Chapter 1533
In order to relieve his nervousness, Changjiang sat there and chatted with Qin Ziming. He talked about it, and he even talked about having a child, but he also talked about fools.

Qin Ziming covered his petite heart and turned pale with fright, he didn't want to have a fool, and at the same time thought that it was a good thing Kun'er didn't marry his cousin, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he really gave birth to a fool.

"Let me tell you, Zhong Zongli's only surviving son is really smart. He is one year younger than me, but he helped Zhong Zongli plan for the future and sent many traitors into the officialdom. I only found out about this recently."

Changjiang's eyes narrowed again, and the bottom of his eyes flickered from time to time. Zhong Zongli cherished this son the most, but he accidentally revealed the kid's location to Yinmen.

Thinking that coming to Yinmen will be very interested in Zhong Baoshan for the sake of safety. If Yinmen can kill that kid, he will probably die forever. Will he reveal the address of Yinmen again?
Changjiang is really not a good bird. Sitting here thinking of good things, the people who are being targeted by Changjiang are also pitiful. Zhong Baoshan, who is hidden in Fengtian City, sneezed several times. I don’t know who is talking about him.

Qin Ziming listened with his chin in his hands, and he became very curious about that Zhong Baoshan. Few people could make Jiang Jiang boast of being smart. The only possibility was that the other party was really smart.

Of course, the other party must not be as smart as Changjiang, or else Changjiang would not be the king. Qin Ziming's gaze fell on the delivery room, where Jiang Qinglian's heart-piercing screams could be heard.

"Well, when a woman gives birth to a child, it's like going round and round before the gate of hell closes."

Qin Ziming sighed, and Changjiang nodded. He had heard this many times, and his father often said that, let him treat his mother better and be filial to her.

"Alas!" Changjiang sighed, wanting to say that if he had this one, he would not have another child, but Qinglian would not agree to it. The greatest value of a woman in this society is to have children.

If she is not allowed to have a child, even if she knows it is kind, Qinglian will not appreciate it, because without a child, there is no status, and in her current position, there is more than one person staring at her.

Changjiang stared at the delivery room with his chin in his hands, his brows furrowed again, he lost the desire to chat, his face was full of worry.

Jiang's mother came out of the room and ordered the servant girl to bring in hot water. She glanced at the absent-minded Yangtze River. She was quite satisfied. This son-in-law is good-looking and scheming. He controls the power but loves his daughter very much. He hasn't taken a concubine yet. Well, he is a good man.

Well, Mother Jiang's requirements for Changjiang are really low. If he doesn't take concubines, he is a good man. If Qin Zixuan heard this comment, he would die of laughter. Finding another woman in Qin Zixuan's previous life would be a scumbag, okay?

The screams in the delivery room became louder and louder, and the voice of the midwife rang out from time to time. Changjiang woke up from his trance, wondering why the baby hadn't been born yet. Is it really necessary to wait a few days for more letters?
Thinking about Changjiang, I couldn't help but walked again, this time Changjiang didn't go to the door, but ran to the window, thought for a while and poked a small hole in the window to watch quietly.

Qin Ziming, who was sitting on the chair, was stunned. How do you evaluate this operation?Does the Yangtze River have voyeurism?Qin Ziming wondered if he met his good brother and told him, this problem needs to be corrected!
It's just that Changjiang, whose eyes were stuck to the window, suddenly froze there, and clenched his hands tightly, just to be on guard against something.

Changjiang saw with his own eyes that the midwife actually stuffed the baby who had just come out a little bit back. She, she, who is she?Why do you want to kill my child?
Changjiang didn't think much about it, he turned around and came to the door and opened the door to enter. The maid who was guarding the door just wanted to open her mouth, but Changjiang quickly clicked on the acupoints, and then came to the midwife like a wind.

The woman seemed to feel that something was wrong, she turned her head to meet the cannibalistic eyes of the Yangtze River, her body shivered from fright, and before she could open her mouth, she was kicked away by the Yangtze River.

"Take care of her, if she dies, you will be buried with her!" Changjiang shouted coldly, the maid who was guarding the bed looked at Changjiang's gloomy face and did not dare to breathe. bundled.

Jiang's mother's eyes widened in shock, and Changjiang snorted and didn't look at her. This woman was sent by Jiang's family. Jiang raised her robe and washed her hands in hot water. His child should be delivered by himself. Hui Changjiang really didn't trust these people.

"My lord, you, this, what happened?" Mother Jiang asked, worried when she saw her daughter still losing her voice in fright.

Changjiang glanced at Mother Jiang, ignored her, but looked at Jiang Qinglian gently, and said encouragingly: "Lian'er, don't worry, our child will be fine, please work harder?"

"Master, you, can you go out?" Jiang Qinglian's face was full of embarrassment, how could Xianggong come in, and what happened to the midwife.

Jiang Qinglian had a lot of questions, but she didn't know where to ask them. She just wanted Changjiang to go out. She was giving birth, so she must look very embarrassed, but Changjiang smiled.

"Qinglian, you have to trust my husband, I will protect you, come on, work harder." Changjiang looked at the child with a small head and suppressed the anger in his heart. He couldn't let the child see himself angry as soon as he was born.

Jiang Qinglian gritted her teeth and did not speak, but cooperated meekly. She knew that the husband would not rush in suddenly. He must have found something wrong when he came in.

The woman who delivered the baby was sent by my mother, so there will be no problem, right?I really can't guarantee this matter, my position is very attractive, and once my child is born, it will be a proper future heir.

Some people are jealous, but who can break into the Jiang family?Jiang Qinglian couldn't think about it for a while, she didn't continue to scream, but held her breath and used all her strength.

Pfft, with the birth of the child, there was also a gust of blood gushing out, and Changjiang's eyes sank a little more. It couldn't be blood gushing out. Although Changjiang delivered the baby for the first time, he knew a lot about it.

Jiang Jiang catches the child, and Jiang's mother will also react at this time, and hurried forward to help, not saying anything and not daring to say anything, let's show it with actions.

Changjiang glanced at Mother Jiang. This daughter, no matter how bad she is, would not harm her. It would not do her any good. Seeing Jiang Qinglian's pale face instantly, Changjiang wiped his hands with a towel, and took out the sea from his arms. Pills delivered.

These pills are life-saving medicines. I chose one and fed it to Jiang Qinglian, and then I started busy helping Jiang Qinglian stop bleeding and deal with the follow-up matters.

Jiang Qinglian felt better after taking the pills. She cast her eyes on Changjiang and found that the smile on Changjiang's face didn't reach her eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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