Chapter 1505

Linger hugged the little thing to help it smooth its fur, and looked at her father from time to time. Her father was skinnier than her, and he liked to tease the little thing so much. The little thing enjoyed it very much under Linger's hands, and let Linger scratch it with his legs open itch.

Sitting not far behind Ling'er were Qu Chang and Gong Xu, these two guys stretched their necks and stared at the little thing enviously, wishing to take the place of the little thing.

Qin Zixuan was upset when he saw these two boys, he couldn't beat them and scold them, why were they so thick-skinned?
These people are getting better, but some people can't stand it. Zhong Tianyi's body is smoked and he can't stand up holding the tree pole, not to mention the others, staring at Qin Zixuan bitterly while vomiting, Qin Zixuan Smile back.

After a long time, the smell finally dissipated, and Zhong Tianyi was too tired to stand up, so he could only be vigilant secretly, for fear that Qin Zixuan would kill him suddenly, but Qin Zixuan curled his lips against Zhong Tianyi's resistance, and he didn't even bother to sneak attack.

Several Red Maple Valley disciples swaying oars were staring at the cave with wide-eyed eyes. The iron wire had reached the end. Whether it was successful or not depends on this time. As the chant was shouted, the iron wire began to shrink.

After the smell dissipated, Qin Zixuan took off the pink pig's head and took a breath of the fresh air of nature, it was really wonderful.As soon as Zhong Tian looked at the face that needed to be punched, he really wanted to punch him a few times.

When the moon hung in the sky, the results of Qin Zixuan and others' waiting came out. Facts proved that some things were really beyond human reach. They prepared [-] meters of wire, but they still didn't reach the bottom.

The adventurer in the iron cage had already died of exhaustion and suffocation. Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and turned around a few times. It seemed that there was no oxygen underneath, so it was difficult to deal with.

Those alien beasts don't attack iron products, but going down without oxygen is a dead end. If this matter can't solve the purpose of exploring, it won't be achieved.

Qin Zixuan looked at Zhong Tianyi, only to see Zhong Tianyi's face was grey, it can be seen that this matter still hit him hard, Zhong Tianyi yelled up to the sky for a long time.

"Zhong Tai'an, you are wrong, you are really wrong! There is no longevity, no!"

"Hahahaha." After Zhong Tianyi laughed wildly for a while, he pointed at Qin Zixuan and shouted, "Come on, let's fight! In today's fight, either you die or I live!"

"You die, I live!" Qin Zixuan replied very calmly, Zhong Tianyi was stunned by this confident sentence, and then reacted, screaming angrily.

Li Han slowly pulled out his weapon. Since the truth cannot be found out, the people here can die!The battle was on the verge of breaking out, Zhong Tianyi knew that he had no way out today, only fighting.

He rushed towards Qin Zixuan suddenly, but he didn't want to be kicked by the dinosaur. The dinosaur was very dissatisfied with Zhong Tianyi's act of pretending to be a fork, and he wanted to die if he dared to steal his limelight!
Gong Liangyan guarded Qin Zixuan, watching Qin Zixuan clasping his fingers and murmuring, wondering what Xianggong was planning, all he could do was not to be disturbed.

After calculating for a long time, Qin Zixuan didn't figure out how to adjust the oxygen. After all, his chemistry is not very good, so he asked the dinosaur how to make oxygen, and the dinosaur replied that I don't know.

I didn't study much back then, and he was a hot chick. Qin Zixuan heard it made sense. If dinosaurs could make oxygen, then he would be able to research atomic bombs.

Zhong Tianyi lost his temper after being abused, and finally discovered the difference between humans and beasts. When he hit the dinosaur himself, the dinosaur didn't even shake, but when the dinosaur hit Zhong Tianyi, Zhong Tianyi's internal organs would shake.

If you can't get oxygen, you can't solve the following problems, and you don't know how much oxygen is enough, so Qin Zixuan picked his fingers for a while, happily gave up this idea, and didn't check if he couldn't find it out.

The disciples of Red Maple Valley wanted to escape, but were pierced by cold arrows. Only then did everyone realize that they were surrounded. Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and called it a day!
The dinosaur let out a slap and slapped Zhong Tianyi to death, and then saw the dinosaur turn into an afterimage. Whether it was the disciples of Red Maple Valley or Heisha Island, they all died with a punch to the head.

Qin Zixuan took two steps back, came to Qu Chang and Gong Xu, and said in a frightened voice, "See? That's Linger's uncle. If you dare to pursue Linger, I'll let her uncle kill you."

Qu Chang grinned and moved away from Qin Zixuan, Gong Xu scratched his head, and said that I was studying, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes after hearing that, he had something to do with his reading.

After showing off their supernatural power, Qin Zixuan and his group clapped their hands. Naturally, someone would do the task of cleaning the scene, and the group began to walk out.

"Brother, really don't keep it? What if we miss the opportunity?" Dinosaur looked back, feeling a little pity.

"Go, I don't know if I can live forever, but I know that if we spend our time here, our life will be considered in vain. If we have that time, we might as well roll around in the world of mortals, crying, laughing, and popular. "

Qin Zixuan patted his robe and stayed here. Qin Zixuan never thought that if he hadn't cooperated with the Yangtze River purge forces, he would have left here long ago, and spent too much time in Sanxian City.

Besides, Huayan is about to give birth, and no matter what, she has to find a place with a good environment to give birth. The smell of blood here is too strong, which is not conducive to the birth of a child.

"Well, you are the only one who can be so chic in this world!" The dinosaur stretched out his thumb to express his admiration. How many people spend their entire lives trying to live forever, but Qin Zixuan would give up just as soon as he said it.

"Can you live forever? Is there any secret? Someone will solve the mystery sooner or later. Let's enjoy life happily." Lin Xuan patted the dinosaur's shoulder and laughed heartily. The dinosaur nodded. This makes sense.

After two days of hard resistance on Heisha Island, he still failed to escape the fate of destruction. When Qin Zixuan and others returned to Sanxian City, the news had already passed. Changjiang wrote to Qin Zixuan, hoping that Qin Zixuan could bring his mother and others back to Fengtian city.

Qin Zixuan was a little embarrassed about this matter, he would have to walk for several days to return to Fengtian City, and he said that it was not suitable for long-distance travel, Qin Zixuan wanted to go to the water town of Yancheng, where the beauty of water and beauty is more beautiful, suitable for health preservation.

So Qin Zixuan found a few daughters-in-law to discuss whether to return to Fengtian City or go to Yancheng, and they decided to hold a democratic vote this time.Li Han wanted to go to Fengtian City. After all, the Yangtze River was there, and Qinglian also had a big belly, so she could take care of her.

But, Qin Zixuan didn't want to go, so Li Han changed his mind and voted for Yancheng. The others didn't think about it, anyway, they just came out to play, so why not go there.

So a democratic choice came to fruition in such a happy way. Several people decided to go to Yancheng. Qin Zixuan wrote to tell Changjiang his decision and asked Changjiang to take good care of Qinglian. It is a big deal for a woman to have children, so she must take good care of Qinglian. emotions, don't leave confinement sickness, that's really a good advice.

(End of this chapter)

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