Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1568 The Dragon

Chapter 1568 The Dragon
After reading Song Fei's confession, Changjiang knew that there was no need to investigate this case anymore. With the confessions of Guo Liang and Song Fei, Song Qishan was enough to die a few times.

At this time, Song Qishan sent someone to send a third letter. The wording in the letter was even stricter. If he did not agree, he would immediately start a war with the Yangtze River, and the angry Yangtze River felt cold.

Since the face is shameless, let him go to prison now. Changjiang entrusted Qu Chang with the task of arresting Song Qishan. How to take him down without harming the people depends on Qu Chang's ability.

Qu Chang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, his eyes turned and he realized that it might not be easy for someone else, but Song Qishan is easy, that person has a weakness, and it will be easy to deal with the person with the weakness as long as he prescribes the right medicine.

Just like Qu Chang left, Changjiang snorted and looked at the sky outside, he should get off work too, this time is really too busy.

Li Han was having a great time playing with Guo'er. Qing Lian looked at her mother-in-law who was jumping up and down, and then at her son who laughed into flowers.

Ling'er and Feng Wu Qinglan walked over together, watching Li Han's movements, Ling'er expressed that she wanted to try it too, while Feng Wu Qinglan had a black line on her forehead, they all said that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change, the ancients are sincere I!

Dahai walked into the yard side by side with the Yangtze River, listened to the laughter, looked at his mother again, Dahai supported his forehead, and at the same time rejoiced that his father's strength had improved and he could jump up and down by himself.

Otherwise, the mother hugged the father and jumped up and down, the picture was so beautiful, Dahai said he didn't want to imagine, this is a grandma.

Seeing the two of them entered the yard, Li Han stopped jumping and fell on the chair with Guo'er in his arms. Qing Lian came to pick up Guo'er.

"Brother, when is Qu Chang coming back?" Ling'er looked back, but she didn't see Qu Chang, feeling a little weird.

"Come on, are you caring about him or worrying about him?" Changjiang asked, Dahai sat next to Li Han, took the handkerchief and handed it to the maidservant, and then brought a cup of tea to Li Han, showing the standard appearance of teaching the eldest son.

Li Han happily took it, and he still likes this eldest son from the bottom of his heart, the eldest son is good at everything except cheating.

"Mother, when Song Qishan is dealt with, the train will start running. Do you want to go to Sanxian City with me or go directly back to Yancheng?" Dahai asked.

Li Han thought for a while and was a little undecided, looked at Changjiang and asked, "Has your father returned to Yancheng?"

Asking this question, it seems that she went to Sanxian City before her father went to Yancheng. This is the truth of the Yangtze River. Li Han really thinks so.

"My father is still on the road. You also know that the location of Songhe Mountain is a little bit remote. There is no road there yet. When you come back, the speed is not so fast."

"Then go to Sanxian City. Do Qinglian and Guoer want to go together?" Li Han asked again.

Qing Lian looked at the Yangtze River. She used to think that taking a car was too rough, and Guoer was still young. This time, she can take the train and get to Sanxian City in just one day. Whether she wants to go or not depends on the meaning of the Yangtze River.

"Go, father hasn't seen Guo'er yet." Changjiang thought for a while and made a decision. The train was still sitting quite steadily, and Qinglian had been locked up for a long time. She had been cautious since she was pregnant, for fear of being killed by someone.

Thinking of Changjiang is also helpless, he feels that he is a decent person and has not provoked anyone, but many women regard Qinglian as a thorn in the eye, if those people are given a chance, they will definitely attack Qinglian.

"Mother, Ge Dazhuang and the others are here, would you like to meet?" Changjiang asked.

"No, I don't have a deep friendship with them. Those people are all selfish. There is no need for such people to be true friends." Li Han waved her hand. The first thing her friends do is to be sincere, which Ge Dazhuang and the others couldn't do.

Feng Wu Qinglan shook the cup and laughed, rejoicing again for the choice she made back then, if she had made an enemy of Prince Cheng's Mansion first, then it would not be easy to turn the enemy into a friend later, just look at the enemies of Prince Cheng's Mansion.

Changjiang had no objection, but Dahai looked at the food set in front of him, thinking about what to give his mother.As for the political affairs of the Western Continent, Dahai said that he didn't want to take care of it.

"Mother, try this lion's head, it's not the fake lion's head that father said." Dahai said while holding a piece of meat from the lion's head, and Li Han laughed.

"Brother, father is not here, he doesn't even know if you stepped on him." Changjiang answered with a smile, Dahai raised his eyebrows, was it so obvious that he stepped on him?But why Mao couldn't help but want to step on his father.

Qin Zixuan, who was on his way, sneezed, rubbed his nose and told his wives to miss him.

Gong Liangyan was delighted to hear this, and asked with a smile, "Why can't it be the daughter-in-law and the children?"

"The children are used to going out and traveling, so they won't miss me." Qin Zixuan said with a bit of taste. He used to be the god in the hearts of the children, but now his strength has risen rapidly, and he is almost becoming the god in his heart.

Gong Liangyan looked up at the sky, and sighed in her heart that the Chinese New Year will be in two months, and she is one year older, but the child has not been seen yet, so sad.

"My lord, there is a dragon sucking water in front of me." The sentinel shouted, this is an old man from Cheng Wang's mansion, he couldn't change his mouth, and he used to call him lord.

After hearing this, Qin Zixuan got up and came to the bow of the boat. Looking at the [-]-meter-high dragon sucking water in front of him, he couldn't help but marvel at the magic of nature.

Gong Liangyan snuggled up beside Qin Zixuan, her eyes glistening. It is rare for such a tall dragon to absorb water. It's a pity that the dinosaur is not around. Otherwise, I would ask him to check what happened at the bottom of the water.

Deep in the bottom of the water, a jiao snake is transforming. Its head slowly grows small horns. Half of the snake skin on its body has retreated, and two small claws have grown under the retreated half of its abdomen.

It roared excitedly, and the sound spread along with the water waves, causing the surrounding underwater creatures to tremble with fear, and the timid ones had already got into the mud at the bottom of the water.

Qin Zixuan and his group had quite a few experts, so they naturally heard the sound coming from the bottom of the water. The knowledgeable Gong Liangyan's eyes lit up, and she had already remembered what this phenomenon was.

"Master, there is a snake transforming underneath, do you want to kill it?" Gong Liangyan asked excitedly, and the eyes of Donghuang Taiye and others lit up.

Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes and asked doubtfully, "Is there any benefit?"

Asked this question, as if he would not do it if there is no benefit, Donghuang Taiye patted his head, can he complain that Prince Cheng is unlearned and incompetent, that is a dragon that is taking shape.

If you can win it, there must be many benefits. Flood dragon skin can be used to make armor and can be used as medicine. Flood dragon meat can be eaten, which is very fragrant and nourishing. Flood dragon blood can be used as medicine. Dahai should like it very much.

Flood dragon bones can be used to refine magical weapons, and dragon tendons can be used to make the strongest binding rope. Well, doing so is a bit of a waste of good things, but Donghuang Taiye thinks that Qin Zixuan will do this. In short, a dragon is a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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