Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1486 Magic Dragon Flower

Chapter 1486 Magic Dragon Flower

As soon as the dinosaur succeeded, a smirk appeared on his face. The previous show of weakness had achieved good results. These monsters just had no brains. They thought he had only so little attack power, and now they regret it.

No brains are no brains. It was good to suffer a loss in this method, but it suffered a second loss. The dinosaurs felt a little sympathetic to these monsters.

The dinosaur came out of the water while fighting, and saw the three of Qin Zixuan also fighting and fleeing. Seeing that Qin Zixuan was about to suffer, the dinosaur roared and rushed over. With a domineering impact, more than a dozen of those monsters were knocked into the air, and then the dinosaur He got in the footsteps of Qin Zixuan and the others.

"You go ashore and wait for me first, I'm going to explore the bottom of the lake to see what is the connection between Sanxian Lake and the sea." The dinosaur wagged its tail, and its voice was full of excitement.

Qin Zixuan let out a cry, and then Li Han and Gong Liangyan flew away from the back of the dinosaur, and the three of them fell back to the shore, causing applause.

Just as the three of them landed on the shore, the monsters in the lake screamed, and many monsters rushed towards the lake bank, attacking in the direction of Qin Zixuan. Come on.

The common people watching the excitement also let out ear-piercing screams. They were frightened by the monsters and ran for their lives one after another. Qin Zixuan and his group also fought and retreated. The dinosaurs showed their power in the lake and killed monsters everywhere.

Quite a few were attacked by monsters who backed slowly, and some rolled into the soles of their feet when they backed up. The scene was miserable. Qin Zixuan looked at those unlucky ones, and told them to go quickly and see what they could do except sigh. Lively is not afraid of big things!
Fortunately, the monster's attack power was much weaker when it landed on the shore, and it couldn't survive on the shore for a long time, which did not magnify the damage. However, the island in the middle of the lake was not so lucky, and none of the remaining people on it survived.

Besides the dinosaurs, once they entered the bottom of the water, they were like dragons entering the abyss. Although those monsters hated the dinosaurs, they were not the opponents of the dinosaurs.

That is, it is a piece of broken when it is rubbed, and it is a piece of meat when it is bumped. The monster does not look good. This guy seems to be stronger. It was not an opponent last time, and it is still not an opponent this time. They should go.

The leading monster screamed a few times and gave the order to retreat. The dinosaur was happy at that time. It was no problem for these monsters to leave, but he had to figure out what kind of flowers grew in this lake and what they could eat.

Dinosaurs ate this stuff based on intuition. Intuition told the dinosaur that it was a good thing, and he would regret it for a lifetime if he missed it, so he swallowed it regardless, but he didn't know what the dinosaur was called.

I saw the dinosaur kicking all fours and rushing towards the leader of the monster. Seeing that the situation was not good, the leader got into the mouth of the sea. It might as well escape back to the sea. This big killer is too terrifying to provoke me to hide.

After chasing and escaping, they passed the estuary and came to the underwater world. Many marine creatures felt that something was wrong. The fast ones had disappeared, the slow ones were still running, and the smarter ones got into the seabed sand.

The leader of the monster ran about [-] nautical miles and was overtaken by the dinosaur. The dinosaur didn't question him first, but grabbed the opponent and beat him for a while, subduing him first and then interrogating him. This is the method of the dinosaur.

Seeing that the boss was caught by the enemy, the other monsters ran away one after another. They didn't want to fight the dinosaurs anymore, mainly because it was useless.

"Say, what is that thing I ate?" the dinosaur asked, patting the monster's head. The monster wanted to cry after hearing this, and swallowed it without knowing anything about feelings. That was the baby they had guarded for many days, ouch , Distressed.

This question has to be answered. If you don’t answer the dinosaur’s big hoofs, the monster is worried that it will be whipped to death!So it can only tell the dinosaur the truth.

That flower is called the magic dragon flower. It is said that it was drilled out of hell. It takes 10 years from birth to maturity. When the flower blooms, it needs to be nourished with blood, which is why this flower is called the magic dragon flower.

The effect of the magic dragon flower is against the sky, it can improve the strength, the most important thing is that it can change the structure of the body, and the size and shape of the body can be freely changed when needed.

According to the inheritance in the monster's head, this thing can fly up immediately after taking a plant. I don't know if it is true, but it has never eaten it.

Dinosaur was delighted when he heard this, hehe, I really didn’t feel it soaring up from the ground, but it’s possible to try to make the body bigger and smaller. Of course, the dinosaur was not in a hurry to try, but continued to ask.

The dinosaur asked, should I eat the whole plant or just the plant without the flowers?The monster rolled his eyes and told the dinosaur that you want to eat the whole plant, don't let it go.

Yeah?The dinosaur raised its big hoof and slapped it three times. The monster's eyes were filled with gold stars. The dinosaur stared at the monster and sneered. Is it possible to eat the whole plant?
The dinosaur has thick skin and thick flesh, and its resistance is extremely strong. After eating it, its internal organs bumped back and forth like a volcanic eruption, but he still couldn't die, and the taste was not at all pleasant.

Who else in this world has stronger resistance than him?It would be strange if it swallowed the whole plant and died without exploding. The dinosaur wanted to die, but he couldn't be killed by the monster, let alone die stupidly by himself, so the monster leader was unlucky, he was beaten like a rag.

No way, the monster had to tell the truth. In fact, it didn’t need to eat so much. It’s really strange that dinosaurs swallowed so much and survived. The inheritance tells the monster that it only needs to eat a little bit, and it will die if it is too much.

As he spoke, he stuck out his tongue and pointed it out, indicating that it was only this big, and the dinosaur was only the size of a fingernail. It was lucky to not die when he thought that he ate the whole branch and leaves.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan was asked to put away the flowers at that time, otherwise this meeting would really be dead, the dinosaur wagged its tail, and the small volcano in its body was still erupting, it was really uncomfortable.

This unlucky monster kept pleading with the dinosaur, do you think we have a grudge, I am guarding the baby in the deep sea, if you don’t say anything, grab it, okay, I can’t beat you, I can’t mess with you, I’m leaving, but You can't meet once and grab once.

I finally crossed the rivers and seas and came to the Western Continent. I found such a magic dragon flower. I wanted to improve my strength, but you appeared again. Not only a beast, but also a small companion, the one who snatched it was called a clean one. Not even a single leaf was left.

You said that I am so unlucky, can you let me go, you are a tall man, as tall as a mountain, are you a small thing who can't get along with me?

In order to survive, the leader of the monster said that he was very pitiful. After hearing this, the dinosaur felt that it made sense. He met this monster twice, and both times were great chances. My dear, it seems a bit unreasonable to kill him again. .

That's fine, the dinosaur waved his hand, let's go, I won't kill you.The monster leader was very happy to hear that, he really didn't want to die if he was alive.

(End of this chapter)

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