Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1538 Defeat

Chapter 1538 Defeat
Zhenjun Nanming looked at the bombed-out ship with a very ugly expression, he only grabbed a piece of wood and stepped on the water, and he was able to do this step because of his strength.

Those boatmen didn't have such good luck. They fell into the sea one by one and tossed. If they are lucky, they can hold a piece of debris. If they are unlucky, it depends on the water quality and God's mood.

They had already thought of the cannons on the island, but they still underestimated the opponent's strength. Before they got close, their warships were completely destroyed first, and now they could only advance forward under the cannon fire.

The dense bullets were coming, and they had to dodge the attack, so the speed of progress was even slower.The two hundred hidden guards lost their temper after being beaten, looking at Zhenjun Nanming, they wanted to call Zhenjun to save me.

Zhong Zongli stared at the sea, seeing Zhenjun Nanming and his gang really hated him. From time to time, his son appeared in front of his eyes. His genius son died at the hands of these gangs.

"My lord, the situation is not quite right. Look at those two people." The military adviser stood beside Zhong Zongli, pointing at Zhenjun Nanming and another direction. There were more than a dozen people in these two people, and the bullet attack seemed to have no effect on them. use.

People can fly by waving their weapons, and people who are attacked by shells can hide faster. If these two people land on the island, I'm afraid it will usher in a catastrophic blow.

"Where are the Taichang Elders?" Zhong Zongli's eyes flickered a few times. Although the opponent's strength is not weak, the Taichang Elders are not weak either. It doesn't mean that his group will lose.

The military division looked around, yes, where is the Taichang elders group?Why didn't they appear in this kind of battle, it seems that things are even more wrong.

"Could they still be studying the ancient books that Zhou Yan brought back?" The military adviser thought for a while and came up with a reason. He heard that the book coincided with the way of heaven and was very profound, but he didn't understand it anyway.

Zhong Zongli felt that it was possible, so he sent someone to invite them, and the blow to the sea could not be missed. He focused on taking care of the two people from Zhenjun Nanming, and the Yinwei was mainly taken care of by the bullets.

The battle is raging here, and there are ships stopping to watch the battle in the distance. They look like they are not helping each other. As for whether they are really not helping each other, it is hard to say.

Li Han was teaching Ling'er how to play, the messenger came and told Li Han the latest battle situation, Li Han curled his lips after hearing this, thinking that the hidden door was a bit too big this time, and it must not get any benefit.

But doesn't Zhong Zongli have a group of elders in his hands?All the masters there are at the level of holy masters. Where did those people get it from? Why didn't they play?

This problem is not the person concerned, and Bai Jing and Liu Yi couldn't figure out why, but Wang Rui thought about it for a while and asked tentatively: "Those guys won't run away, right?"

Ran?Li Han rubbed his chin to think about this possibility. The elders group was established not long ago, and the people in it may not really submit to Zhong Zongli, they are different from the Donghuang and Gu Yue families.

Those people who go to Zhong Zongli have a purpose in themselves, the world pattern will change, and some masters who are hidden from the world want to plan for the future, so they always have to find a master.

Although the Yangtze River and Dahai were selected by everyone, they themselves have the strength to conquer these people. Moreover, the strength of Cheng Wangfu itself is not weak, and Hai Nawa is a scheming one.

What does Zhong Zongli have?Why do these experts follow him with all their heart?Li Han couldn't think of a reason, so it's very likely that this group of people got the ancient books and left quietly.

"Order Hawkeye to disperse and focus on monitoring the ships fleeing from Chisha Island, and see if these people are fighting or fleeing!"

Yang Shulin led the order to make arrangements. Ling'er looked at her mother's expression of seeking knowledge, so Li Han continued to explain tactics, psychological analysis and other knowledge to Ling'er.

Qu Chang sat far away, with a pitiful expression on his face, such a lovely Ling'er was about to be taught to go wrong, but he couldn't stop it, what a deal.

Zhong Zongli was swearing to resist, when he received a report from his subordinates, saying that the group of elders disappeared collectively, and at the same time, the ancient book also disappeared, Zhong Zongli vomited blood directly.

The world he planned was not achieved, and the longevity he planned was robbed by others, but he did it himself. When those people took refuge in him, the military adviser reminded him that they were powerful and really hard to conquer.

Alas, Zhong Zongli really wanted to die, but before he died, he had to avenge his son first. The military adviser persuaded Zhong Zongli to flee, and the green hills left behind were not afraid of running out of firewood, and revenge could wait for opportunities later.

But Zhong Zongli didn't think so, he couldn't wait for a day, he must destroy the opponent, and ordered his subordinates to keep the enemy at all costs.

Zhenjun Nanming marched against the cannon fire, and said to Yu Chenzi while walking, "I never thought that the cannon fire in the world is so powerful. If you are really shot, you are very likely to be killed."

Yuchenzi nodded. He was still a little bit dissatisfied when he received this kind of report before, but he was really convinced that he would advance under artillery fire. The power might really kill them.

If Qin Zixuan was here listening to the discussion of several people, he would definitely laugh with his hips on his hips, and he would not look at who provided the weapon. If he could research the atomic bomb, this group of people would not be enough to watch.

Why did the ancient martial arts show weakness in the previous life? It was not caused by the appearance of these powerful weapons!
Several people were talking, a bomb fell next to the idiot monk carelessly, and it was blown over immediately, and Zhenjun Nanming, who hadn't dodged in time, was also affected, and the faces of those who escaped were shocked.

Monk Chi has been bombed to pieces, he is dead, there is no chance of living, and longevity has nothing to do with Monk Chi, let's go to the underworld to report first.

Zhenjun Nanming didn't dare to desert any more, and moved forward with a serious face. He knew that a careless mistake might lead to no return. He didn't want to die yet, and he didn't seek longevity, so why should he die.

Compared with these masters, the hidden guards are the most pitiful. They either fall into the water or die in the water. The waves on the sea are rolling, and it is really difficult to live.

This kind of situation began to improve after Nanming Zhenjun and others rushed to the beach. The military adviser pulled Zhong Zongli and tried his best to persuade him to leave. If he didn't leave, he really had no chance.

The enemy is too powerful, and if he wants revenge, he has to plan again, but Zhong Zongli is unwilling to flee even if he dies. When the military master sees that he has nothing to do, he is so angry that he knocks him unconscious and takes him away. There is the grace of life.

A one-sided massacre began to appear on Chisha Island. The anger of masters such as Nanming Zhenjun was not something these ordinary people could bear. The lucky Yinwei also went ashore and joined the massacre team.

After Nanming Zhenjun and others took control of Chisha Island, they immediately searched for Zhong Zongli and the whereabouts of the ancient books. Those who were alive were beaten to death by them.

Where there is loyalty, there is adultery, and some people can't bear the torture to confess
(End of this chapter)

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