Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1503 You Shut Up

Chapter 1503 You Shut Up

In Huang Quan's imagination, they could rely on the strength of the ghost sect to keep the enemy out of the mountain gate, and only when they returned to the ghost sect did they realize that they were naive.

It is too difficult for one group to resist the careerists all over the world. The old monster of Huangquan regrets coming back. He should find a deserted cave and take a few confidants to study quietly, and then make a fortune silently.

No matter how much you regret it, it’s useless. The next day, when the sun was shining, the war officially started, and there were endless shouts of killing from all directions. One said to hand over Mr. Wei, another shouted to kill the old monster, and some people waved the banner of justice to eradicate Guizong.

In short, the ghost sect has really become a demon and monster that everyone shouts and beats, and is the public enemy of the whole world. The people of the ghost sect have never done good things.

Master Wei looked tremblingly at the outside of the mountain, then looked at the old monster of Huangquan, and felt a little regretful, what kind of partner he was looking for, he didn't even have a friend, so why didn't anyone help the ghost sect with so many people.

To say that ghost sects are not the only forces of evil spirits and crooked ways, Mr. Wei couldn't figure out why the popularity of the old monster in Huangquan was so bad. In fact, the old monster in Huangquan was also surprised, did he have more enemies here?

And the news spread fast enough. I fled back to Guizong from Fengtian City, and those people were attacking Guizong outside. How did they know that they would succeed?

Changjiang held the information in his hand, with an evil smile on his face. If Deputy Han saw this smile, he would definitely tremble. Every time Changjiang laughed like this, people would die, and many people died. I don’t know who is unlucky this time?
"Hehe, ghost sect, it's really not easy to pass it on for hundreds of years, but who made you provoke me? If you want to steal my things, you have to pay the price, but you are only the first, and there are your brothers behind." They lined up to report."

Changjiang exerted force on his hands, and the information was turned into ashes, and his face returned to that of a gentleman, and he continued to work, as if nothing had happened.

Guizong wailed, their defense was breached by the enemy, and their retreat was blocked by the enemy. There was no way to enter the sky, and there was no way to enter the earth, and those with poor ambitions jumped off the cliff directly.

The old monster in Huangquan was entangled by the three masters, his body was covered in blood, his bones turned outwards, obviously seriously injured, even so, the old monster in Huangquan didn't give up, and he was still fighting to the death.

At this moment, a cold arrow suddenly flew towards the back of the old monster Huangquan. The old monster Huangquan listened to all directions, and knew that something was wrong as soon as he heard the wind, but it was too late to hide.

The action was slightly delayed, the cold arrow entered the body, and the old monster Huangquan shot was very cold. Looking at the tip of the arrow, the old monster Huangquan was full of unwillingness. He has come to this point, why can't we give him some time? .

With the fall of the old monster of Huangquan, Mrs. Wei was snatched away by an old man with a red beard. It is not necessary for these guys to kill people, and the main purpose is to steal talents. Those sharp-eyed ones saw that something was wrong, so they groaned and threw it away quickly. Under the opponent to chase.

For more than a dozen breaths, the disciples of the ghost sect lost their opponents, holding the ghost head knives one by one, looking at the mess all over the floor, throwing away their weapons and sitting there crying, playing, it's all over, the ghost sect is over!
At this moment, a group of neatly lined men in black suddenly appeared. They held powerful crossbows in their hands. This group of people killed most of them in a surprise attack, and those behind wanted to resist before they had time to make a move, and stepped into the footsteps.

These people moved very cleanly. They went through all the dead people on the ground, regardless of whether they were dead or alive. Burn up and down.

The ghost sect's fire did not attract everyone's attention, a group of people were still chasing the old man with red beard, not Master Wei!

The three factions on the side of the valley and lake each guarded one side. Among them, Guizong Huang Qing went and returned, and then there was the inconspicuous Red Maple Valley.

In addition, there is another force called Heisha Island. It is said that it is a force from the sea. I don’t know what kind of wind came from the sea.

Among them, Guizong provided the iron wire, and Heisha Island and Hongfeng Valley provided the dead men for the experiment. They stopped fighting, but a group of people appeared unexpectedly. When they saw Qin Zixuan and his group appear, the three parties showed no expression. Very nice.

Qin Zixuan pinched his nose with disdain on his face, each of them pretended to be real, didn't they reach an agreement to deal with their own group?He even put on a surprised look, cheating ghosts.

"Who's here?" Huang Qing stepped forward and asked.

"Everything shows you boy, you two hundred and five, you are an idiot who was sold by others and paid for it, go away!" Qin Zixuan waved his hand to let Huang Qing go where he came from, he didn't want to talk to the idiot, save the time affect his IQ.

Huang Qing blushed and had a thick neck when he was scolded. No one dared to scold him like that for many years. This Qin Zixuan is really nothing, it's too hateful.

Of course there is something even worse. Qin Zixuan pointed to the people in Red Maple Valley and said, "You guys can really pretend that you belong to the same faction as Heisha Island, yet you still pretend that I don't know you, don't you think it's disgusting?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Liu Yi became angry when he heard it, and shook the spear in his hand, looking like he was going to fight, while Huang Qing was cold from head to toe, no way, Red Maple Valley and Heisha Island are the same power Yes, so isn't his Guizong seeking skin from the tiger?

Qin Zixuan didn't look at Liu Yi, but at Zhong Tianyi, the owner of Heisha Island. He wanted to pretend to be coquettish, but found that he didn't have a folding fan in his hand, so he had to put his hands on his hips instead, and shouted with his stomach straight: "Zhong Tianyi, Zhong Dao Lord, if I read correctly, you are the Happy King of the Yasheng Empire, right!"

Happy King?Huang Qing turned to look at Zhong Tianyi, isn't it right, isn't Xiaoyao Wang a legend?Is there really a Happy King?Every successor of the Yasheng Empire will confer a Xiaoyao King, and no one has ever seen his real body.

"Good method, even the secrets can be found out, as expected of Li Yunfei's father." Zhong Tian couldn't hide it at a glance, so he just stood up and admitted it openly.

Huang Qing turned his head to look at Qin Zixuan, he knew this information, Li Yunfei's schemes are very difficult, this one seems to be even more difficult than Li Yunfei.

"It's easy to say, should we start the fight now, or wait until the result comes out?" Qin Zixuan cupped his hands and asked with a smile, the three parties almost vomited blood out of breath.

They are here to fight life and death, and use their lives to prove the truth. This one is good, and he just wants to get something by saying a few words lightly, which is too naive.

Huang Qing opened his mouth to speak, but Qin Zixuan pointed at him and shouted, "Second idiot, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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