Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1544 Attack

Chapter 1544 Attack
Ge Dazhuang was not an idiot, he figured it out after just turning his mind around, and only that idiot Zhong Zongli believed in everyone, he would naturally be able to defend the Western Continent if he could take down the Western Continent.

In the past, the Yasheng Empire did not defend the country, and now it is impossible to regain it. Anyway, Ge Dazhuang is not optimistic about the rebels at all. He came from a poor background and knows what is most important to the common people.

Now that the most important homes and land have been settled, and the tax is still light, life is getting better every day. Who wants to change the dynasty?

Li Han didn't care what Ge Dazhuang was thinking, and said calmly: "The people in the Yinmen are going to use 99 pairs of boys and girls to sacrifice to the bottomless pit in the Dilong Mountain Range."

"What?" Ge Dazhuang's eyes widened instantly. He had heard of such a cruel method, but he had never seen it with his own eyes.

"If you do too many bad things, there will be retribution. God will not destroy the hidden door, so we will!" Li Han sneered, staring at Ge Dazhuang, and continued:

"I have no problem with the Loose Cultivator Alliance wanting to study that bottomless pit, but if you dare to sacrifice your life, the next life of the Yinmen will be the fate of the Loose Cultivator Alliance."

"Empress Dowager, don't worry, if there is such a villain in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, the Empress Dowager will not need to do anything, my Loose Cultivation Alliance will clean up the door."

After finishing speaking, I felt something was wrong, and added: "It's not because my Loose Cultivator Alliance is afraid of the Lord, but because we are human beings, not evil spirits, and we have the bottom line of being human."

Oh, Li Han smiled, and said lightly: "I thought you would say that the Loose Cultivation Alliance is a decent person."

"Decent is not necessarily upright. Besides, don't decent people kill people and seize treasures? Don't decent people kill innocent people indiscriminately? Yinmen has always advertised itself as a decent family, an expert who has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements. The result? "

The corner of Ge Dazhuang's mouth raised into a sneer, and he was slapped in the face. He used to rob them of casual cultivators' things, and it was fine to kill for treasure. As for cultivators, they are fighting for their lives with the heavens and others for their profits. It is inevitable to kill and die.

But what did those common people do wrong?From this point, it can be seen that those who claim to be upright may not be really upright, and evil spirits may not be all bad people. Anyway, he did not say that he is a good person.

If someone does not offend me, I will not offend him. If someone offends me, blood will splatter three feet!This is the creed of the Loose Cultivator Alliance. He bowed his head here today, not because he was afraid, but because he felt that there was no need to offend this enemy.

As for the ancient books, just copy a copy, and later they close the door and study on their own. As long as Li Han doesn't pursue these, the two sides can still live in peace.

Judging from the attitudes of Li Han and Qin Zixuan's ancient books, Ge Dazhuang bet that the two would not pursue it. If they really valued a book, they would never tear it up.

I have to say that Ge Dazhuang was very accurate. Li Han really didn't care. What she cared about was the attitude of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and what she cared about was the life and death of Zhenjun Nanming and others.

If the Loose Cultivator Alliance can't kill them, then she will do it. In short, this group of people can die!
"Okay, remember what you said?" Li Han stared at Ge Dazhuang's eyes and said, "We are not people who can't tolerate differences. There are many hidden masters in this world. As long as we don't disturb the people or the country, we practitioners You can compete any way you want."

Ge Dazhuang nodded. He liked to hear these words. He thought that Li Han would let them get out of the Western Continent, but he didn't expect that this man was not afraid of competition at all.

"Don't worry, Empress Dowager, I can't guarantee anything else. I can guarantee that I won't disturb the people and the country." Having said that, Ge Dazhuang rolled his eyes and asked, "Can we really go to the Dilong Mountains to do research?" ?”

Hehe, Li Han smiled helplessly, and said: "If your information is correct, you should know that after we evacuate the Dilong Mountain Range, it will be open to the public. Anyone can go to see it, why can't you go?"

Ge Dazhuang made sense when he thought about it, even ordinary forces can go there to check, why can't masters like Mao and the others go?Now it seems that they scare themselves away.

Thinking that people from the Yinmen faction occupied the place, and there was still a blood sacrifice, this should be the reason why the Yinmen died so quickly, right?Alas, evil intentions will eventually harm others.

Ge Dazhuang sympathized with the hidden door for a moment. They are open, but you are still so mysterious, as if they are very powerful, and now they are blocked by people.

The corner of Ge Dazhuang's mouth twitched a few times at the thought of a bunch of cannons blocking the door and bombarding him. He couldn't survive that kind of high-intensity attack, and the final result was death.

The two chatted for a while, and then Ge Dazhuang offered to leave, heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, don't worry about losing both sides with Yinmen, Li Han and the others benefit.

Li Han watched Ge Dazhuang leave, and looked in the direction of the Yinmen. He didn't know how the battle was going there, but it was a pity that he couldn't leave here. He really wanted to fight with Xianggong.

Ling'er lay on Li Han's shoulder and asked in Li Han's ear, "Mother, why don't we eradicate dissidents and enjoy the world to ourselves?"

"Fool, Linger, remember, you can't eradicate all dissidents in this world, and you can't kill all the practitioners in the world. You must learn to share and get along with others, so that you can live well in this world."

Li Han rubbed his nose. If it wasn't for the help of his sons, he probably never thought of destroying anyone. With his temperament, as long as he doesn't offend him, he can pretend that everyone in the world doesn't exist.

Of course, this kind of personality is also good, it saves him from making enemies everywhere, there are still many masters in the world, but they haven't figured out that mysterious old man.

Ling'er nodded to show that she understood, and then turned her gaze to the battlefield, where the sky was full of dust, gravel flew around, and screams rang out from time to time.

Thinking of her father, Ling'er murmured, "Should the battle at my father's place have started?"

Inside the hidden door, the door master led a hundred masters out of the main hall to look down the mountain, and saw that the mountain was in chaos, and those clansmen with weak strength died one after another in the artillery fire.

"Get ready to fight!" The deputy door master Bai became anxious when he saw it, and hurriedly gave the order to fight, and rushed towards the foot of the mountain.

Feng Yong has been observing the situation on the mountainside. When he saw a team of hundreds of people rushing down the mountain, he immediately reminded Zhong Zongli to pay attention.

"Get ready, bombardment!" Zhong Zongli saw someone shouting the bombardment order, which made the group of people rushing down stop one after another. The strength of the opponent is indeed very strong.

"Who are you? Why did you attack the hidden door?" Yin's deputy head shouted loudly, looking at Zhong Zongli with scrutiny in his eyes, and Zhong Zongli held up his binoculars to observe the caller.

"Who is that silver-white woman?" Zhong Zongli asked.

Feng Yong was asked about a black thread, is it his first time to come, okay?He doesn't know who the other party is.

He shouted, "Kill to pay for your life, pay for your debts, on the other side, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that we are enemies!" "

(End of this chapter)

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