Chapter 1541

Qin Zixuan looked at Gong Liangyan, is this still a plan?Bringing the army to crush them, we want to see if all of them can live forever if they lose their conscience.

"Master, the only reason why the hermits are noble is because they despise all living beings. They think that they are above all things. They are worthy of living in this world. They usually have nothing to do with the world. But if they really want to conflict with their interests, they It really treats human life like a child's play."

"Yes, yes, my husband, don't be impulsive. We are here to save people, not to vent anger. Besides, there are more than 900 pairs of boys and girls. They can't get together for a moment. We have plenty of time to prepare a perfect plan." Feng Qingluan Persuade.

Gu Yueru stared at her stomach, and finally understood Li Han's helplessness back then. She really couldn't let go of fighting with her baby. If she let go, she was worried about hurting the baby. If she didn't let go, she wouldn't be able to help her husband. This feeling Really aggrieved.

Hua Yan also sent someone to tell Qin Zixuan that if she was impulsive, she would leave the child behind and go with her. This sentence was very destructive. As a daughter slave, Qin Zixuan really couldn't bear the suffering of a villain.

Gong Liangyan winked at Lin Xi, and said, "Lin Xi, you go and inform the intelligence department to closely monitor the movements in Sanxian City, and at the same time inform Changjiang to make him ready to destroy the hidden door in one fell swoop."

"Yes, inform Changjiang quickly. If the kid has any plans, implement them as soon as possible, and don't ruin his plans." Feng Qingluan added, holding Qin Zixuan's other arm and not letting go.

Well, Qin Zixuan felt that Changjiang should have a plan to deal with it, so he waited for his news, and then made a careful plan so that the people from the hidden door could not escape.

This time, Qin Zixuan has hated the people of the Yinmen. What are they doing? If you don't understand, you can ask. It's fine if you come to rob them. To actually want to murder the lives of ordinary people is too much.

Besides, with regard to that bottomless pit, do you really think the blood sacrifice will work?If it really works, Mao Xiaoyao and his gang will die cleanly.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan was steady, Gong Liangyan twitched her fingers to calculate, she wanted to figure out what the Yinmen gang wanted to do, and they heard about such vicious things.

As a descendant of the divine fortune-telling lineage, Gong Liangyan knows that there are some vicious methods in the world, but those methods are not ashamed by righteous people, and such methods cannot truly live forever.

Among other things, first of all, it was difficult to pass the level of the way of heaven, and Gong Liangyan couldn't figure out the reason after all the calculations. It seemed that someone deliberately covered it up, and there was an expert in the opponent.

If it wasn't for Huayan who was breastfeeding, the two could work together to calculate, but now, there is no other way but to rely on manpower to investigate the truth.

Gong Liangyan still has standards in her actions. If she speaks up, she will definitely cooperate with her rhetoric, but then I am afraid that her husband will quit. The husband always says that his life will be shortened, which is actually true.

Alas, Gong Liangyan put away her gestures and went out of the sect to send people to investigate the affairs of the Three Immortals City. They must find out where the children are arranged and how strong the opponent is.

In Fengtian City, Changjiang was also furious after receiving the news from Fei. Looking at his son who was born soon, and thinking about those children who were arrested, Changjiang felt a burning anger in his heart.

These people are too much, they are living lives, how can they be treated like this, is longevity really that important?Besides, is there immortality in this world?

Changjiang doesn't believe it. Changjiang thinks that people can prolong life through practice, but it is impossible to live forever. It is understandable to compete for natural resources and treasures, but it is unreasonable to lose humanity like this.

Hidden Gate, Hidden Gate, if you keep hiding from the world, then I can treat you as if you don’t exist, even if you want to know about the Three Immortals City, come here openly, and we can cooperate.

But you shouldn't, you shouldn't act in secret, and you shouldn't ignore life!Changjiang thought about it and immediately ordered Zhong Zongli to attack Yinmen.

Anyway, Ying Xiaowu has already found the address of the hidden door, so he just needs to reveal the way to get in, but how can he send it there without arousing their suspicion?

In addition, Zhong Zongli's weapons were seriously damaged, and a group of them had to be supported. How could they be sent to Zhong Zongli in a straightforward manner?Changjiang thought silently, took out a list and began to study.

If Zhong Zongli was here, he would be surprised to find that the people on these lists were all his people. Some of these people were in high positions, some were in insignificant positions, and even some were inconspicuous county government officials.

"Come here." Changjiang shouted lightly, and Li Mo walked in. Changjiang said flatly, "Give me an order to transfer Song Tao to the Gunpowder Bureau as an administrator."

"Yes!" Li Ying took the order and did not leave in a hurry. According to his understanding of the Yangtze River, there should be instructions later.

"Transfer Zheng Yuan to Youcheng as the director of the Transportation Bureau. Qian Yu will be the director of the Ningcheng Transportation Bureau."

After a while, the people on the list who could be transferred quickly reached the position of top leader, and arranged for Changjiang to squint his eyes and smile. The opportunity was given to them. Let's see how much ammunition they dare to produce.

Li Mo took the order to leave. He didn't quite understand what the Lord meant, but Li Mo understood one thing, that is, his brain was really inferior to the Lord, and he just had to convey the order honestly.

On the gravel island, the military commander was beaten to death. He originally intended to save people, but Zhong Zongli didn't appreciate it. His son died tragically, and he had lost hope of life.

He didn't even have any descendants, and the land he conquered was not a cheap outsider. Zhong Zongli sat in the wine jar with red eyes and drank fiercely. He had hatred in his heart. He wished he could fight to the death with his enemy now, but he didn't know where the enemy was. ah.

He was drinking with his head up, and hurried footsteps came from his ears. A middle-aged man in his early thirties appeared in front of Zhong Zongli. Zhong Zongli just raised his eyelids, then looked away, not wanting to talk to him at all.

"My lord, good news, our people have grown up to the clues to the murderer who killed the little lord." Feng Yong came to Zhong Zongli and saluted, raised his head and said hastily.

"What?" Zhong Zongli's eyes became even redder, he threw away the wine jar, and tightly grasped Feng Yong's shoulders, his face was full of excitement, and his back molars were clenched tightly.

"My lord, I found a clue." Feng Yong nodded fiercely, his face was equally excited, and the veins in his hands were throbbing.

"Okay, my son, just wait, my father will definitely avenge you!" Zhong Zongli howled loudly, tears streaming down again.

Feng Yong took out the secret letter from his arms, and slowly sent it to Zhong Zongli. Zhong Zongli took it with trembling hands, and the more he looked at it, the more hatred grew on his face. Please, see if I won't copy your lair.

(End of this chapter)

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