Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1540 Angry

Chapter 1540 Angry

"Our casual cultivator alliance is not made of mud, if they dare to come, they will never come back!" Hu Qing, who was standing beside Ge Lao, laughed a few times, with hatred on his face.

The Sanxiu Alliance is another force in the Western Continent besides the Yinmen. Like the Yinmen, they retreat from the world and practice, and they also seek longevity. These people are composed of people with excellent talents and no background.

At first, a few people formed a group to keep warm, but later it developed into a big force, joining forces with the people from the Yinmen to compete for cultivation resources, treasures of heaven and earth, and treasures of geomantic omen.

It can be said that the two forces have often fought, and it is not the first time that Yinmen wants to destroy the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Unfortunately, it just wants to, but never really destroys the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

If Li Han heard these people's words, he would definitely jump up and scold what the hell, just jumped out of a hidden door, and unexpectedly came out another big force, didn't the girl in the Yangtze River say that the strength of the Western Continent is average?

If the two parties were born early to help the Yasheng Empire, let alone the Yangtze River was wiped out, they would certainly not be able to take away the mountains and rivers of the Western Continent so smoothly, let alone sit firmly in the big position.

Both of these two forces think that they have jumped out of the three realms and are not in the five elements. The change of emperors in the world really has nothing to do with them. Besides, the emperors take turns to sit, and the Zhong family's name is not engraved.

Zhenjun Nanming and his group were sitting on the boat with a map unfolded in front of them. They looked at it for a long time, and suddenly Yin Juezi slapped his head and jumped up, shouting: "I know who they are!"

"Who?" Zhenjun Nanming asked.

"They must be members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. I mean, those guys can't give up the Three Immortals City. It turns out that they borrowed Zhong Zongli's hands." Yin Juezi was shocked, these people are too good at hiding.

"Impossible. If they really want helpers, shouldn't they be looking for Xiaoyao Wang? Xiaoyao Wang's lineage has always been responsible for the pursuit of longevity, and we are all the same way." Yu Chenzi said.

As soon as the words came out, everyone thought about it again, but no matter how they thought about it, they always felt that it was those bastards. As for why they were not the first Xiaoyao Wang, they didn't understand.

If he was born to choose a helper, he should also choose Xiaoyao Wang. After all, the strength of Xiaoyao Wang's side is not weak, and he was also in a favorable position to control the Three Immortals City at that time.

"Could it be that King Xiaoyao doesn't like them?" Yin Juezi asked tentatively.

puff!Everyone burst out laughing, Xiaoyao Wang looked down on the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, this is really funny, although the Loose Cultivation Alliance is no better than the Hidden Gate, but there are not many talents there, and there are many amazing people.

There is never a shortage of geniuses in this world. Those geniuses can't bear the restraints. Loose cultivation alliances are often their best choice. These people are superior in terms of cultivation talent and luck.

And what kind of fart is Xiaoyao Wang's lineage!They are just representatives launched by the Yasheng Empire, how capable they can be.

It's just that they don't know why, but they actually have a feeling of the truth in their hearts. The world says that ignorant people are fearless. Could it be that Xiaoyao Wang is that ignorant person.

After laughing, Zhenjun Nanming changed the subject, looked back at the direction he came from, and asked with some concern: "Do you think Li Han will bring someone to chase him?"

"Tch, I'll come here, the big deal is killing her, she's just a woman, nothing to worry about." Yu Chenzi said disdainfully, although Li Han is very strong, but she is a ball alone when she comes to the sea.

Zhenjun Nanming didn't continue talking, he found that he had brought up a bad topic, forget it, just shut up, he was timid towards Li Han in his heart, he could feel that he was not Li Han's opponent.

Look at the people on this boat, they have more than a dozen holy masters, even if Li Han really chases after them, they should not be opponents, after all, Li Han is only one person, and Qin Zixuan didn't follow.

Thinking of Zhenjun Nanming in this way, he thought of the kraft paper torn off by Qin Zixuan and his wife, and couldn't help taking it out of his arms to look through it, and everyone's eyes also focused on it.

Looking at the words on the paper, their desire to snatch back the ancient book became stronger in their hearts. It was a precious book, about longevity, and they wanted to snatch it back no matter what.

In Yancheng, after seeing his daughter, Qin Zixuan came to the study room, where the latest news was displayed, the mysterious people in the Dilong Mountain Range were actually doing some kind of blood sacrifice.

They don't know where they heard the news, but they want to get nine hundred and ninety-nine pairs of boys and girls to sacrifice to the gods, hoping that the gods can send down divine metaphors to guide them to attain Taoism and live forever.

Hearing this news, Qin Zixuan exploded with anger. That's close to two thousand lives. Those people are too inhuman. Can they ignore other people's lives in order to live forever?

Thinking that the living child would die in the hands of those shameless guys, Qin Zixuan wished to destroy the hidden sect now. He originally thought that even if this sect was not a good person, it would not be a wicked person.

After all, what they seek is longevity, and it has nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people. It can be said that there is no conflict between the two. Now it seems that they are too kind.

It was also Qin Zixuan's experience that the members of the hermit family were not evil people. Except for the Shangguan family who frequently attacked Qin Zixuan back then, the other four major families really did not cause Qin Zixuan much trouble.

Moreover, the four major families did not do anything that angered others after they were born, so Qin Zixuan thought in his heart that the hidden masters were all existences who had nothing to do with the world, and even if there were disputes, it was a master's move and had nothing to do with ordinary people.

No one has ever tried to break this concept, and even intentionally cared for him. Whether it is Hai Hai or Li Han, they all hope that this person can live a life of foolishness, and they will deal with the dark side.

Now that Li Han has gone to Shanghai, Gong Liangyan has to take care of Huayan, Gu Yueru and Feng Qingluan, so some news will be passed to Qin Zixuan first, instead of passing it to Qin Zixuan after the screening.

Seeing Qin Zixuan rushing out angrily, Lin Xi patted his head and murmured that it was not good, would the lord lead someone to kill him to save him, now that the general is not by his side, what if the lord gets hurt?
So Lin Xi ran to the backyard in a hurry, he should go and talk to Gong Liangyan first, it is best to persuade the prince not to save people impulsively, we have ways to save people if we really want to save people, we can't put ourselves in danger.

Qin Zixuan ran to the weapon storage room angrily, he wanted to pick a weapon that was in his hand to fight, this evil fire would not be extinguished until those guys were killed, it was too much, he was a real child.

Gong Liangyan who came over after hearing the news saw Qin Zixuan going out with a big knife, a black line was drawn on his forehead, and at the same time, he was glad that he had not misjudged the person. Didn't she like Qin Zixuan's cleanliness and kindness?

Gong Liangyan stepped forward and hugged Qin Zixuan's shoulders and said, "Sir, don't be impulsive, they are from the hidden sect, we have to make a perfect plan, otherwise we won't be able to save the children, and may even hurt their lives."

(End of this chapter)

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