Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1542 Attack

Chapter 1542 Attack
Changjiang sent people to make a bureau, a very simple bureau, but it just used a dead hidden guard to send the news he wanted to send to Zhong Zongli, and it didn't arouse the suspicion of the tasker.

Feng Yong is the internal response of Changjiang's bribery, and the two sides cooperate tacitly. In order to avenge his son, Zhong Zongli can no longer hear the words of advice in his ears. Only those who follow him can win his trust.

In this way, Feng Yong easily ascended to the position and replaced the position of military adviser. Feng Yong was very active in dealing with the Yinmen. He knew that as long as the battle was over, he could go ashore.

What is lacking now is the ammunition. I heard that there are many masters in the hidden door. It is not easy for them to win. They can only use the power of ammunition to destroy the enemy. Zhong Zongli also knows this.

Zhong Zongli ordered the traitors hidden among the officials to get ammunition, and things went surprisingly smoothly, because those of his subordinates who had been wives for many years became wives, crawling one by one.

To the top position.

As long as they cooperate well along the way, no one will be disturbed at all. Zhong Zongli arranged with red eyes, and Feng Yong ran before and after to help with the work. His appearance of a loyal dog leg won Zhong Zongli's favor.

Half a month later, Zhong Zongli led his people to Songhe Mountain where the Yinmen is located. The mountains and rivers are beautiful here, and the clouds and mists are rising. It is a treasure of geomantic omen at first glance, but it is not easy to come here.

It was really a boat rotation, and it took a lot of hard work to get here. Zhong Zongli led three thousand cavalry with long guns, marching on both sides, and artillery in the middle. This battle is very simple, that is, the guns are fired.

Before they came to the foot of the mountain, they were discovered by the hidden door, but the hidden door didn't take it seriously, as long as this group of people passed by here, they are still very confident in their own defenses, I believe no one can see through the mechanism .

But they didn't want the other party to quickly pass the fake mountain range of the first level, and they didn't know how they knew about the mechanism, so they activated it directly without any effort.

After passing the first pass, what caught the eye was the bustling brocade, flocks of butterflies, and the intoxicating aroma, but none of these caught Zhong Zongli's eyes, and the only thought in his mind was revenge.

But Feng Yong took a closer look. If he could really live in this kind of place, he would accept it even if he was not an official. This is a blessed place on earth.

After crossing the sea of ​​flowers and coming to the second organ, there are undulating mountains in front of him, with no end in sight at a glance, Feng Yong doubts the authenticity of the situation, how could such a long mountain range be solved by one organ.

However, when the real mechanism was turned on, there was nothing in front of him, only then did he realize that the continuous mountain range was actually an illusion, and he had to admit that the method of the hidden door was really powerful.

When they opened the second mechanism, the hidden door finally realized that something was wrong. This group of people came prepared, how did they know the method to open the mechanism?Could it be that there are traitors inside the hidden door?
Zhong Zongli led people into the second organ, and the sound of bells rang in his ears. Zhong Zongli knew that the enemy had discovered them, and immediately ordered to prepare for bombardment. At the same time, the gunners were ready to shoot, and the enemy must be wiped out.

Qin Zixuan appeared at the foot of Songhe Mountain with a group of masters, and there were several corpses lying not far from them. They were the soldiers left by Zhong Zongli on guard.

Donghuang Taiye led a group of masters to protect Qin Zixuan, looking at the slowly closed door with surprise in his eyes, he did not expect such a blessed place in this world.

"My lord, will you take a fancy to this place?" Donghuang Taiye asked.He had taken a fancy to this land, if Qin Zixuan didn't like it, Donghuang Taiye planned to ask the Yangtze River to get it back and move the branch of the East Royal to this place.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and said, "This place is nice, but if you live in seclusion for a long time, you will lose touch with the world. I don't want the children of the Qin family to become that kind of high-ranking idiots."

The implication is that although this place is good, my disciples of the Qin family don't want it. After a long time, a reclusive expert will lose his mind and become arrogant, indifferent and impersonal.

Donghuang Taiye grinned, the Donghuang family is a hidden family, and they didn't realize that they would become fools if they lived in seclusion for too long. They were very smart in matters, otherwise they wouldn't form an alliance with Cheng Wangfu.

You must know that there were so many forces in the world at that time, they had many choices, and even each family could support a force, but they didn't. The four major families all took a fancy to Cheng Wangfu.

Of course, Qin Zixuan didn't think it was a good idea, so they took over, and looked at Gong Liangyan, wondering if Gong Liang's family would intervene, and, alas, there is also the Gu Yue family, these are the competitors of the Eastern Royal family.

Gong Liangyan looked at this place for a long time, and then said to Qin Zixuan: "The world is unpredictable, I think it is possible to let some of the Qin family disciples enter, and the same is true for our four major families. In case of major changes in the outside world, there is still a bloodline here." .”

Uh, Donghuang Taiye had no words to refute what he said, and secretly looked at Gong Liangyan a few times. This person is really smart. He intends to divide the five families equally. .

I heard that close relatives are prone to fools when they get married. No one told Donghuang Taiye before, and the family didn't think there was anything wrong with having fools. Ever since I heard Qin Zixuan's remarks, it seemed to be true after careful consideration.

"Let's discuss this matter with the Yangtze River. I have no opinion. Anyway, I will never live here to seek longevity. I still want to travel all over the mainland." Qin Zixuan looked around, and the sound of cannons came from his ears.

"Then what if you have traveled all over the mainland? Don't you want to find a place to live your remaining life?" Gong Liangyan blinked her eyes and looked at Qin Zixuan charmingly.

"Of course not. Maybe at that time, airplanes and spaceships have been researched. When the time comes, we will go to the sky to play. If we have enough fun in the sky, we will go to the moon to play."

Qin Zixuan looked up at the sky.I don't know if the moon here and Huaxia are the same moon. If one has a chance to meet Huaxia's spacecraft?
Gong Liangyan did not pour cold water on it. In the past, Xianggong said that he wanted to study the car, but the car was researched. Now Xianggong ordered people to study the aircraft, and maybe it will be researched at some time.

As for the spaceship, it should be said that it can be researched, but I don’t know when it will be. I hope it will be researched when I am old. I am willing to die on the road of exploration. Anyway, people will die anyway. The husband and wife died together.

When she grows old and ugly, it would be nice if she and her husband died in an accident, because the husband didn't abandon her or dislike her. They loved each other and joined hands for a lifetime. If such a death is really not terrible at all.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what Gong Liangyan was thinking, looking at those sparkling eyes, he couldn't help but blow a kiss, Gong Liangyan smiled even more happily, and Donghuang Taiye got goosebumps looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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