Chapter 1504

After Qin Zixuan scolded Huang Qing, he turned his head and pointed at Liu Yi and scolded, "Liu Yi, you hold back your opinion. Anyway, you are a puppet. What's your opinion, Zhong Tianyi?"

"Okay, then I'll let you see the truth!" Zhong Tianyi thought silently, not because he was afraid of Qin Zixuan, but because he didn't want to make troubles. This time to test is the limit of what they can do. If they can't succeed, it means that this hole There is no need for probing.

If the investigation is successful, then Qin Zixuan and his group must not stay. When the time comes to take them down in one fell swoop, Zhong Tian secretly clenches his fist. Qin Zixuan couldn't help but want to provoke him after seeing it.

"Oh, by the way, Old Zhong, I received a letter from my son yesterday, saying that troops were sent to attack Heisha Island. I don't know if it will be captured or not."

"What did you say?" Zhong Tianyi still stared at Qin Zixuan gloomily, with fire in his eyes, Qin Zixuan shrugged his shoulders without any fear.

"Old Zhong, I'm not talking about you. If you really have the ability, you can go to the stage and let's face each other with gongs and drums. What's the point of you saying that you always hide in the dark, and it hurts my son?" So many elites have found you, alas, you are too bad at being a human being."

Qin Zixuan was a good guy even though he got it cheap. Seeing whether Zhong Tianyi was going to blow up or not, he continued to increase his price, "Did you know that the materials that Ghost Sect snatched were all bait prepared by my son, are they delicious?"

"What did you say? What bait?"

Huang Qing was in a hurry, Qin Zixuan gave Huang Qing a sympathetic look, touched his chin and asked, "You haven't heard from your suzerain for three days, right?"

Huang Qing nodded. It was true that he had not received a letter from the Sovereign for three days, but what could this mean?The suzerain is going to meet Mr. Wei outside, and he will definitely be able to grab the most useful information. Could it be that something went wrong?

Looking at Huang Qing's anxious eyes, Qin Zixuan looked at Zhong Tianyi cheerfully with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said very unkindly: "It is Zhong Tianyi's forces that destroyed your ghost sect, I am right."

Zhong Tianyi's expression was very ugly. He couldn't imagine how much he would lose if Mr. Wei was the bait. You must know that he was going crazy to rob Mr. Wei outside. Mr. Wei is now a living bomb, blowing it up wherever he goes .

In order to snatch Mrs. Wei, he really paid too much!Zhong Tian gritted his teeth in hatred, staring at Qin Zixuan's smiling face, he really wanted to ask how they cooperated, obviously this group of people has been guarding the hill.

Huang Qing's eyes flicked back and forth between Qin Zixuan and Zhong Tianyi, trying to determine which one was the real news. If the ghost sect was wiped out by Zhong Tianyi, where would he go?
Look at the brothers behind him, how can they survive?Huang Qing was in a dilemma for a while, he wanted to take revenge but was worried that he would not be qualified, and he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart if he didn't take revenge.

"Huang Qing, your ghost sect has been destroyed. This is a fact. Those who are sensible should come here, otherwise you will only be left with a dead end!"

Qin Zixuan stood by and watched the joke. Li Han stood by Qin Zixuan's side, looking around. The valley has been cleaned up very clean. Apart from them, there are no more small fishes.

"I'll kill you!" The two guys who have been looking at people with their nostrils couldn't bear the stimulation, and they yelled and rushed to Zhong Tianyi. Huang Qing saw that he was relieved, and there was no need to choose. Ramhuo has already helped him choose, so let's fight.

As soon as Huang Qing made a move, the people of Red Maple Valley also started to attack, joining forces with Heisha Island to besiege the disciples of the ghost sect. Since the sect has been wiped out, it is useless to keep these people, so let's kill them.

Qin Zixuan took a few steps back, afraid that blood would splash on him, it's too easy to talk about it!The dinosaur was dumbfounded, Qin Zixuan said that they threw the bait, didn't these people hear?

Zhong Tianyi watched coldly, watching the ghost sect disciples fall one by one, without any pity on his face, as if it should be so, Huang Qing screamed in anger, but couldn't rush in front of Zhong Tianyi.

The two of Huang Baiwuchang are indeed capable, and their ability is still higher than that of Qin Zixuan. They will still be at a disadvantage in the face of the siege of Heisha Island and Hongfeng Valley. The two suddenly exchanged eyes, and suddenly burst into a powerful attack. .

Then the two of them flew backwards with the help of the impact, trying to use their strength to escape, desperate or something is not suitable for them, it is better to save their lives first, and their opponents were stunned, followed by surprise.

The black and white Wuchang that flew out flew back like two pieces of torn rags, and hit the ground heavily, the dinosaur blew its fists and laughed strangely, Qin Zixuan dared to say clearly that he did not intend to let these people leave alive.

The fight for Mr. Wei outside will continue, and we will see how many careerists can jump out. Such a fun game can't be destroyed.

Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb to the dinosaur, and the dinosaur giggled a few times, Zhong Tianyi's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was evaluating the strength of the dinosaur, the protector of the Reincarnation Sect is really strong!

Seeing that there was no danger of escape, Huang Qing just wanted to be a backer, but was pierced by Zhong Tianyi secretly with a flying knife and fell to the ground. After Zhong Tianyi killed Huang Qing, he did not continue to fight, but chose to sit aside and watch the play , the ghost sect no longer has the strength to resist and can only be destroyed.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows and didn't continue to provoke Zhong Tianyi. Even Heisha Island couldn't move Zhong Tianyi's nerves. Other topics are probably not harmful, so just sit here and wait.

The smell of blood lingered in the mountains, but it did not cause any beast roars. There were no wild beasts near this valley. The smart ones escaped, and the unwise ones were caught and eaten as meat.

Ling'er held the little thing in her arms to tease, and from time to time took out a piece of snacks to feed, Qin Zixuan couldn't help but took a dagger to smash a stone, it looked the same as the snacks, but the color was wrong.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's movements, Li Han began to cover his nose, worried that the little thing would fart again.Qin Zixuan put a pink piglet on his nose, then passed the stone to the little thing's mouth, the little thing didn't doubt it, opened his mouth to eat it, and then jumped angrily.

Rock, rock again!The way the little thing got revenge on Qin Zixuan was to fart at Qin Zixuan. It was really jumping in front of Qin Zixuan and pointing his ass at Qin Zixuan. This time he was a little angry and farted five times in a row.

Qin Zixuan retched while counting, the little thing farts so much, I don't usually see it farting, how did it get out?Gu Yueru put on the pink pig's head silently, not letting the smelly fart affect her breathing.

The same was true of Gong Liangyan and others, only Zhong Tianyi and his group were dumbfounded. They didn't know what kind of trick Qin Zixuan was playing at first, but later found out that it was too late, and the stench was so bad that they couldn't treat others at all.

(End of this chapter)

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