Chapter 1514

Qin Zixuan also heard the news, and was very sympathetic to what happened to the Zuo family, but the smile on his face really didn't show much sympathy, the dinosaur called Qin Zixuan too shady, why did he make two fools do it.

This is definitely an irony, because the dinosaur also laughed like a flower, and this guy is not the one who suffers. He has his own arrogance. If the people here really want to bully him, the dinosaur can't swallow that breath.

The two guys sat together laughing and it was a bad thing. In the afternoon, a guard came in and reported that an army had come from outside the banquet city. Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes after hearing this. Could it be for Gong Xu and the others? , if so, let them face it.

But, alas, Qin Zixuan was dumbfounded when the person really came in front of him. He didn't come rushing after Gong Xu and the others, but directly handed over a post to ask to see him. At the same time, a group of women and children appeared outside the courtyard.

Qin Zixuan recruited Huang Tianluo and the county magistrate to ask, and then he realized that his feelings were someone who wanted to use the Zuo family's affairs to trick him. How many remaining powers did the Yasheng Empire still have? .

Facing Qin Zixuan's questioning, Huang Tianluo cleared his throat, and told Qin Zixuan what he knew. Huang Tianluo told Qin Zixuan that the remnant forces of the Yasheng Empire had been divided into several forces.

They are not united. In other words, if they were united at the beginning, they would not be defeated so quickly, even now. What Qin Zixuan cleared out in Sanxian City was the Xiaoyao King's power, which was the strongest power in the Yasheng Empire. But not the only one.

Huang Tianluo belonged to Prince Arsenic Zhong Zongli's forces. Zhong Zongli was defeated overnight with an army of one million in his hands, but his power had not been exhausted. In the end, these forces were broken up and hidden.

Some are hidden among the people, some are hidden in the deep mountains, some are hidden on overseas islands, and some are hidden in the officialdom. Maybe that big man is Zhong Zongli's person.

Qin Zixuan was quite speechless after hearing this. This is the sequelae of growing too fast. If he hadn't grown so fast at that time, but had taken it step by step, and then walked steadily with each step, the current situation might not have happened.

A great man said well that the current retreat is only for better offense in the future, and Zhong Zongli lost so quickly back then, he probably also had this kind of intention, so his talents are hidden so deeply.

Compared with the Eastern Continent, the Western Continent has more hidden dangers. Qin Zixuan is really worried about the Yangtze River. When will this child be freed from his busy work.

Huang Tianluo said that surrendering was a sincere surrender, and he told Qin Zixuan everything he knew, how to contact the dark wire and who the dark wire was, and he explained it very clearly.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and smiled, the dinosaur knew that this brother was in trouble, Li Han sat next to him and asked Qin Zixuan how he wanted to play, Qin Zixuan didn't say anything, Li Han felt a little uneasy, feeling that his husband was making a big move.

Qin Zixuan asked Huang Tianluo to write the excerpt by himself, to show his identity, and at the same time cooperate with the Yangtze River to attack the enemy. Let the past be the past, and none of us should mention it.

Huang Tianluo was so moved that he couldn't speak what he said, he kowtowed to thank Qin Zixuan, and then he said goodbye to Qin Zixuan and went back to the station to start writing the memorial.

The county magistrate learned that Huang Tianluo came back to ask for an audience, and then saw Huang Tianluo trying hard to whitewash the memorial, which made the county magistrate's eyes flash with sympathy from time to time, and felt that Huang Tianluo was cute when he was stupid.

If the county magistrate was Huang Tianluo, he would definitely not write a formal memorial, but follow Qin Zixuan's way to pass it secretly. Minglu's memorial would have to go through multiple hands before it reaches the master, and there is no guarantee that there will be no traitors in the process.

As long as it passes the traitor's hands, the so-called secrets that Huang Tianluo wrote now will become a joke. Even if he thinks of these county magistrates, he doesn't intend to remind Huang Tianluo that this traitor is his immediate boss.

Only when Huang Tianluo is unlucky can the county magistrate have a chance to be promoted. This person has selfishness, and the county magistrate admits that his own selfishness is not small. He really hopes that Huang Tianluo will be unlucky.

That's why Huang Tianluo planned to ask the county magistrate to be a witness. The county magistrate fulfilled his wish and wanted to witness Huang Tianluo's misfortune. Anyway, he is not in Huang Tianluo's territory now, and Huang Tianluo will not kill him. Ling's courage inexplicably became much larger.

Two Zhezi set off from Yancheng to Fengtian City, Changjiang rubbed his sore eyes, looked at the sky outside, got up and left the office, he should go to see his wife.

A woman's mood fluctuates greatly during pregnancy, and Jiang Qinglian's mood is quite high at this meeting, because someone drugged her food, which made Jiang Qinglian's already fluctuating mood explode directly.

Pointing at the servants kneeling on the floor who tortured her severely, she dared to fight with anyone who dared to harm her child, Jiang Qinglian's anger was completely aroused like a volcano.

Changjiang saw this scene when he came back, and immediately became angry. This is his eldest son. Changjiang was really angry. He stretched out his hand to help Jiang Qinglian who was saluting, and put her on a chair to comfort her. Then he turned around and looked at the kneeling The servants all over the place.

"Who is the black hand? Stand up and don't implicate your family. If I find out, I will destroy the three clans!" Anger rose on Jiang Jiang's gloomy face, and his eyes swept over the faces of the servants one by one.

"The Lord has wronged you, the villain did not poison you."

"My lord, I beg you to check clearly, Xiaozhen's loyalty to the empress can be learned from the sun and the moon."


The kneeling servants kowtowed like pounding garlic, their heads seemed to be hit by iron, shaking the ground with a bang, their eyes were covered with blood and they didn't dare to wipe their eyes, and no one dared to look directly at the eyes of the Yangtze River.

Do not admit it?Hmph, Changjiang sneered, since he doesn't admit it, let them see his ability to solve the case, sometimes no evidence is needed to solve the case, intuition is enough.

Changjiang suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the man in green who was following the sixth in the third row. The man's eyes narrowed, and his body shivered uncontrollably. Then, when his teeth were pressed hard, the poison capsule burst.

Changjiang didn't seem to notice that person's movements, and pointed to the first person in the fifth row. This person was a woman in her thirties, her blood-stained face showed panic, and just as she was about to move, Changjiang's voice rang in her ears. sound.

"I won't stop those who want to die, but I'll copy your three clans, unless you are lonely." The evil smile on Changjiang's face is like a flower blooming in hell, coquettish and deadly.

Changjiang's fingers were still moving, and the voice continued to ring out, "Chu'er, male, 36 years old, lives in Xiaochu Village, Malin County. He has one wife and three concubines, four sons and three daughters, and his mother is fifty-eight years old. All of them will be killed!"

The man in Tsing Yi had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Every time Changjiang said a word, his face became ugly, and his eyes were full of pleading. He was not alone. There were family members, relatives and friends behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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