Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1523 Digging a Pit

Chapter 1523 Digging a Pit
Huang Tianluo admired Qin Zixuan's record, why couldn't he do it, anxious Huang Tianluo scratched his head, it was really difficult to perform in front of the Supreme Emperor.

The county magistrate followed him with despair, he couldn't figure out why Huang Tianluo wasn't unlucky, and even more couldn't figure out how the Supreme Emperor dared to trust Huang Tianluo, wouldn't he be afraid of Huang Tianluo's betrayal?
No matter how desperate he was, the county magistrate had to serve him honestly, and only hoped that the Supreme Emperor would think of him one day, and then he would be able to flourish.

Qin Zixuan took his name and said: "This person is actually an inspector. He is really a favored person, and he hides really deeply."

"That's right, many of Zhong Zongli's subordinates are hiding in the government, but unfortunately I don't know much, otherwise he would have been taken down a long time ago." Huang Tianluo consciously adjusted his position.

Qin Zixuan nodded, tapped his index finger on the table, and suddenly grinned. Didn't that bastard Zhong Zongli want to know the secret of Sanxian City?Then let him confront the hidden door for a while.

If Zhong Zongli's people can survive a round, Qin Zixuan said that I admire it very much. If they can't last a round, the Yangtze River in the province will send someone to do it again.

Thinking of Qin Zixuan going out with his hands behind his back, Huang Tianluo asked when he would arrest him, Qin Zixuan waved his hands to express that he was not in a hurry, he wanted to go back and prepare something.

Not long after Qin Zixuan returned to his residence, he sent out a message to recruit scholars from the Jiangyuan Dao area, asking them to help him translate the ancient prose. What the ancient prose was not explained clearly, it was vaguely rumored that it was obtained from the City of Three Immortals.

As soon as the news came out, many forces secretly clenched their fists. Some came here to curry favor with Qin Zixuan, while others came here to keep the secrets of Three Immortals City. In short, no matter what their purpose was, they all gathered in Yancheng.

Jiangyuan Dao Xun was ordered to cooperate with Qin Zixuan's actions according to Zhou Yan, and the county government was busy. Qin Zixuan was sitting in the county government, accompanied by Li Han.

Li Han really didn't expect that he didn't do such a big thing with his husband for a while, and he strongly supported him after he found out. We want to see if the person who was plotted by his husband will shed tears after knowing the truth.

If you mess with anyone, you have to jump in front of your husband. To be honest, Li Han really admires Qin Zixuan. He is so smart. Li Han said that I can't compare.

Qin Zixuan was holding the yellowed ancient book, with a wicked smile on his face. It was made with retro techniques, and the words on it were also ancient characters from the Western Continent. Qin Zixuan wrote the Tao Te Ching as the content of this research.

Thinking of countless scholars studying the Tao Te Ching in the previous life, there are really many explanations, and there are even academic quarrels. I don’t know if the scholars here will be like this?
The content of the Tao Te Ching is extensive and profound, one life two two begets three three three begets all things, as long as those people sent by the Yinmen read this sentence, it is estimated that they were [-]% skeptical before, but only [-]% skeptical after reading it.

This achievement is a suspicion of human nature, Qin Zixuan thought of this moment of hilarity, Li Han took the ancient book and looked through it, but she didn't understand a single word on it, but she knew what Xianggong wrote.

"Xianggong, do you really want to use this book? The content on it is so profound that I can't even understand it." Li Han asked in a low voice. This is really a precious book. If he didn't know that it was written by Xianggong, Li Han Said that I would also grab it.

"I can't bear to let my children play like wolves. We don't know how strong the Yinmen is, so let Zhong Zongli's people fight the battle." Qin Zixuan said with a smile, he really didn't think the Tao Te Ching is so precious, he can still write several books.

Well, when it comes to the Yinmen, Li Han shut up. The news came from Changjiang, saying that the Yinmen has always been a legend. .

With one hand behind his back, Qin Zixuan said to Li Han, "It would be great if they could develop a mobile phone. We can even talk to the Yangtze River while lying here. The means of transmitting messages is still too backward."

Li Han doesn't know what a mobile phone is, but what Xianggong said must be the best, just like a car, that thing is so cool when it is driving, and only Xianggong, a great god, can think of it.

"By the way, I heard that the inspector is looking around for the authenticity of this book. He is so bold that he sent money to Yang Shulin."

When Li Han said this, she was quite angry. Could it be that those people were out of their minds, and they actually attacked her personal soldiers.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan secretly laughed, and gave it away if he had money. Qin Zixuan had already made plans for this kind of thing, so he could take the opportunity to make a fortune.

"Your Majesty, the scholars outside request to start studying that ancient book now." Huang Tianluo walked in, looking at Qin Zixuan with a pious expression.

"Who is here?" Qin Zixuan asked.

"Ten well-known scholars from Jiangyuan Dao have come, and five of them have never been heard of before, but they are really strong in identifying ancient characters. All five of them can recognize the ancient characters we used for the test, which is better than the ten. Scholars are still strong."

Huang Tianluo focused on pointing out the five dark horses, namely Yin Juezi, Yuchenzi, Foolish Monk, Crazy Taoist and Nanming Zhenjun.Listen to the name, no one is normal.

Qin Zixuan automatically ignored those ten scholars. Those ten might be really knowledgeable, but they might not be the ones he was waiting for, but these five guys with very unique names.

These five people were all from the deep mountains, they had no family members or fellow disciples, they just showed up carelessly, not worried at all about Qin Zixuan chasing people away, and they didn't know where their self-confidence came from.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han looked at each other, and they walked hand in hand to Dongkuayuan, which was the research room for these scholars. At this time, these people were sitting there drinking tea, with profound expressions on their faces.

Huang Tianluo yelled that the Supreme Emperor is here, I'll rub it, Qin Zixuan found that no one knelt down, even the ten scholars who came here admiringly, all bowed their hands in salute.Why is this?

"See the Supreme Emperor!"

Seeing the scene, Huang Tianluo was a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to smooth things over, telling Qin Zixuan that this gang was highly respected, that they would not kneel when they saw an official, and that they would stand up and say hello to him already.

Li Han curled his lips, this is called giving noodles, but fortunately, the husband is not a fussy person, otherwise he would really have to teach these guys a lesson. It is one thing not to let them kneel down, but another thing if they don't take the initiative to kneel down.

Qin Zixuan glanced for a week, smiled and asked these guys to sit down, then sat down on the main seat, glanced for a week, and then said:
"I don't know if all of you can be trusted, but it doesn't matter. I am confident that I can keep this ancient book. I hope those with ulterior motives will be honest, otherwise I will show no mercy."

"What does the Supreme Emperor mean by this? If you don't believe me, then we will leave now!" Zhenjun Nanming was the first to jump out, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Qin Zixuan stared at Zhenjun Nanming and smiled sinisterly.
(End of this chapter)

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