Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1527 Little Princess

Chapter 1527 Little Princess

Zhou Yan entered the room, closed the door, looked back, with a mocking smile on his face, then took off his official robe, and fiddled with his face a few times, a strange face appeared in the mirror.

Then Zhou Yan stepped on the ground with his foot, and a hole appeared in front of him. He quickly jumped down the hole, and soon the hole and Zhou Yan disappeared at the same time, but the soldiers guarding outside didn't notice it at all.

In Dongkua courtyard, Zhenjun Nanming retreated into the crowd, blinked at Yin Juezi and the others a few times, and they walked together naturally, pretending to be discussing.

When they got their heads together, Zhenjun Nanming said in a breathless voice: "Qin Zixuan handed over that book to Zhou Yan, and asked him to watch us translate it. I think this is an opportunity."

The crazy monk hugged the wine jar left by Qin Zixuan, sucked his saliva and nodded, Yu Chenzi said: "Zhou Yan is just an ordinary person, we will do it after he comes in, as long as the things are not in the hands of the couple."

This statement won the agreement of several people. The couple is not good at dealing with each other. They don't have much respect for ancient books. It can be seen from their movements of tearing up the books, but Zhou Yan is different.

Zhou Yan was just an inspector, even if a piece of torn paper was handed over to him, Zhou Yan would not dare to destroy it privately, and Zhou Yan would never destroy a book unless it was absolutely necessary.

The few people quickly discussed the countermeasures. With their strength, as long as the opponent is not Li Han and Qin Zixuan, they have ten thousand ways to snatch the book away.

Back in the crowd, Zhenjun Nanming stretched out his hand and took one, and then Yuchenzi took the other. The group was already ready to fight for it, and they would definitely not let go of these two.

It's just that they waited and waited, but they didn't wait for Zhou Yan's arrival. This made them feel bad. Thinking of Qin Zixuan's saying that he had been robbed several times before, Zhou Yan couldn't be one of them.

Thinking of this, Zhenjun Nanming shouted to the soldiers outside the door: "Please call me Mr. Zhou, I have a new discovery to report."

The soldier poked his head to look, and bowed his hands in response. The soldier also knew that the people sitting here were all educated people, and it wasn't because he, a blind man, could provoke him, so he should obey the order.

It's just that the soldiers searched around but couldn't find anyone. As time passed, Zhenjun Nanming and the others felt bad. The book would not disappear under their noses.

The soldiers didn't find Zhou Yan, but they found Huang Tianluo. Huang Tianluo hurried over to find out what they found. If they didn't find Zhou Xun, they could tell him first.

These words made Zhenjun Nanming very angry. How could he give Huang Tian any face? He only asked Huang Tianluo if he was the spokesperson of the Supreme Emperor.

Huang Tianluo generously admitted that he was not the spokesperson of the Supreme Emperor, but Zhou Xunyan was, Zhou Xunyan was his boss, and the Supreme Emperor entrusted all important matters to him.

However, Zhou Xun can't find it now, so he can tell him something important, and he can pass it on to the Supreme Emperor. That's all he can do. Huang Tianluo's confession did not reassure Zhenjun Nanming and the others. Anxious.

Pushing Huang Tianluo away, they didn't have the time to argue with this bastard. They rushed to Zhou Yan's room and heard the guards say that Zhou Yan hadn't come out since he entered the room. They knew that there was something wrong here. secretly.

The table was smashed and thrown out, the chairs were kicked away, the cabinets were dismantled and checked, and I wished I could knock down the walls, but I didn't find anything, and they were circling around the room anxiously.

Suddenly Yuchenzi stopped there, raised his legs and set his feet up, his ears twitched, tried back and forth several times, and said loudly: "The secret passage is here."

Finding the secret passage but failing to find the mechanism to open it, Zhenjun Nanming was impatient, raised his hand and slapped the bluestone ground with a slap, and he saw a dark hole.

The entrance of the cave is not big, only one person can enter, but five people are not welcome. Zhenjun Nanming jumped in first, Yuchenzi jumped in second, as if they had discussed it in advance.

From this point of view, Huang Tianluo understood that these five people must know each other, and they have a good relationship, they are trustworthy friends, otherwise they would definitely jump in first.

"My lord, shall we go in?" General Lu looked at Huang Tianluo and asked.

"Of course, General Lu, lead your troops to chase after him. It's best to dig a tunnel and chase after him. I'll report the matter here to the Supreme Emperor." Huang Tianluo rolled his eyes and didn't want to follow.

These guys are all masters. If he follows up, if he gets hurt, he can reason with someone. Besides, this is a hole dug by the Supreme Emperor. The purpose is definitely not to trap Zhou Yan, it should be the master behind Zhou Yan.

If this is the case, then we need to give him time, thinking that Huang Tianluo felt that his arrangement was right, General Lu frowned after hearing this, he was sure that Huang Tianluo had no good intentions, and immediately ordered the soldiers to jump down and chase after him.

Huang Tianluo didn't care whether General Lu listened to the persuasion or not, anyway, he said what should be said, if the Emperor's good deeds were ruined, it would be General Lu who would be punished, it had nothing to do with him.

Besides, Qin Zixuan, when he returned to the courtyard, he couldn't really help him except to walk around in circles. He occasionally jumped to look into the house, and even received supercilious glances.

However, Huayan was lucky, and there was no dystocia, on the contrary, it went smoothly, that is, the child fell to the ground in two hours, probably because she was too excited, and cried as soon as she showed her head.

Hearing the sound sounded like a meowing cat, Li Han ran over to look, saw a girl, excitedly called out a little padded jacket, Qin Zixuan clapped his hands happily when he heard Li Han's meowing.

Waving his fists and yelling for amnesty, the rhetoric is amused, but!If the world is pardoned for her little princess, what will happen to the child of the Yangtze River?Amnesty again?But there are not so many criminals.

Besides, Qinglian is also in the past few days, Huayan really doesn't want her little princess to compete with Qinglian's children, no matter how you say it, her aunt is the elder.

So Huayan whispered in the room: "General, please tell our husband-in-law that this amnesty should be reserved for the children of the Yangtze River. How about we reduce the tax?"

Li Han slapped her head, it's not a big deal, she still has a grandson who is about to be born in the past few days, she was supposed to take care of it, but Li Han is not used to her husband not being around, so she can only feel wronged Qinglian .

"Okay, let's reduce the tax, and then give the porridge to the whole country." Li Han said cheerfully, Hua Yan followed suit, looking at the little figure in the midwife's hand, his eyes dripping with tenderness.

She didn't expect that she would one day be a mother. She thought that in this life, she would be accompanied by mountains and green trees, alone, but she never thought that her lover would be Qin Zixuan.

Thinking of the troubles she had brought to Qin Zixuan, and the disappearance of Yun Mengguo, all this was like a dream, Hua Yan felt that she was a lucky person, and so was her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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