Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1559 Guessing Wrong

Chapter 1559 Guessing Wrong

"Brother, why didn't you bring your child with you?" This was the first sentence Chang Jiang said when he saw Dahai.

"They're too small, and they won't be able to take them around until they get older," Hai Fue added, "Besides, even if I want to bring them, grandma must agree."

Thinking of grandma, Changjiang shut up. He knew how much grandma liked children. If it wasn't for the father to support them, grandma would have put women in their room when they were 14 years old.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but thank my father. With my father on top, no matter how great the pressure is, it can be resolved. Grandma's nagging is useless to my father, because my father always goes in one ear and out the other.

The two were talking, Qinglian walked in with Guo'er in her arms, Dahai reached out to take it, and praised Qinglian for her good complexion, Qinglian gave Haihai a deep bow.

If it wasn't for Dahai's pills, she might not be able to save her little life, and such a dangerous scene of bleeding could be stopped, even if she didn't admit Dahai Niucha.

"This child looks like you." Dahai looked at the child's long and narrow eyes, and couldn't help but praise him. Not to mention that Changjiang is related to the Li family, not only does he look like his grandfather, he even resembles the child.

Changjiang cheerfully accepted the compliment, stretched out his hand to poke the child's little face, leaving a small red mark on the face, and the sea was covered with black lines. This clumsy boy has not learned to restrain himself after so many days.

Qing Lian gave Changjiang a whining look, looking at her son's little face with distress, and it was not easy to blame Changjiang in front of Dahai, so she could only sulk secretly.

Changjiang laughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and said: "The child is just a porcelain doll, you have to learn to restrain yourself."

Hehe, Changjiang laughed dryly, he also knew this, it was confiscated, he couldn't help poking his son's fleshy little face.

Seeing the foolishness of the Yangtze River, Dahai was speechless. Is this still his brother who is holding his wisdom?
"Father and mother haven't visited Guo'er yet?" Dahai asked.

Changjiang shook his head, there were many things during this period, and Huayan gave birth to a child, so he didn't have time to come here, and he didn't spare time to go to Yancheng.

"Do you think mother will pass through Fengtian City on her return trip?" Dahai asked again.

This time the Yangtze River was happy, and the answer was quite confident, that is, Li Han would not come to Fengtian City, the answer was a bit sad, but also very self-knowledge, father is a mixture of heaven and earth in mother's mind.

Nothing is as important as Qin Zixuan's. Li Han is indeed not in the mood to come to Fengtian City, but there is no other way for her return trip. When Li Han passed the pier, she let the warship go forward by itself, and she diverted to Fengtian City.

When arriving after all the hard work, Li Han heard the conversation between the Yangtze River and the sea, and the little flame in her heart was burning fast. Killed.

Feeling that the door was dark, Dahai glanced at it, then shut up immediately, and heard Changjiang still chattering: "It's not like you don't understand our mother, she only has her eyes in her eyes, and it's been a long time since she was separated from her father." It was a miracle.

I bet, she must be ordering the warship to move forward with all its strength, and strive to arrive at Yancheng as soon as possible. Others are strictly controlled by wives, but our family is better. On the other hand, our mother is a capitalized husband and slave. "

Li Han folded his arms and stared at the Yangtze River viciously, wanting to see when the kid would react, he was obviously a master, so his vigilance was too low.

Jiang Qinglian's gaze caught sight of Li Han, she jumped up from the chair in fright, her legs gave way to her knees, what could she say, the husband was caught talking ill of his mother-in-law, she should help him to make amends, right?

"Why are you kneeling?" Changjiang felt Qinglian's movement, turned his head and asked, and then the corner of his eyes glanced at Li Han standing at the door, and suddenly felt dark clouds over his head, and five thunders struck the top.

Dahai silently turned his face away, he really didn't mean to trick his younger brother, it was because his younger brother was unlucky, Dahai also thought that his mother would go back to Yancheng directly, who knew he guessed wrong too.

"Say it, why didn't you say it?" Li Han paced into the room, looked at Jiang Jiang who was kneeling there grinding his teeth, and said that he couldn't be too kind to the child, listen to what he said.

Husband!Does that mean her?Since when is she a slave?She just loves her husband a little more, and besides, he loves her too, can't these brats see his respect for her?
Ever since the two met, Xianggong has never played with girls in brothels. How many men like Xianggong are there in this world, and how many men go to brothels to drink just for drinking?

If I don't nod my head, Xianggong doesn't even accept a concubine. How many men in this world can do this?Even my own sons can't do it, and they all talk bad things behind their backs.

Li Han felt aggrieved when he thought about it. He was obviously in love with each other, so why did he become a husband slave.

Changjiang knelt down silently and bowed his head. What could he say? After finally meeting Dahai, he couldn’t control his mouth in a moment of excitement.
Alas, there seems to be no other adjectives besides sighing about bad luck. In this case, let’s treat it as bad luck.

"Why don't you talk anymore?" Li Han stared at the Yangtze River, who was lying there, with his head on the ground, and everything was in this head.

Dahai looked funny, and couldn't help but sympathize with his younger brother. He quickly came to Li Han with Guo'er in his arms, and said, "Mother, look, this is Guo'er. Isn't it very cute, like a grandfather."

"Well, those small eyes really look like your grandfather." Li Han's banditry disappeared after meeting Guo'er, and he reached out to take Guo'er, and then said: "Get up."

"Yes, thank you, mother." Chang Jiang and Qing Lian got up one after another, and quietly wiped off the sweat from their foreheads. Qing Lian looked at Chang Jiang's movements and sniggered unkindly.

"Qinglian sit down, don't pay attention to that bastard." Li Han is still very kind to the heroes of the Li family, but he doesn't like to see this son, what he said just now was too heartbreaking.

Changjiang laughed dryly, looking at Dahai, secretly blaming Dahai for not reminding him earlier, Dahai shrugged, he didn't expect his mother to arrive.

"Hey, this is grandma's little fruit. It looks much better than your father's when he was a child." Li Han made up the knife with a smile, and Changjiang laughed again, well, the son is cuter than him.

Dahai smiled, and I just smiled and said nothing. I have nothing to do here. The whole family sat together. Li Han teased Guoer and asked, "How is your grandma at home? How is grandma?"

"Grandma is very good. She hangs around Zhen'er and Jie'er every day. Grandmother is also very good. She spends more time in Prince Cheng's Mansion than in Duke Zhen's Mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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