Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1536 Death

Chapter 1536 Death

Seeing the people fleeing in all directions, the two groups gave up fighting and rushed towards the sea of ​​flames. There must be important materials in the box.

How cruel!The man in black gave his evaluation silently, but the speed was not slow at all. Soon the two sides who had stopped fighting fought again, still fighting in the sea of ​​fire.

The two sides were fighting happily, and the sound of uniform footsteps came from a distance. The footsteps were mixed with slogans and rushed towards this side. They were getting closer and closer.

The police are always the last to arrive. Here we can only say that the soldiers are always the last to arrive. The bad guys have not died yet, the good guys have not appeared yet, the soldiers have appeared, but the bad guys have run away, leaving only a sea of ​​fire .

Changjiang was furious after receiving the news, and ordered a search of the whole city to find those men in black and bring the things back. He didn't say anything, but then news came out.

That thing was sent back from the Three Immortals City. It is very important information. When it comes to the Three Immortals City, it is inevitable that people will be biased. Those three words seem to have magical powers.

This time, the city-wide search did not find Zhong Baoshan, but Qianshuang's body was found. Jiang's mother cried again after hearing the letter. After all, the child was brought up by one hand, and the relationship can be broken as soon as it can be said.

Qinglian didn't get the news, and Changjiang took necessary secrecy measures, but Changjiang's complexion was not good. He thought that Qianshuang was trying to climb up, but he didn't expect it to be a complete betrayal.

Facing the low pressure of the Yangtze River, Mr. Jiang has to be careful in serving him. Whoever let the matter be done by his family members is very worried that the Yangtze River will take him into action. Alas, having a capable son-in-law may not always be a good thing.

Zhong Baoshan was staring at the box with peach blossoms all over his face, and he really snatched it. The group of people had already rushed to the sea in a carriage, and it seemed that Fengtian City did not block them.

The carriage was running happily, when he saw a few figures standing on the road ahead, Zhong Baoshan's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he ordered the soldiers to pass. At this time, Zhong Baoshan really envied the Yangtze River cars.

If he had a car, he would definitely be able to escape far away. It would be impossible for these people to catch up with him. The speed of the car is really fast, and there is no need to rest or feed grass.

On the road, the standing men in black pouted their lips as they watched the oncoming carriage, their hands gleaming coldly. Just before the carriage arrived, its forward speed stopped abruptly.

Zhong Baoshan was thrown out of the carriage by the powerful momentum, and he was still holding the box in his arms. Before he could put away the surprised expression on his face, a black shadow had already flown towards him

Zhong Baoshan was not an idiot, he knew that this group of people were not idle people, he felt strong pressure, he hugged the box and wanted to roll aside, but he couldn't move.

Jie Jie, that black shadow screamed sharply, the voice was full of sarcasm and contempt, looking at Zhong Baoshan as if looking at a corpse, not paying attention at all.

"Third brother, let's see if it's the information about the City of Three Immortals." A cold voice sounded, accompanied by a few screams, and someone came towards Zhong Baoshan again.

"Can you stop killing so fast, I heard that one of them is Zhong Zongli's son, we can catch him and force Zhong Zongli to hand over the book."

"It's too late for you to say, now there is only one survivor, the ghost knows if it is Zhong Zongli's son."

"Cut, you think highly of Zhong Zongli too much. He is just a little prince in the world, or a downcast prince. If we want something, we can just reach out and get it. Why do we need to threaten!"

"Old Five is right, we will naturally reach out and get what we want."

Several voices sounded one after another, the one who said it was arrogant and domineering, Zhong Baoshan's face was very ugly, he could hear their contempt and rudeness from the conversation of these people, but he couldn't refute it.

What Zhong Baoshan was even more surprised was how they knew that he was in this industry, and he was dispatched quietly. No one who knew him in Fengtian City could count the top leaders.

Could it be that someone betrayed?This was Zhong Baoshan's first thought. Someone raised the torch, Zhong Baoshan narrowed his eyes in the light of the fire, and secretly looked at the people in front of him.

These people were wearing black robes and carrying ghost-head knives on their backs. They were all tall, with hideous faces, and they looked like menacing figures at first glance.

"This kid is really good-looking, isn't he the Zhong Baoshan in the news?"

The third child asked, but the movement of his hands went straight to the box. Zhong Baoshan didn't want to let go, but his strength was not as strong as the third child's.

I won the box and opened it to look. There was an ancient book inside. When I opened it carefully, I found that it was also made of cowhide, with yellow stains and ancient fonts. Although I couldn't tell the age, I could tell it was an ancient book.

Zhong Baoshan's gaze also fell into the box, his eyes turned red when he looked at the ancient book. It was designed by him to snatch it out. In order to snatch it out, several spies he had been in ambush for several years sacrificed several times.

Those spies are all in important positions. If they rebel in the future, they will definitely play a major role. Now they are making ghosts for this ancient book. If they are snatched away, Zhong Baoshan really wants to vomit blood.

"That's right, that's right. It's indeed an ancient book. The content on it is unfathomable. Let the elders study it when you get back to the door." The fifth child reached out and groped for a few times, with a look of reluctance on his face.

The few people did not answer, but took the box and turned their eyes to Zhong Baoshan. The youngest asked in a dark tone, "What's your name?"

Zhong Baoshan rolled his eyes and thought about countermeasures. He didn't want to die yet, so what is his identity?Before Zhong Baoshan could answer, someone had already answered for him.

"That's right, he is Zhong Baoshan." A painting was unfolded in front of Zhong Baoshan, and the painting on it was a small Zhong Baoshan. Now Zhong Baoshan was dumbfounded. Is there any way for him to survive?
"Take it away!" The second child waved his hands and shouted. Immediately, someone tapped Zhong Baoshan a few times, and then walked away holding his neck. As for the carriage and corpses on the road, they never thought about dealing with them.

Not long after the few people left, a person slowly stood up in the dark woods. This person gave him a cold look, and then left quietly. He also had no intention of collecting the corpse.

Zhong Zongli, who was far away at sea, soon received the news that his eldest son had died, and it was said that he died at the hands of a group of mysterious people, who were dressed in black robes and carried ghost-head knives.

I didn't find out what kind of forces they belonged to, but I only knew that they were not small, because they were all of high strength.

Zhong Zongli didn't believe it at first, but on the second day after he received the news, someone encountered Zhong Zongli's body in the sea. His death was extremely tragic, his eyes were protruding, and there was no good flesh on his body.

Watching the tragic death of his only son, Zhong Zongli was heartbroken, and lost consciousness in pain, staring blankly at Zhong Baoshan's body, with tears rolling out of his eyes, silent.

(End of this chapter)

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