Chapter 1513
There are not many idiots who can be officials these days, and the county magistrate is not an idiot. If the officer wants to use him as a gun, he won't do it. His immediate boss, Huang Tian, ​​is so angry that his liver hurts. He never thought that he would nod and bow in front of him before. The guy is actually a hard stubble.

But to say that Huang Tianluo didn't have the confidence to do it himself, thinking about the orders he received, Huang Tianluo knew that his current identity was an abandoned son, and if things got serious, he would definitely be pushed out to eat bullets.

But if you don't obey the order, it seems that you can't keep your head. Alas, it's hard to be a servant, Huang Tianluo hopes that the county magistrate can be a little stupid, and then follow the order with his head hot.

Unexpectedly, the county magistrate is not stupid at all, knowing which one is lighter and which one is heavier, that means beating him to death and not obeying orders, Huang Tianluo spun around in a hurry, thinking what should we do about this matter?

The question is, what do the people above want to do?What do you want to do with the current Lord head-on?It seems that they don't have the guts yet, even if the Lord is not in the Western Continent, they don't dare to go to the public, now they are more courageous?
Hehe, who believes that their courage will grow up?After the master came back, his strength increased greatly, and he also reached an agreement of peaceful coexistence with other places. He clearly obeyed the orders of the Great Qin, but in fact they were still self-governing, and all power was in the hands of the master.

It's just that today's Western Continent is more closely connected with Daqin and Yanhuang, and they can exchange what they need, businessmen can take the opportunity to make a fortune, and the common people can take the opportunity to maintain their health without fighting.

In addition, the issuance of various government orders has guaranteed the lives of the people in the Western Continent, and the lives of each household have been better, and the support of the Lord has become stronger.

The common people don't care who rules them, they only know that life is better now, taxes are reduced, there is surplus food at home, and there is a warm house for living, these are the enjoyments that they didn't have before.

Huang Tianluo gritted his teeth and thought about it, but he didn't think of a way to break the game. Now he is on a thief ship and he can't get off. If he really takes Qin Zixuan and his gang, will he survive?
The county magistrate quietly observed Huang Tianluo's expression, rolled his eyes twice, and then whispered, "Master Huang, I don't know whose order you took, but to be honest, Master Huang thinks that the chance of success in the rebellion is very high." a bit?"

"Rebellion, who is rebelling?" Huang Tianluo's eyes were wide open, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he was staring at the county magistrate, once the county magistrate knew his details, then this person must die.

"Hey, Mr. Huang, why should you be on guard against me? Maybe you can gather together to discuss a countermeasure after hearing from me. After all, if something happens to you, I won't be fine." The county magistrate folded his hands and smiled wryly. A clear understanding of the situation.

Huang Tianluo gritted his teeth and thought about it, it seemed that this was the case, so Huang Tianluo revealed his identity in a low voice, the county magistrate opened his mouth wide in shock, feeling that the officer is so stupid, he has reached his current position and will not rebel It is a matter of time to go up, why bother to follow the rebels?
The county magistrate couldn't help but ask what was on his mind, Huang Tianluo smiled wryly, at that time he hadn't reached his current position, and at that time the Lord was the only one who won the world, who knows who he is.

Who knows that the Lord is not only capable, but also a good person. With his means, the Western Continent has fallen into peace, and the lives of the common people are getting better day by day, and those big families have not been affected much. As long as they take refuge in the Lord, they will have a chance now make big money.

well!Do you want to ask regret?Huang Tianluo really regretted it, but it was easy to get on the boat and difficult to get off the boat. He wanted to get off the boat, but he couldn't get off the boat. Thinking of this, Huang Tianluo was very sad.

The county magistrate looked around, then ran to the back of the door and window to observe quietly for a while, then returned to Huang Tianluo's side, and asked in a low voice, "Do you know who lives there?"

Huang Tianluo nodded. Since he had spoken to the county magistrate, he should make it clear. If this person couldn't help him, he could cut him down and make him understand.

When he knew the true identity of Qin Zixuan and his party, the county magistrate almost died of fright!The Lord's father, the bastard Huang Tianluo actually let him do something to the Lord's father, this bastard is too bad.

The county magistrate rubbed his hands and circled the room, he knew that if this matter could not be resolved, then he would not even try to save his head, Huang Tianluo would definitely not be able to tolerate him, the county magistrate's brow was sweating at the thought of this urgency.

This, this, alas, what should I do about this?The county magistrate gritted his teeth and thought about countermeasures. Huang Tianluo was also thinking about countermeasures. It's not like he hadn't thought about taking action against Qin Zixuan, but Huang Tianluo was worried that Qin Zixuan would be arrested if he didn't obey orders. They might not be opponents.

Besides, Qin Zixuan's status was noble, and if he dared to wander in the western continent, he would definitely have a card to save his life. Maybe he had a soldier talisman in his hand and could directly mobilize the army, but he didn't have enough people to put his teeth between his teeth.

"My lord, why don't you take me with you to see the Supreme Emperor as I said, maybe the old man will be sympathetic to keep us alive." The county magistrate suggested in a low voice.

Huang Tianluo frowned, is this trick feasible?If things are revealed, he will be miserable, and what about his family when he leaves?Huang Tianluo couldn't believe that those people didn't put eyeliners around him.

Speaking of his embarrassment, the county magistrate made another move, that is, whoever is suspected of killing someone, in short, they can't give them a chance to report, and they would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

First lead a group of people to walk the clear road, shouting to arrest Qin Zixuan, and then send a group of confidantes to go the dark road to transfer the family. This is the best way at present, and it is also the most perfect solution that the county magistrate can come up with.

After hearing this, Huang Tianluo thought for a while, and felt that this plan was feasible. He was not a person who went straight to the dark, and knew that rebellion would have no future. He might lose his head one day. At that time, his family would also suffer disaster with him. It's better to solve it now.

After all, the other party is the master's father, and his means are not much higher than the master's, but he is not much lower. Otherwise, would he dare to cause trouble everywhere in the Western Continent?I heard that such a big event in Sanxian City was suppressed by the Supreme Emperor.

Not to mention so many sea monsters, Xiaoyao Wang's power is not small, but he was also wiped out, eh!Fight hard, this is an opportunity and the whole family can survive if you seize it.

After making up his mind, Huang Luotian brought the county magistrate into action. The county magistrate quietly wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. He almost played himself to death just now. Fortunately, his head turned faster than others. Thanks to his parents for giving him a smart face. Head melon.

Soon there were swords flashing in the Huang Mansion, and many people's heads fell to the ground. Then Huang Tianluo made an arrangement, that is, his family escaped through the tunnel, and he led the army to set out from the bright side, and headed for Yancheng in two ways.

In any case, as long as one team arrives, it's a profit. If two teams arrive together, hehe, he can wake up with a smile. Huang Tianluo figured things out, and finally made the right decision, but he doesn't know if Qin Zixuan can make it happen. he.

(End of this chapter)

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