Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1526 Happiness

Chapter 1526 Happiness
Qin Zixuan waved his hand and called to go home, digging a hole and so on was a trivial matter, no rhetoric was important, and Li Han didn't care about the wine on the table, so he dragged Qin Zixuan away.

When he ran to the door, Qin Zixuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he made up his mind, looked at Zhou Yan who was standing next to him, and said in a low voice, "Zhou Xun calls you here, I have something important to tell you."

Zhou Yan heard the words and hurried over to congratulate, Qin Zixuan pulled Zhou Yan to the door, looked around and saw that they were all his own people, then took out the book from his arms and stuffed it into Zhou Yan's arms.

He continued: "You protect this book well, and after they translate it, tear up a copy and give it to them to continue studying."

Zhou Yan nodded, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched a few times. Only the prince was willing to tear up such a precious book, and he was reluctant, but this was an opportunity. I hope that the words will be difficult to produce, so that he will have more time.

He confessed a few more words to tell Zhou Yan to be careful, and then ran away with Li Han. Huang Tianluo, who was leading the soldiers on patrol, saw Qin Zixuan's movements, his eyes flashed.

The Supreme Emperor was really willing to dig a hole, such a valuable book was actually used as a bait, I'm afraid Zhou Yan would jump into it knowing it was a hole, Huang Tianluo turned his face away and continued patrolling, pretending he didn't notice Qin Zixuan's little trick.

Zhou Yan watched Qin Zixuan and his party leave in a hurry, then looked back, with a smile on his lips, he had written down the contents of the two pieces of paper, let them continue to study.

Thinking of Zhou Yan shaking his official robe and stepping away, his direction was his resting room. Zhou Yan didn't know that when Qin Zixuan was talking to him, someone stood there motionlessly behind the door and eavesdropped.

Seeing Zhou Yan leave, the man's eyes flickered a few times, and finally turned into a sneer.

Qin Zixuan and his group returned to the manor house with whips and whips, and the people there were already on their backs. Gu Yueru was very afraid of having children, but she went to join in the fun with her stomach full, and Gong Liangyan was sweating profusely.

Gong Liangyan knew why Gu Yueru didn't want to have a baby. She was frightened by the scene of Li Han giving birth. Now that she wants to join in the fun, isn't she afraid of getting pregnant?

Thinking that Gong Liangyan really wanted to strangle Gu Yueru to death, she couldn't get pregnant if she wanted to, and she didn't know how to cherish it when she was pregnant. Gu Yueru definitely couldn't let this kind of excitement go.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han were not there, so Gong Liangyan could only drag Gu Yueru away in person, and also called Feng Qingluan away. Compared to Gu Yueru, Feng Qingluan was really obedient, and she would leave as soon as she let her go.

"You two rest well in the room. That scene is not for you to watch. There will be shadows when you watch it. Sister Yue, you already have a shadow in your heart. Do you want to expand the shadow area?"

Gong Liangyan gritted her teeth, if Gu Yueru dared to nod, she would definitely teach Gu Yueru to be a mother, that's too irresponsible.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yueru shook her head with a pale face, she was just worried about the dystocia, she really had no other ideas, Feng Qingluan sat there resting while rubbing her pregnant belly, while the servant girl brought hot tea to calm her down.

Alas, Gong Liangyan sighed, looked at the two of them, and said a few words of comfort, then turned and walked out, she still had to stare at Huayan, although Bai Jing and Liu Yi were guarding there, but she was worried .

Alas, I am a worrying life!Gong Liangyan rested her forehead and sighed, Xianggong and Li Han were not there, if something unexpected happened to the rhetoric, Gong Liangyan expressed that I was afraid.

Outside Huayan's room, Ling'er rushed over in desperation, just in time to be seen by Bai Jing, I'll go, just after driving away two big bellies, another little princess came.

It is better not to see this matter before the daughter is married, otherwise it would be bad to leave a shadow, Bai Jing stopped Linger from coming into the house, and ordered the maid who came with her to take Linger away. here.

Ling'er was a disappointment, because Mao didn't let her see, her younger brother and sister were about to be born, why Mao didn't let her sister see, she was the best sister ever, why Mao!

Linger expressed dissatisfaction, she was the youngest in the family, she had been looking forward to having younger siblings for a long time, and finally she could have a little meat ball to play with her, pinching her little face, pulling her little ears, it was fun to think about it.

Fortunately, Huayan didn't know Linger's thoughts, otherwise she might regret having a baby. She gave birth to a child, not Linger's toy. This kind of thinking is really bad.

Li Han flew in from outside the courtyard with Qin Zixuan, seeing Linger here, Li Han's face turned dark, without saying a word, let Linger go back to the house to stay, Gong Liangyan walked in from the outside, seeing Linger also had a headache, how could he forget this one.

"Little Yanzi, you came just in time. Take Ling'er back to the house, you guys can't stay here." Li Han was happy when he saw Gong Liangyan, but Gong Liangyan turned dark, why can't she stay?She is not pregnant again.

Qin Zixuan poked his head to look into the room, but Bai Jing grabbed his collar and threw him aside. Bai Jing knew Qin Zixuan too well. He liked to rush into the room when he had nothing to do. He was too bloody to let him in there.

"Hey hey!" Qin Zixuan was thrown around a few times, his expression was not very good, all of these martial arts were better than him, did they soak in the potion to practice?

Gong Liangyan, Ling'er and the others looked at Qin Zixuan and couldn't help laughing. Li Han patted Gong Liangyan angrily and said, "You haven't given birth to a child, so don't watch it here, it will leave a shadow Yes, do you want to learn from Yuemeizi?"

Gong Liangyan shrinks her neck when she is scared by a word. She doesn't want to learn from Miss Yue at all. She still wants to be a mother. Thinking of the great relationship, she pulls Linger away without saying a word.
The little maid didn't dare to pull Ling'er hard, but Gong Liangyan dared. After all, she was Ling'er's aunt and elder. Ling'er left with a disappointed face. She really wanted to see her younger siblings born.

Liu Yi came out with a basin of bloody water, seeing Qin Zixuan gave him a blank look, Qin Zixuan touched his nose feeling guilty.

The medical technology here is not good, Hua Hua said that they are too old, and the risk factor of having a child is still very high. If they hadn't been eagerly looking forward to having a child, Qin Zixuan really didn't want them to take risks.

Li Han patted Qin Zixuan's hand for a few words of relief, and rolled his sleeves into the house to help. Soon there was only Qin Zixuan, an old man, in the courtyard. Sound, I don't know if it has started to attack.

Inside the room, Huayan gritted her teeth and followed the midwife's instructions. She was worried that Qin Zixuan was in a hurry, so she endured the pain and did not cry out. Being so good made people feel distressed. Li Han came to the bedside to cheer her up.

The midwife was a little surprised to see Li Han coming in, and at the same time admired Li Han's grandeur. The mistresses of other families wished that all the concubines would die, but this one was fine. Prince Cheng still hurts people.

Huayan smiled weakly at Li Han, the smile on her face was so holy, full of maternal brilliance, it was the happy smile from her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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