning around, some people looked at the sky 45 degrees, posing as thinkers.

Ling'er curled her lips again, with a look of disgust on her face, she didn't know what kind of madness this group of people had gone into, Bai Jing looked back, called this group of people to be damned, and wanted to kill those disgusting guys with a sword.

Wang Rui hurriedly grabbed Bai Jing, who was about to burst away, and at the same time gave those ignorant men sympathetic looks. Who do they think they are, who want to use these methods to hook up girls, they will die.

If Qin Zixuan was here, it is estimated that this group of people will have to peel off their skins if they don't die. They are so daring. They dare to attack anyone. It is obviously the first time Linger has seen such a scene, and she can't help but curl her mouth. I looked back twice.

Then someone got jealous, I saw that Gong Xu and Qu Chang shot almost at the same time, those coquettish guys were shot away, and then all kinds of voices disappeared, and they honestly got into the crowd, and they didn't dare to show off again.

This change caused everyone to laugh, and Ling'er turned her head with a burst of laughter, and saw that Qin Zixuan and the other three had landed on the island in the middle of the lake. The battle on the island was over. Hit it down.

Seeing the three of Qin Zixuan flying to the island, the eyes of the surviving personnel showed vigilance. Qin Zixuan's eyes scanned for a week, and finally landed on the county magistrate, who was holding his head still thinking that he couldn't see me.

The three of Qin Zixuan's ears are so good that they can hear even if they can't see them. They are quite speechless about this kind of deception. Qin Zixuan ordered the county magistrate to get out. let ah.

The county magistrate is the only one who is an official here, and he is probably the only one with a good brain. So many people were beaten to death, but the county magistrate was safe and sound, which is very illustrative of the problem.

Li Han kicked the broken knife at his feet, and stabbed the blade fiercely into Shushu. The county magistrate was frightened by this hand, instead of complaining that he couldn't see me, he rolled out to greet him. He didn't know where Qin Zixuan and his gang were from. Holy, the first sentence out of my mouth is that I am also a reincarnation believer.

The relationship was too obvious, Qin Zixuan gave the county magistrate a sideways look, this statement is true, if it is true, why didn't the believers get out early to salute, and they had to be forced to come out with a knife.

"The county magistrate, let me ask you, is it so bloody every year on the sacrificial day?" Qin Zixuan looked at the altar, the flower was still growing, and half of it had grown out.

"No, it never happened before. It's all because of Lord Lu. It was him sitting on the altar that caused dissatisfaction among the three immortals and brought disaster." The county magistrate pointed in the direction of Lord Lu, and there was only one mummy left.

Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at the mummified corpses all over the ground, and couldn't help but gasp, it was too miserable, and they were all rich people, the forces around Sanxian City didn't know what had changed this time.

"That's right, the people surnamed Lu are all to blame. They caused the dissatisfaction of the ancestors of the three immortals, and that's why they brought down the catastrophe. I beg you to be the master of my Wang family and destroy the whole family of the surname Lu." A disciple surnamed Wang stared at Lu with resentment. For the dead body of the Duke, all the hatred was put on this person.

Qin Zixuan snorted, he didn't believe these nonsense, there was a roaring sound under his feet, Qin Zixuan knew that the dinosaurs were fighting underneath, and he didn't know how fiercely they were fighting, Qin Zixuan suspected that this small island would be destroyed.

But before the island was destroyed, Qin Zixuan felt that it was necessary to get the flower. Although he didn't know what it was, it was not an ordinary thing.

Suddenly, the water was choppy, and Qin Zixuan turned his head to look at the lake, only to see the dinosaur reappeared. Seeing Qin Zixuan on the island, he was overjoyed, pointed in the direction of the altar and shouted: "Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you , That's a treasure, you must grab it."

Qin Zixuan nodded, and then saw countless monsters attacking the dinosaurs, and at the same time, another wave of monsters started to attack the island in the middle of the lake.Qin Zixuan blinked, looked at the flowers on the altar, and then at the dinosaur. Could this be the flower that the dinosaur wanted to eat?
Just when Qin Zixuan was deserting, someone rushed towards the altar without fear of death, Li Han shook his hand and shot out an attack, the man didn't even have time to scream, his head was in a different place.

The county magistrate wiped off his sweat, and then looked at the monster attacking the island in the middle of the lake. He was worried that his life would be lost today. Qin Zixuan continued to ask the county magistrate about the situation, but unfortunately the county magistrate only knew so much, no more than the legend.

Qin Zixuan touched his chin and looked at the flowers in the middle of the altar. He couldn't figure out what was going on inside. Then he looked at the dinosaur. This monster had already led the monster to run in the direction of Gu Yueru's group. Obviously, he wanted to borrow Gu Yueru's group. hand to kill monsters.

About 10 minutes after the killing, the dinosaur yelled: "Catch flowers, let's go!" Then it dived into the bottom of the lake. Qin Zixuan heard it clearly, and jumped onto the altar without saying a word.

Qin Zixuan took out a box and poured out the treasure inside. Li Han had cut off the flower with a sword, and then threw it into the box. The cooperation between the couple was just right.

Gong Liangyan draws his sword and beheads those who rush up to the altar, if he dares to snatch things from the young man, he deserves to die!Gong Liangyan killed these people like killing chickens, without the slightest psychological burden. She was originally a goddess of the snow mountain.

The county magistrate watched the explosion of these three people, couldn't help wiping off his sweat, and shrunk himself into a ball, hoping not to be seen, and it was best to forget him, so that he could survive. It can only be said that the county magistrate was thinking too much, Qin Zixuan The three of them never thought of killing him.

After getting the flowers, Qin Zixuan stuffed them into his bosom. Li Han and Gong Liangyan supported Qin Zixuan's feet and jumped towards the lake shore. It really did what the county magistrate wanted, that is, to forget him.

As a result, the county magistrate was dumbfounded, why did the three of them leave as soon as they said they wanted to go, at least they took him with them, stood up and were about to shout, but found that the monster went crazy and jumped towards the center of the lake to attack everyone and everything.

At the same time, there were monsters chasing Qin Zixuan and the three of them, and the bottom of the lake was in constant turmoil. The dinosaur showed its power below, and finally made him rush to the flower pole. The flower had already passed through the altar, but the flower pole did not disappear. All the leaves turned red.

The dinosaur opened its mouth and bit the flower stem fiercely, intending to swallow all the branches and leaves in its stomach. Naturally, the monster was unwilling to give up what it was guarding, and tried desperately to stop the dinosaur. Unfortunately, its strength was not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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