Chapter 1558
The organs on both sides were completely destroyed, and no fish was injured, but the people who came to participate in the sneak attack suffered heavy losses. Except for those with fast legs, they basically died.

Qin Zixuan and his party continued to move forward in the big boat, and they were not affected at all. They couldn't help admiring their good attitude.

In the City of Three Immortals, Yu Huanian was sitting on a chair with a sullen face, with a report in front of him, his nostrils dilated from time to time, obviously angry, he suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "Who did it on his own?"

The others didn't say anything. They had already lost two rounds in the matter of sneak attack, and they really didn't have the mood to sneak attack again. The power around Qin Zixuan was too strong, not inferior to Yinmen's strength at all.

"How do you say that Qin Zixuan and his gang trained? Why are they all so powerful and so young." Yu Zhong asked.

The scene was still quiet, Yu Zhong looked around, didn't these people see that he wanted to change the subject?Why don't you take this up?Wouldn't this be too embarrassing.

Forget it, Yu Zhong was so embarrassed that he also closed his mouth. Since everyone likes to be dumb, let's just be dumb, and let's see how they continue this meeting.

"Qin Zixuan has already left Songhe Mountain, and there are no guards left behind. Shall we go back and have a look?" Han Hu asked with anticipation on his face. Songhe Mountain was their foundation, and Han Hu was reluctant to lose it.

"Do you think Qin Zixuan is a fool? Would he give up such a good place of geomantic omen?" Yu Huanian asked bitterly, feeling that the topic everyone was talking about had seriously deviated.

"Elder Yu, what do you mean by this? Do you have something to say, don't bring assassins?" Han Hu was not happy. He and Yu Huanian were equal in strength and power. They were both ordered to come out to collect information. Why? Yu Huanian overwhelmed him.

"Do I have thorns?" Yu Huanian stared, and the others glanced at each other without saying a word. Did I have thorns or not?This is the voice of the people.

Han Hu was angry and felt that he was a weak member. Isn't it because there are more people with the surname Yu here?If he can't tolerate it, he can say it clearly, and it will be a big deal to set up another mountain.

Anyway, the hidden door doesn't exist now, and with his strength, he will be the boss if he stands on another hill. Why bother to look at people here? At this moment, Han Hu feels a retreat in his heart.

They got together and said that they wanted to avenge their classmates, but looking at their strength and their methods, they made two shots and failed twice. Although the last one was a private action, it also represented them.

This is a bad signal, it tells them that the enemy is very powerful, and the saddest thing is that they have not yet figured out how powerful, which is embarrassing.

Seeing that Han Hu didn't continue to speak, Yu Huanian's face looked better. He looked at Yu Zhong and said, "Xiao Zhong, why don't you go to Songhe Mountain and check quietly for any ambush."

Han Hu wanted to vomit blood. Who said that Qin Zixuan was not a fool and would not give up that treasured land of geomantic omen?What does it mean to send Yu Zhong to investigate now?You can't trust him, right?
That being the case, there is nothing else to talk about. Han Hu got up and left. If there is nothing to talk about, there is no need to talk. He should go out for a walk and find a mountain with good geomantic omen to make himself king. I will leave this place for the surname Yu.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Han Hu leaving without a word, Yu Huanian asked immediately.Others also looked at Han Hu.

Does it matter where I go?Han Hu turned his head to look at Yu Huanian, he didn't want to talk to him, but he couldn't help but open his mouth, and said lightly: "You have your way of revenge, and I have my way of revenge.

"What do you mean?" Yu Huanian's face darkened again. This meant that the family was going to be separated. They were already weak, so how could they plan for the future after they separated.

"Literally." Han Hu sneered. He has bones in his knees, so there's no need to kneel down to add to his Yu Huanian, but do you really have to say it so clearly to understand?
"You are not allowed to leave." Yu Huanian said slyly.

Han Hu's face also darkened, and then Yu Zhong and Yu Qian quietly moved behind Han Hu, as if they would strike if there was a disagreement, and Han Hu was so angry that his liver hurt.

This surname Yu is too arrogant, they are too presumptuous, are they treating themselves as dead?Well, Han Hu flung his sleeves and returned to his seat. He is not dead, so he should sit back.

Cut, Yu Huanian sneered in his heart, even if Han Hu, who is as timid as a mouse, borrowed his courage, it would be nothing more than that.

"According to the gossip, the Reincarnation Sect will hold an auction in the City of Three Immortals. I think this is an opportunity." After Han Hu sat down, Yu Huanian finally let go of the above topic and moved on to the next topic.

Well, everyone nodded. They also heard the news. They heard that gods from all walks of life will appear. There are still many good things in the Reincarnation Sect, and there are also pills to improve their strength. If they can catch them, their strength will also increase.

"The religion of reincarnation is Qin Zixuan's property, what do you think we can do?" Han Hu threw cold water on it. If he has a hard time, don't let others think too well. Let's be depressed together.

The discussion stopped, Yu Huanian stared at Han Hu bitterly, can we still have a good meeting?

Ying Lao squatted in the dark and looked at the few people in the room, and then looked at their appearance in the meeting, and couldn't help shaking his head. This is just an internal commotion, and it's hard for them to do something.

The internal voices are not unified, the boss can't control the second child, and the third child is not convinced by the second child, in short, it is a mess.

If this group of people launched an attack on Yancheng together, it might cause a crisis, but they actually sent three people to test the water.

The reason for this is not very clear to Mr. Ying, he always feels that it has something to do with fear of death, these people must be afraid, so they dare not attack again, and then hide here to discuss important matters.

But big things are done, not discussed, and after 100 years of discussion, things are still on the table. Mr. Ying found out their details and began to plan how to eliminate them.

Regardless of whether they are threatening or not, they should always be exterminated. Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. When dealing with the enemy, there is no need to give him a chance to blow his life. It is better to have a thunderbolt.

Dahai saw the Yangtze River in Fengtian City, looked at the Yangtze River with a face full of love, Dahai could understand that feeling, thinking of his children, Dahai also softened his heart.

If someone had told him before that he would turn into a bag of tears, Dahai would definitely beat him to death, but since the birth of his children, Dahai felt that his tear lines had increased a lot, and seeing the little people crying, he couldn't help being jealous.

Because of this, Dahai was often laughed at by Wu Ying, and Dahai was so angry that he had nowhere to fight back. What to do if his heart softened, but he couldn't harden his heart when facing his children. Only then did Dahai realize how great his parents are.

(End of this chapter)

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