Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1543 Summation

Chapter 1543 Summation
As soon as the master of Yinmen met with Zhong Zongli's people, he was attacked by artillery fire. Zhong Zongli made up his mind to destroy this group of people, and since he had enough shells in his hand, he would go out for free.

As soon as the cannon was fired, the Hidden Gate masters who had just emerged on the opposite side did not pay attention to them. When their strength reached their level, they were really supercilious and arrogant.

It was only when the shells fell that they realized that the world had changed a lot. They underestimated the people in the world, and those unlucky ones were killed on the spot, and the bullets roared in. The hidden guards were shot down row after row.

Zhong Zongli stared at the opponent bitterly, and suddenly realized that the opponent's strength seemed to be the same. If the military adviser hadn't taken him away at that time, he would have avenged his son long ago.

But he didn't know that without the military adviser, he would have died long ago, because the shells he had were eliminated from the Yangtze River, but the shells they brought this time were new products.

Cannonballs flew towards the hidden door one after another, before the third mechanism was opened, it was blasted to pieces, and a valley appeared in front of it.

There are food and vegetables growing in the valley. Seeing this scene, Zhong Zongli curled his lips, pretending to be an expert, and eating food and growing vegetables like them. Pooh!

Hitting here, not to mention Zhong Zongli is full of confidence, even those soldiers are also full of confidence. It turns out that the legendary master is nothing more than that, that is, he lives a little mysteriously.

Halfway up the mountain, there was a big hall built. There were about a hundred people gathered in the big hall, and three chairs were placed in the center of the big hall.

In the middle sat an old man, with snow-white hair all over his head, skinny as a stick, bags under his eyes almost hanging down to his nose, his old eyes were cloudy and dull, as if he was going to die soon.

There are two people sitting on both sides of the old man, a man and a woman, the man is in his early fifties, his eyes are like lightning, and his body is full of majesty, and the woman is looking up at [-], but she has silver hair.

I saw a hundred people from His Highness salute upwards in unison, and said loudly: "See the sect master, see the deputy sect master Bai, and the deputy sect master Yin."

The old man in the middle raised his eyelids, Vice-Master Bai slightly raised his hand, and Vice-Master Yin glanced coldly. Hundreds of people got up and stood with hands down, waiting for the sect master and the deputy sect master to speak.

"Just now I urgently called everyone to come to the main hall because someone attacked my hidden door, do you know who attacked the hidden door?" Deputy head Bai asked lightly.

Everyone was discussing, who is so bold to launch an attack on the hidden door, do they want to live?They were talking about the sound of gunfire and screams coming from their ears.

Following the rumbling sound, a reporter from outside came in, and said loudly: "Sect master and deputy sect master, something is wrong, the other party has attacked."

What?There was a great shock in the hall. Before they could discuss the reason, the other party had already attacked. Are those hidden guards dead?All the masters were stunned, when did the emperor of the world become so powerful!

"Sect Master, I think we should stop discussing and go face to face." Deputy Sect Master Bai suggested, with an anxious face on his face, "The other party must have prepared for attacking the mountain gate, and maybe there is a loose cultivator alliance in it." .”

But they didn't know that there was really no loose cultivator alliance here, those people were fighting with Nanming Zhenjun and others, and the team of Nanming Zhenjun and his party had grown to 30 people at this time.

These people were sent out by them to help out. Experts born in the hidden sect have their own set of contact methods. They know who the other party is, so naturally they dare not act rashly.

But that ancient book had to be taken back, so the two sides got into a ball as soon as they met, and the Loose Cultivation Alliance could hold on to the Yinmen for so long, so they were naturally not waiting for it.

The two sides fought directly and turned the world upside down, the sun and the moon changed color, the master's attack was too destructive, and the island where the Sanxiu Alliance was located was smashed to pieces. I am afraid that after today's war, it will no longer be inhabitable.

Li Han was sitting on the deck drinking wine, accompanied by Linger and others. There were soldiers on the mast watching the battle with binoculars, and it was always broadcasting. Li Han sat below and listened to the live music. These two groups are really interesting. They meet each other. Just open it, don't you need to show your way?

"General, there is a boat coming." The sentinel saw a small boat coming in the distance and immediately reported.

Li Han nodded, he knew who it was without asking, it must be someone from the Loose Cultivation Alliance, if he guessed correctly, they were here to return the book, and if he guessed correctly, they had already written a copy.

The boat approached quickly, and an old man in fluttering white clothes stood at the bow. Li Han raised her eyebrows as she watched the person coming. The masters she met in the Western Continent were not young, all of them had white hair and beards like frost.

It seems that their talent really can't be compared with his own group, Li Han couldn't help but feel complacent when he thought of this, who can compare to the talent of his family, all 6 horses.

"The leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, Ge Dazhuang, has met the empress dowager. May the empress dowager be blessed and safe."

The visitor was very polite, and when he saw Li Han, he immediately bowed his head, and Li Han clasped his fists in return.

"Why did President Ge come here?" Li Han asked lightly, sizing up the visitor, Ge Dazhuang looked at Li Han with a smile, he instinctively felt the danger.

"The Loose Cultivator Alliance seems to have misunderstood the Empress Dowager, so I came here to explain it." Ge Dazhuang replied with a smile.

"Discuss in detail on board." Li Han made a request, and Ge Dazhuang nodded without any hesitation. Li Han's eyes turned to the island in battle. It seemed that Ge Dazhuang came to ask for peace.

That's fine, the cultivators in this world can't be killed, and there's no need to kill them all. Judging from the news from Xianggong, the Yinmen must be destroyed. Some things can be tolerated, but some things can't be tolerated.

Ge Dazhuang came to the boat and greeted Li Han again. The two sat down. Ge Dazhuang took out the ancient book from his arms and handed it to Li Han respectfully.

Bai Jing took the ancient book and flipped through it twice, then turned to Li Han and put it down. Li Han glanced lightly at Ge Dazhuang.

"Empress Dowager, please forgive us for our lack of status. We are casual cultivators and devote ourselves to cultivating the Tao. We have no intention of imperial power and hegemony. We have never thought of going against the lord." Ge Dazhuang explained the purpose of coming and set up a position.

Li Han nodded and said with a smile: "I believe this, and even if you want to overthrow the imperial power, it depends on your strength. My son is never afraid of battle, and I believe he can settle his enemies."

"Yes." Ge Dazhuang nodded in approval, but he was scolding his mother in his heart, this man is really arrogant.

"Today Zhong Zongli led a large team to attack Yinmen, who do you think will win?" Li Han laughed.

Ge Dazhuang felt his scalp go numb, what's wrong?The little Zhong Zongli dared to attack the hidden door, could this world be crazier?

No, something happened here, Ge Dazhuang looked up at Li Han, there must be something big here, I'm afraid someone lent Zhong Zongli's courage to him.

Thinking of the powerful guns, these masters can beat people, but they can't beat those guns.

(End of this chapter)

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