Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1537 Revenge

Chapter 1537 Revenge
On the sea, on a big ship, the third child is holding an ancient book and studying it. To be honest, he actually read it for a long time and didn't understand the meaning of the first sentence. He always felt that he was far away from the true meaning.

The fifth child sat beside him staring at the sea in a daze. He still couldn't figure out why the boy died suddenly, and died so badly. They didn't hit or scold, but simply mentioned the boat.

At that time, I wanted to bring Zhong Baoshan to negotiate terms. The ancient book was in Zhong Zongli's hands. Although he could snatch it, who could guarantee that Zhong Zongli would not destroy that book.

Before they are completely sure, they think that exchanging is the best choice. It's not their cowards. It's really that the book is too important. The books produced by Sanxian City are all classics, and if they are ruined, the gains outweigh the losses.

But why did that kid die?The fifth child muttered to himself, the third child gave him a sideways glance, and didn't take Zhong Baoshan's death seriously. This time they dispatched two hundred hidden guards and more than a dozen holy masters to take down the little Red Sand Island is a breeze.

A lot of news on the sea flew to Fengtian City and Yancheng successively. After hearing the news of Zhong Baoshan's death, Changjiang just sneered. Now Zhong Zongli and Yinmen's forces have nothing to talk about.

The revenge of killing a son, or the only son, I haha, Changjiang thinks his plan is really perfect, he hit the enemy's body hard, and the crazy Zhong Zongli should be able to force out some hidden strength.

And Qin Zixuan in Yancheng also got the news, and also laughed with his hips akimbo, thinking that he was too wise and mighty to come up with such a perfect plan, if a dog bites a dog, let them bite hard.

Gong Liangyan suddenly came behind Qin Zixuan, a pair of jade hands pinched Qin Zixuan's waist fiercely, Qin Zixuan gasped in pain, my mother, how did this offend this celestial being, the attack was really ruthless.

Gong Liangyan liked Mengmeng very much, she wished she could hold it in her palm like an eyeball, and the result of her liking was to pinch Qin Zixuan, why did she say that they were pregnant one after another, but she didn't respond.

Faced with this problem, Qin Zixuan didn't do anything. Gong Liangyan's body is fine, his body is fine, so where is the problem?Qin Zixuan was in a daze. He was not a miracle doctor in his previous life, let alone treat infertility.

Huayan looked at Mengmeng beside her, the little guy was already fleshy, not as wrinkled as when he was just born, looking fat and white, very cute, a pair of smart eyes would move with her.

Linger blew in like a gust of wind, didn't see Qin Zixuan who was having a fight, and blew to Mengmeng's side, this was her little sister, Linger was also very precious.

The little one, with fleshy, watery eyes, looks like a smart ghost, no matter how you look at it, you love it, Hua Yan said that this place is already everyone's favorite place to come, and Mengmeng is very popular.

Compared with Qinglian's crisis of giving birth to a child, Huayan's here can be said to be smooth sailing, surrounded by a family who love each other.

Li Han walked in from the outside, looked at Qin Zixuan and said, "Sir, I have found Zhong Zongli's power, do you want to destroy it?"

"You can destroy it if you want, anyway, it's a waste of food to keep it." Qin Zixuan replied, mentioning Zhong Zongli's power, Qin Zixuan's eyes flashed.

If he has the ability, he will do it with a sharp spear and a sword. It is Qin Zixuan's shameless behavior to attack the women in the backyard. He originally wanted to let these people live a little longer, but now it seems that a little longer life is a disaster.

After hearing this, Li Han happily left. She didn't go to Qing Lian to take care of her. She felt guilty at first, but now she heard that someone was doing something wrong to Qing Lian. .

Gong Liangyan temporarily let Qin Zixuan go, and asked if he wanted to help, Li Han waved his hand, asking Gong Liangyan to stay with Qin Zixuan during this period of time, and she was going to kill someone to vent her anger.

Huang Tianluo followed Li Han with his soldiers, and every time he went, he saw their great general's sword swiping a few times, causing the enemy's corpses to fall.

This attack power made Huang Tianluo despair, he was glad that he did not continue to fight against the Lord, otherwise he would be a dead body now, and the cleanup of Yancheng only took one day.

The result of the clean-up was that the various forces temporarily entered and left the Yancheng. They were worried that they would also be stabbed in the stomach. As Qin Ziming thought, it was the safest to stay with Qin Zixuan, because Qin Zixuan was guarding a killing god by his side.

After the Yancheng was cleaned up, Li Han marched towards Chisha Island with great fanfare with his troops. The reason was that they had robbed the ancient books. Go to war.

Li Han was sitting on the boat, followed by Bai Jing and Liu Yi, Linger and the dinosaur were also on the boat, Linger wanted to follow this time but Li Han did not stop her, she wanted to teach Linger how to kill the enemy.

Thinking that Ling'er was almost abducted by Gong Xu, Li Han felt angry. This child was almost taught to be an idiot by Feng Wu Qinglan. Ling'er sat opposite Li Han, listening to Bai Jing and Liu Yi praising Li Han. Han's great achievements.

Linger's eyes were staring at the listener, Feng Wuqinglan sat beside her and drank tea silently, she really wanted to ask what the two of them wanted to teach Linger, why drinking flower wine and playing dice became such a great achievement.

Fengwu Qinglan didn't understand this point, but Li Han thought it could be learned, and Xianggong thought it was okay to teach. Seeing that Linger was interested, Li Han would roll the dice a few times to show his strength.

Thinking that the sapling that she had managed to straighten was about to grow crooked again, Feng Wu threw down the cup and went back to the house angrily. She had nothing to do with this couple. Who are these people?

Ling'er is just a fun age, and some time ago, the dinosaur personally taught her that her dark side is slowly rising, which makes Li Han very satisfied, and I want to see who doesn't have long eyes to kidnap Ling'er again.

In fact, not only Feng Wu Qinglan, but also Qu Chang was the one with the black face. He hid aside, looked at Ling'er who was smiling like a flower, and then looked at Li Han and the other three. Don't your husbands care about them?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Wang Rui coming out with a fruit, with a heart shape on it. It looked like he was trying to please his wife. Bai Jing saw the bright smile on his face, and Wang Rui was as sweet as drinking honey.

Li Han looked at the two of them and shook his head slightly. These two are really tired and crooked for a lifetime. Looking at Liu Yi again, Li Han sincerely sympathizes with these two men. Even though Bai Jing and Liu Yi are her subordinates, she still can't help but sympathize , What kind of look is that.

Ling'er didn't know that her mother had thought so much. Seeing these two couples were very envious. They only had each other in their eyes and couldn't tolerate a third party. This was probably the exclusivity of love in his father's mouth, but it was because Mao's father didn't exclude her. ?
Because Li Han led his troops in suddenly, the battle on Chisha Island was suddenly advanced. Li Han's soldiers hadn't been in the sea for an hour, but the battle was in full swing, and the artillery roared.

(End of this chapter)

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