Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1524 Torn Book

Chapter 1524 Torn Book
"Okay, if you feel that you have been humiliated, then leave." Qin Zixuan didn't play the cards according to common sense. Zhenjun Nanming originally wanted to join Qin Zixuan's army, but he didn't expect that Qin Zixuan would not give him face.

As soon as these words came out, Zhenjun Nanming couldn't get off the tiger, and the expression on his face was so ugly.The other scholars who came to participate watched with their eyes, nose, nose and heart, and no one interrupted.

Li Han was overjoyed when he saw this, and cupped his hands to Zhenjun Nanming, and said, "Don't blame Zhenjun, the Supreme Emperor must have a reason for saying this, because before calling you to come, there have been several sneak robberies, all of which failed. end."

"Oh, I don't know who made the move?" Zhenjun Nanming's eyes lit up, but he wanted to know who was so bold to snatch something from Qin Zixuan. Others didn't know Zhenjun Nanming, but they knew that Qin Zixuan was not easy.

Not to mention the reincarnation sect standing behind this person, there are also several powerful women around him, all of whom have unique skills. If nothing else, the strength of this person in front of him is not simple.

Ignoring Zhenjun Nanming's shining eyes, Li Han sighed: "Who else could it be, isn't it those stupid people who think they are smart."

Li Han didn't specify who he was, but replied vaguely, not so stupid as to directly point out that it was Zhong Zongli's men. Qin Zixuan looked around with the corner of his mouth raised, and took out the ancient book from his arms.

As soon as the book came out, everyone's attention was focused. Qin Zixuan raised his brows, flipped a page lightly with his fingers, glanced at it affectionately, and whispered to Li Han:

"The characters in the Western Continent are really hard to read. I still can't understand after studying for so long."

Li Han snickered when he heard this, knowing that Xianggong was digging a hole, he comforted Qin Zixuan in a low voice, "Don't be sad, Xianggong, it doesn't matter if we don't know each other, we have power in our hands, you see, if we give an order, those people we know will gather here. "

Speaking of this, Li Han raised the corners of his eyes quite proudly, and glanced around contemptuously, Qin Zixuan nodded in agreement, the eldest daughter-in-law was right, look, these people are just for my use.

Zhenjun Nanming and the others were not deaf. Although Qin Zixuan and Qin Zixuan were very quiet, they understood clearly. The expressions on their faces were very exciting. At the same time, they felt that Qin Zixuan's unreliable reputation was not wrong at all.

Ever since the Three Immortals City incident happened, Qin Zixuan's black history has appeared on the desks of interested people. Everyone expressed admiration for Qin Zixuan's good luck. He was favored since he was born, and he was still cared for even though he was old.

First, there is an old lady who hurts to the bone, and then marrying a big daughter-in-law who is capable, that's not enough, the son she gave birth to is very smart, but all of these can't conceal Qin Zixuan's unreliability.

Because they inquired about Qin Zixuan's life trajectory, it was full of bad deeds, and he had never seen such a shameless person who could do all kinds of bad things.

Others invented binoculars for war, but he was lucky enough to take a peek with the binoculars, and he looked at it with confidence. The princesses of the Three Kingdoms were not even the princesses of Daqin.

Others taught children piano, chess, calligraphy and painting when they were young, but what he taught was cheating and abducting. If the children were not taught crooked by him, it must be God's blessing. Later, when they got older, they were still missed by girls. Once married, there were several.

Zhenjun Nanming quietly looked at Qin Zixuan, and saw that Qin Zixuan opened the page, revealing a yellowed cowhide with a few lines written on it, and Zhenjun Nanming froze there just by looking at it.

Tao can be Tao very Tao name can be named very name nameless the beginning of heaven and earth is famous mother of all things
Qin Zixuan is smart, and his fakes are very realistic. The ancients wrote books without leaving punctuation marks. This is why the meaning of reading a hundred times is self-explanatory. Every time you read it, you have a different understanding.

It is very grand just to open it all over the world. It talks about the world and all things, but it is impossible to understand the meaning at a glance. Everyone will have different interpretations if the sentences are different.

As soon as Qin Zixuan used his hands hard, he tore off the first page. Everyone looked at Qin Zixuan's hands and wanted to chop him off. Those were really a pair of hands for destruction.

Zhenjun Nanming saw that his eye sockets were about to burst, he slapped the table and stood up, his body was full of murderous looks, Li Han also slapped the table and stood up, why would he want to threaten Mr. Xiang in front of her!

Qin Zixuan stretched out his hand and drew it back. Originally, he wanted to pass it from Nanming Zhenjun, but he turned his hand to the left and said, "Please pass it on and see, whoever can translate it for me will be rewarded."

The upstart with a full expression is a local tyrant who doesn't understand anything and likes to swell his face to pretend to be fat. Yin Juezi raised his head and smiled at Zhenjun Nanming, secretly delighted that Zhenjun Nanming took advantage of him by slapping the table.

Yin Juezi's eyes were fixed on the words in his hand, and his expression became more and more exciting the more he looked at it. He was already sure that this book must be an ancient book, because he had never read it before, and the content inside was more extensive and profound.

Yin Juezi couldn't help sinking into it, which made all the waiting old men anxious. They all stretched their necks to look at Yin Juezi, and at the books in Qin Zixuan's hand.

It's a pity that the book fell into Li Han's arms now, and Li Han's powerful aura emerged, suppressing Zhenjun Nanming, while Qin Zixuan actually sat beside him and made sarcastic remarks.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, if they dare to grab it, we'll burn it down."

puff!In a word, he has no friends, but he actually pulls the enemy. Of course, the enemy is secretly. I really dare not quarrel with Qin Zixuan in the open, because this guy doesn't play cards according to the rules. Who knows if he will really be set on fire? Lose.

If Qin Zixuan really burned that ancient book, these people would not be able to find a place to cry. Yuchenzi pulled Zhenjun Nanming to sit down without saying a word, and his face was still full of smiles.

"The emperor is too worried. We are a bunch of nerds. We only have knowledge in our eyes. How could we grab it by hand, haha"

Yuchenzi himself didn't believe what he said, but he couldn't help but say, tell Qin Zixuan that we are here to snatch it, and burn it if you have the ability.

If he really dared to say that, Qin Zixuan would definitely burn it without saying a word. Anyway, he wanted to get a thousand or eight hundred copies of this kind of book, but Yuchenzi and the others didn't know it, and they were afraid of angering Qin Zixuan.

Under Yu Chenzi's gesture, Zhenjun Nanming hurriedly handed over his hands to make amends, "The Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager, it's the fault of the old man. I hope that the two adults will be large. Let's study the above content first."

Hmph, Li Han sneered, I didn't expect these out-of-the-world experts to be able to bend and stretch, the speed of changing faces is like turning over a book, what about the Qing Gao who jumped out of the Three Realms?You did show it.

Rolling his eyes, Li Han sat beside Qin Zixuan, took out the book and read it for a few more times, then opened it with one hand and tore it apart forcefully, seeing Zhenjun Nanming and the others' eyes burning.

This couple is sick, and each of them is blind and sabotaging.

(End of this chapter)

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