Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1535 Silly

Chapter 1535 Silly

In a small courtyard somewhere in Fengtian City, a young man was sitting by the window reading a book with star-like eyes, but the book hadn't been turned for a long time, and his eyes occasionally looked towards the courtyard door, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly a girl pushed open the courtyard door and rushed in, her face was full of anxiety, seeing the boy look over with joy on her face, her slender waist twisted even faster.

"Qian Shuang, why are you here?" Zhong Baoshan stood up anxiously, and jumped out of the window with a movement, his eyes fixed on the woman rushing towards him.

"Young master, it's not good, he found out, you, you take me to escape, if he catches me, I will die."

Qian Shuang's face was frighteningly pale, but she had heard that Changjiang's methods were extremely ruthless, and there would definitely be no good fruit in his hands.

Hearing that he was discovered, Zhong Baoshan's expression froze, his eyes stared straight at Qianshuang, and he said coldly: "So you have been exposed? Did you succeed?"

Facing Zhong Baoshan's questioning, Qianshuang's heart skipped a beat, no way, shouldn't the young master care about himself first?Why did he care about whether he succeeded?
Qianshuang has lived under the fence since she was a child, and her mind is extremely sensitive. Although Zhong Baoshan's face recovered instantly, she was still caught by Qianshuang. Thinking of what she did, and then thinking of Zhong Baoshan's promise to herself, if it fails, will the promise be fulfilled? ?

Out of self-preservation, Qianshuang hummed, saying that she succeeded, as to whether it was exposed, this is for sure, otherwise he would not have appeared here, in short, she dare not go back even if she is beaten to death.

"Does anyone know that you came here?" Zhong Baoshan asked again, his eyes flickering, Qianshuang shook his head, she came quietly, presumably someone has already searched for her.

Murdering the life of the little master is a serious crime. He is the future ruler of the Western Continent. Changjiang is not an idiot. He will definitely be found on his own head after he catches the midwife.

But it doesn't matter, he belongs to the young master, and the young master promised her that when she succeeds in her great career, she will be made queen. For the sake of the supreme throne, Qian Shuang felt that she could take a risk.

Hehe, Zhong Baoshan smiled, the smile was a bit evil, no one would notice it, he just killed him, he really thought he was deeply in love, no matter how he chose, Qianshuang would not be his woman.

With a smile, Zhong Baoshan's palm appeared on Qianshuang's neck. The palm was big and handy, and it held Qianshuang's neck tightly. Qianshuang rolled her eyes when she pinched her. Qianshuang's excited heart suddenly fell hell.

Qian Shuang is not a fool, she naturally understands her current situation, seeing Zhong Baoshan's evil smile, her heart sinks to the bottom of the valley, she realizes that she seems to be wrong, so outrageously wrong.

"Why?" Qianshuang tried to squeeze out three words, she was not reconciled, why did the young master who was infinitely gentle to her suddenly turn his face?Obviously tell him he succeeded.

"Because you're stupid, haha!" Zhong Baoshan's mocking laughter was so ear-piercing that Qianshuang's consciousness began to dissipate, only the pen still echoed in her ears, because she was stupid!
Two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks, scenes of getting along with Jiang Mu and Jiang Qinglian appeared in front of Qianshuang's eyes. In those scenes, both of them smiled at her, but she felt that the smile was particularly dazzling, but now thinking of it makes her feel warm. she weeps.

Qianshuang's body stopped struggling, Zhong Baoshan threw away the person in his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped his palm seriously, and he succeeded!Now that person must be very angry, must be in a mess.

Hehe, haven't you always been smart and sensible?I'd like to see how you deal with it rationally. Now that person is definitely angry and wants to kill, but he has already started killing, so the opportunity has come.

Zhong Baoshan couldn't help laughing when he thought about good things, and turned his eyes to Sanxian City, where there are big secrets between heaven and earth waiting for him to investigate, and those materials are either in Qin Zixuan's hands, or in the hands of Qin Zixuan's son, now he wants to Go get it back.

Yes, take it back, Zhong Baoshan has always believed that the thing belongs to him, there is no reason to think so, in order to create opportunities, Zhong Baoshan has thought of many ways, and now it seems that this plan is the best.

Just after wiping his hands, a follower came in and dragged Qianshuang's body away. He moved briskly, for fear that the noise would affect Zhong Baoshan's thinking.

Jiang Qinglian appeared in front of Jiang Qinglian after processing the miscellaneous fish. Jiang's mother sat beside her with red eyes and looked at her daughter. Jiang Qinglian's eyes were also red.

"Lian'er, don't worry, as long as you take good care of your body and take care of our children, leave the outside affairs to me." Jiang Qinglian patted her chest, Jiang Qinglian nodded, her heart was still heavy.

Changjiang glanced at Mother Jiang, and the dissatisfaction in his heart deepened, and suddenly Jiang Qinglian said, "Sir, I'm sorry for making you worry."

"What did you say, I am your husband-in-law, and it is my duty to take care of you." After saying this, Changjiang glanced at Jiang's mother again, and decided not to punish her. Sometimes his father is quite right.

Qinglian was injured because she didn't protect herself well, she couldn't blame others, and she couldn't do things that loved ones hurt enemies.

If she hadn't let go of the affairs of the backyard, then Qianshuang would not have taken advantage of the loopholes. I really didn't expect that girl to be so scheming.

"Mother-in-law, don't think too much, take good care of Qinglian, and don't let her hurt her body and mind during confinement. What happened to Qianshuang is her own behavior, and I will not blame the Jiang family."

Changjiang couldn't bear Qinglian to worry about the Jiang family's affairs, so he simply clarified a lot. Some things really can't be guessed and guessed. I think Qin Zixuan used a lot of stories to educate his children back then. Guessing and playing too much really hurt people. already.

Jiang's mother's heart suddenly returned to her stomach. Seeing that her daughter was safe and not out of favor, she finally let out a sigh of relief. She was very worried that her daughter would fall out of favor. A woman who was born in the backyard of the palace and fell out of favor really ended badly.

Comforting his good daughter-in-law, Changjiang returned to the study, and put the latest information in front of him, this Zhong Baoshan is really good, he hasn't made a move yet, that guy is going to settle first.

Okay, let's see who is better, want to know the secrets of Sanxian City, and want to steal that batch of information, okay, then come on, I will dig a big hole for you to jump in, I will not only let you jump Go in, and I will make your death ugly.

Under the night, people came and went in the Zhanghua Courtyard, and their footsteps were hurried. Suddenly, a scream broke out, breaking the strangeness. Someone shouted that there was a fire, put out the fire.

Several black shadows met under the night, and they fought together as soon as they met. Someone ran out of the house holding a bookcase, and the bookcase had a seal on it, which was obviously different.

The people who were fighting stopped when they saw the book box, and ran towards the book box. The person holding the book box was frightened and wanted to turn around and run.

The atmosphere froze there, holding the box in a dilemma, but the enemy was getting closer and closer, the light of the knife flashed in front of his eyes, suddenly the man threw the box and ran like crazy, and the box was actually thrown into the fire .

(End of this chapter)

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