Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1534 Cousin Cousin

Chapter 1534 Cousin Cousin
After treating Jiang Qinglian's body, Jiang's mother also washed the little prince. Looking at Changjiang, he was a little scared, so he wrapped him carefully in his arms and came behind Changjiang, not knowing what to say.

Occasionally glanced at the midwife who was tied up in a ball, and doubts abounded in his heart. Could it be that this midwife did something to her daughter?Thinking of this, his face turned cold, and then he looked at the child, his heart tightened.

This is the daughter's first child. If an accident really happened, will the daughter have a good life in the future?A child is the flesh that falls from a mother's heart, and not every woman can survive that blow.

Changjiang patted Jiang Qinglian's hand and let out a long breath. The medicine sent by the sea is very good. If there is no such medicine, I don't know if this blood and Qinglian can survive.

It is said that a woman gives birth to a ghost before the gate of hell. Changjiang really realized this today. Don’t look at him with a smile on his face, but his heart is full of anger. How many sins?

He didn't even know if his child would be born. Thinking of the child, Changjiang remembered that he didn't seem to have looked at the child carefully.

"It's a little prince." Mother Jiang whispered, with a frightened expression on her face. Hearing this, Chang Jiang turned around and looked at the little person in the bundle, his heart softened, and his attitude towards Mother Jiang was also kind. a lot.

Reaching out to take the child, she came to Jiang Qinglian and said softly, "Daughter-in-law, look, this is our child."

Jiang Qinglian nodded with tears in her eyes. She wanted to reach out for a hug but was exhausted. Changjiang hugged her for a while, looking at the little man who opened his mouth and yawned, he couldn't help but smile sincerely, which relieved a lot of the tension.

Changjiang put the child beside Jiang Qinglian, and rushed outside and said, "Li Mo, call in your own guards to guard the surroundings, and send someone to arrest the midwife's family members and put them in prison to be released."

"Yes!" Li Mo's voice sounded outside the door. Qin Ziming stood beside Li Mo with his fists clenched, looking worried at the delivery room. He knew how dirty the backyard of a big family was.

It's just that what Qin Ziming couldn't figure out was that there was only one person in the backyard of the Yangtze River. Who could stretch such a long hand?
"Haitang, take someone to protect your wife, don't allow outsiders to come near, and you must handle all the food and beverages yourself." Changjiang said again, Haitang nodded in response, and quickly went down to make arrangements.

"Qinglian, don't worry, I'll take care of some minor matters, and I'll be back soon." Jiang Qinglian nodded, looking at her son, she didn't say anything, she knew that Xianggong would collect debts for her.

Jiang's mother wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end. She was responsible for today's matter. She personally guarded her daughter and didn't find out that the bitch was playing tricks. She had nothing to say.

All the maids who were waiting in the house were replaced, and when they came to the side room, Changjiang sat down on the main seat, and asked with a sullen face, "I remember my mother sent a midwife, why is she the only midwife in the room? "

"My lord, Granny Qin was going to come here, but unfortunately she is sick these few days, and she is afraid that she will be angry with the mistress." Lihua knelt down and continued:

"Grandma Li accidentally fell and broke her leg two days ago, and now she can't get out of bed. Granny Lin, Granny Lin suddenly lost her eyesight, and now she can't see anything."

The more Lihua talked, the more ugly her face became. These people were all sent by Prince Cheng's mansion, but they had accidents one after another. It seemed normal to see them together, but it was not the case when they were together.

Changjiang's face became even more gloomy. He didn't expect a hand to come in from his backyard. Who is that person?He actually did so many things without alarming himself.

"Who is in charge during this time?" Changjiang asked again.

"The mistress is not in good health during this period, and Mrs. Jiang handles all the affairs in the mansion." Lihua paused here, looked up at the Yangtze River, and gritted her teeth: "But Mrs. Jiang has been worrying about Mrs. Jiang's health, big and small things are all Qianshuang Miss Biao will take care of it."

Qianshuang?As soon as this name appeared, Changjiang thought of his father's famous saying, that is, cousins ​​and cousins ​​really can't get together, let alone carried to a backyard, which is really not a good thing.

Could it be?Changjiang's face turned cold again, and he ordered: "Come on, take Qianshuang down."

There was a response from outside, and soon someone was going to carry out the order. Changjiang said angrily: "So many things happened, why didn't anyone report to me?"

Lihua said: "Miss Qianshuang didn't let me tell. She said that you are very busy now, so don't be distracted by things in the backyard. Besides, the Jiang family also has a mother-in-law waiting, so it won't affect the delivery."

Hmph, it won't affect delivery!Changjiang gritted his teeth. If he was the kind of workaholic who worked harder than the sky, if he was the kind of man who waited honestly, it would only kill two people, and it would not affect it!

These pig brains!Changjiang really wanted to drag these people down and beat them to death with sticks, but he knew he couldn't, he wanted the truth, he wanted to see who gave Qianshuang the courage to murder his son.

Li Mo came back soon, but Qian Shuang was not caught, she was not in the mansion, she left the mansion after the midwife was caught, and she was ordering people to investigate.

The trustworthy Mother Jiang is sitting in front of Qinglian and wiping her tears, regretting in her heart.

Qianshuang is her sister's daughter, who died during childbirth. She took pity on that child and kept it by her side all the time, raising her as her own daughter, but she never thought she would raise an enemy.

Jiang Qinglian lay there silently. She knew that Qianshuang was jealous of her, but she never thought that she would be so courageous. She was afraid that this matter could not be resolved. She had to seek justice for her son. It was impossible to harm her son. Live well.

When Changjiang came out of the side room, he saw Qin Ziming who was still waiting in the yard, and smiled very embarrassedly, and said that Uncle Ming had read the joke, Qin Ziming waved his hand, don't mention the joke, he only cares about who made it .

"Uncle Ming, don't worry about this matter, I will take care of it, this time I will really clean up the backyard." Changjiang said bitterly, before he was merciful, and everyone has grown their skills.

"Then you deal with it. I'll come back when the child is full moon. Besides, I'll go to Yancheng first. Is there anything I can bring?" Qin Ziming asked, he should go and see Qin Zixuan, there is no banquet in Fengtian City city ​​security.

Although the Yangtze River is the king of this continent, Qin Ziming feels that his unreliable brother will save his life, and if there is a mess, he will be safe by his brother's side.

Changjiang thought for a while and only left a few words for Qin Ziming to take away. As for writing letters, he was worried about bringing danger to Qin Ziming.

The incident in the backyard has not been reported, but the atmosphere in the backyard is not good at all. Changjiang really started to clean up the inner ghosts, and he will not let anyone go. It is better to be clear here. Who dares to intervene in the backyard again, no matter what the purpose is , Kill without mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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