Chapter 1506

Qin Zixuan and his group set off to leave the Three Immortals City, but the heat of the Three Immortals City did not disappear. There were still many warriors who came to check it out, and the Yangtze River did not stop it. Whoever wants to watch it is obviously a big secret, but it must be kept in the sun. Feel free to look around.

But Changjiang was still looking for scholars to study in secret, and a deep hole suddenly appeared. If there is nothing wrong with it, Changjiang doesn't believe it. He is not Qin Zixuan, so he can't be so magnanimous.

Even Qin Zixuan is not really magnanimous, but Qin Zixuan believes that it is related to the movement of the earth's crust, but the dinosaurs do not support this view, because the dinosaurs have really experienced the miracle of entering the sea, and they have also inspected the vents.

That thing can't be explained by science or other methods, but their current methods can't detect it, [-] meters underground, even in the previous life, it is extremely difficult to do it, and they can't even do the simplest oxygen now.

Of course, if you study it, you might be able to figure it out. Qin Zixuan remembers the basic formula, but he has never operated it. Qin Zixuan is very self-aware, and feels that his chances of producing oxygen are not as high as those here.

"Do you think that group of people will continue to snatch Mrs. Wei after we leave?" Li Han asked Qin Zixuan's shoulder in a low voice.

Qin Zixuan was very happy at that time, it wasn't that he didn't want to rob, but he would rob even more crazily, so that's fine, the fact that he got the flowers in Sanxian Lake was completely transferred, and no one was keeping an eye on it.

Human beings always have a deep inquiring mind about things they don't know. The information on Master Wei's body is like a bomb, and it will explode wherever it goes, and it will be cheaper in the end. Qin Zixuan is not worried, because it is not real information anyway.

Huayan was lying on Qin Zixuan's lap, half-closed his eyes, gently stroking his belly with one hand, with a happy and peaceful smile on his face, it was a mother's smile from the heart.

Qin Zixuan looked at Huayan and couldn't help but stared dumbfounded. Suddenly, his waist hurt, and two small hands appeared on Qin Zixuan's waist. Looking around, Qin Zixuan grinned and silently protested. It's really not his fault.

Feng Qingluan snorted a few times, then turned her head to look out the window, Feng Qingluan was really anxious, she was the only seedling left in Feng's family, but she was never pregnant, what should I do.

Gong Liangyan withdrew her hand and counted with her fingers. After counting for a while, her brows relaxed, and Feng Qingluan had a son and a daughter, which means that Xianggong's ability to sow seeds has not deteriorated, so she still has a chance.

"You really compete with Huang He. The two of you can form a team to help people with fortune-telling and feng shui." Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan and said, Gong Liangyan whitened Qin Zixuan, but did not take up the topic.

The dinosaur was bragging, and Linger and the others were sitting next to them with expressions of admiration. The eyes of the dinosaur enjoyed it very much. The more they bragged, the more they bragged. Stay away, niece.

Qu Chang snickered suddenly, he didn't expect to be caught on the spot, so he also stepped into Gong Xu's footsteps, the two young people were beaten to death, and they didn't know how to please this big family.

Say they are not good, they are very forthright to friends, especially willing to make friends sincerely, say they are good, why do you always have a look of contempt for yourself, from the prince to the maid who sweeps the house, they all have this expression.

Qin Zixuan sat among the women and planned good things. He received a letter from Changjiang while he was patrolling the territory of the Eastern Continent. Changjiang wrote it very clearly, that means a miracle happened here, and our father can't figure it out.

Dahai knew it was a big deal when he said that my father could not handle it. After he read the letter carefully, Dahai was also confused. He had never encountered such a situation before. Is it a miracle?
The question is, is there a God in this world?The sea circles around three times in the same place, if you say there is a god, if you have never seen it, if you say there is no god, then what do you count?What is father?And what about dinosaurs?
Dahai knew that he had a previous life, and his father must have had one too. He was born with memories, but Dahai didn't know that Qin Zixuan was not born with memories, that Qin Zixuan became a monk halfway.

No matter what happened, Dahai couldn't explain why he was reborn with his memory. Perhaps this was one of the miracles. What happened in the Western Continent must have a deep meaning, so let's talk about the specifics when he goes there himself.

In this way, Dahai took his two brothers and began to cleanse the Eastern Continent of those forces that intended to rebel. The main actions were Huashan and Taishan, and Dahai mostly looked at it with arms folded.

The two brothers like to do things, so let them move enough, so as not to bully Huangshan if they have nothing to do. After all, Huangshan is also the emperor, so how can they be beaten by these two rams.

After Dahai cleaned the Eastern Continent, he held an earth-shattering preaching in Yantian City. He didn't sleep at night, and Dahai flew into the air sitting cross-legged on five-colored clouds, with a very solemn look on his face.

The preaching this time was recorded in the historical materials of reincarnation religion. It was an empty alley for thousands of people. There was a crowd of people kneeling inside and outside the city. Hai Hai put a loudspeaker next to his mouth, and the sound came from far away with his mouth, as if he had descended from the sky. like.

The believers knelt there and worshiped again and again, with fanaticism on their faces. Dahai sat cross-legged in the air, feeling very proud, and then talked more vigorously. Dahai’s mouth can be fooled when he is small, but now he is full of energy. A large group of flickers.

The half-believing believers fell into fanaticism, and the fanatics fell into mental retardation. Dahai only needs to say one sentence at this time, you die, and it is estimated that this group of people will not frown and die in minutes.

Huashan and Taishan mixed in the crowd, looked at the high sea, and said in their hearts: This is really my brother, so awesome!That's really convincing and admirable.

Dahai's preaching this time has stabilized the hearts of those a little restless people. The momentum of the Reincarnation Sect is in full swing. It is hopeless for others to divide the Reincarnation Sect. As long as the sea is still alive, others will not be able to shake the foundation of the Reincarnation Sect.

After making arrangements for the East Continent, Dahai decided to go back to Daqin first, for no other reason than Dahai's daughter-in-law Wu Ying was about to give birth, and Dahai had to go to Daqin to take care of her, so the three brothers left the East Continent and returned to Daqin.

Prince Cheng’s mansion is still the same as before. Don’t look at Huangshan as the emperor, but Prince Cheng’s mansion has not changed at all. Concubine Cheng is a nostalgic person, she just wants to guard the old prince. He is afraid that if Prince Cheng’s house changes, the old prince will not be able to return way home.

Qin Zixuan respected his mother very much. It is not bad for a person to have a long-term love in his life that he can miss and love. No matter what Concubine Cheng said, Qin Zixuan would depend on her, so only Huangshan lived in the palace compound.

Several concubines of the Song family and Qin Zixuan lived in Prince Cheng's mansion to serve Concubine Cheng. Now that Wu Ying is pregnant, they even serve Wu Ying together. This is Qin Zixuan's eldest son and grandson, not to mention how precious he is.

Concubine Cheng wished she could live next to Wu Ying, and felt uneasy if she couldn't see Wu Ying for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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