Chapter 1569
Qin Zixuan learned that there are so many good things on Jiaolong, so what are you waiting for, save them for the New Year, he must take them to eat meat, and it happens that he is a bit hungry now.

But it's not easy to take down Jiaolong. Those guys are in deep water. They are human and not fish, so they can't live underwater for a long time.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin, listened to everyone discussing tactics, curled his lips and said: "Everyone can transform into a flood dragon, they must not be fools, because of the animal's instinctive intuition of danger, won't they escape if they can't fight?"

The Donghuang Taiye and others were unable to refute what they said. This is not bad at all. If they can't be beaten, they won't escape?Jiaolong is the underwater king, and they are at most bronze.

Even if this pair of kings couldn't abuse Bronze, it would be no problem to escape, so they just missed it?Everyone felt a little bit reluctant, that thing is a treasure, and if you win it, you will earn it.

Gong Liangyan sighed and said, "It would be great if the dinosaurs were here."

Everyone nodded. They could only look up to the strength of the dinosaur, and they could only look up to the water quality of the dinosaur. Apart from having no wings, that guy was a good hand both on the ground and underwater.

"In this way, send someone to take the roc to the banquet city. If the dinosaur has not returned to the banquet city, then go to the sea to find it and invite him over." Qin Zixuan suggested.

"That's fine, but we have to be prepared to deal with emergencies. If Jiaolong completes his transformation, he must look for food. He is a treasure in our eyes, and we are delicious fat in his eyes." Mrs. Donghuang wild way.

Gong Liangyan looked at the surface of the river, thought for a while and thought it made sense, and suggested, "How about we retreat ten miles and set up camp?"

"No, I think we have to find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although our boat is strong, compared with what the score is, it is not strong in Jiaolong's hands." Feng Wu Qingkong said.

Gong Liangyan looked at Qin Zixuan, and Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and felt that it made sense. If it was on the shore, they could still use cannons to defend. If it was in the water, once the ship was destroyed, the soldiers behind would suffer.

Lin Xi sent a topographic map, and several people got together to study it, and finally decided to camp in Jiangbei Pingchuan. After the discussion, the big ship turned around and retreated about five miles to Jiangbei Pingchuan.

Everyone abandoned the boat and went ashore, and a box of treasures was also brought up. The Dapeng sent to invite the dinosaurs also set off. After landing, the soldiers were busy setting up camp, and Qin Zixuan and the others continued to study the strategic layout.

Donghuang Taiye and his group of five began to practice the battle formation. Qin Zixuan didn't know how strong Jiaolong was. Seeing their excited and nervous expressions, he thought they were not weak.

Gong Liangyan kept Qin Zixuan in the camp and was not allowed to act alone. Jiaolong was very important, but not as important as Qin Zixuan.

When Dapeng flew to Yancheng, the dinosaur hadn't returned to Yancheng, but it was already approaching the shore. Lin Xi said hello to the three ladies, then gave the presents she brought, and left in a hurry.

Gu Yueru rubbed her stomach with envy on her face. If she wasn't pregnant, she must be running around with her husband. The appearance of being beaten up made Hua Yan helpless. Thinking about Little Swallow and looking at Gu Yueru, Hua Yan could only sigh Good luck tricks people.

I can't conceive what I want, and my stomach is full if I don't want to, what can I say!

Lin Xi sat on the roc, and the roc fluttered its wings and flew high to the sea, then flew low to find people, because it only took half an hour to find the warship because it had a rough route in hand.

The Dapeng tweeted, and the soldiers on the warship stepped out of the cabin and looked up one after another. I don’t know what news it is sending this time?The dinosaur was lying on the deck basking in the sun. He didn't do anything during this trip, and the dinosaur felt very boring.

Seeing the roc falling beside him, the dinosaur leaned forward and sat up. Lin Xi looked at the dinosaur excitedly, and shouted: "Master Long, the Lord is calling urgently, let's talk while flying."

Yell, something good is going to happen!The dinosaur jumped onto the back of the roc, and the roc fluttered its wings and flew high. When Lin Xi told about the dragon on the road, the dinosaur's eyes lit up.

I have never seen a dragon, and I have never eaten meat. It would be good to get a dragon to enjoy the fun. My brother is lucky. If I knew it, I would follow him to the hidden door, so he didn't have a chance to do it.

One day, Dapeng brought back the dinosaur. Qin Zixuan was in a hurry and wanted to check the situation there.

The phenomenon of the dragon absorbing water over there has ended, but the roar of the dragon has not stopped. It is estimated that it has not yet completed its transformation. It is recorded in the book that it takes at least a week for the transformation of a dragon, and each upgrade will take longer.

This is just like playing games. The first level and the second level are the easiest to pass, because no one will play after the level is not passed, but the more difficult it is, otherwise the streets will be full of kings.

Seeing the landing of the roc, Qin Zixuan immediately rushed forward and gave the dinosaur a warm hug. The dinosaur drool and asked, "Is it true? Is the situation certain?"

"It's true, it's still screaming in the water." Qin Zixuan responded with a grin. Seeing the dinosaur sucking, he understood that this creature wanted to eat it.

"That's all right, you guys wait, I'll go into the water and have a look." Dinosaur was impatient, and when he heard that he was still in the water, he ran away after losing Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan called to wait for me, I'll cheer you up, but the response was a splash of water Noise, the dinosaur has got into the water.

Looking at the spray on the river, Qin Zixuan patted his head and shouted: "Come on, build a fire and prepare the seasonings. Today we are going to have a big meal."

"Okay!" The cooks should follow and prepare, while Donghuang Taiye and others chased along the river bank. They wanted to go to the scene to see if the dinosaurs were defeated, they could also support the dinosaurs.

Qin Zixuan held up his robe and followed closely. This guy is a watcher who is not afraid of big troubles. How could he miss such a wonderful scene.

Under the surface of the water, the dinosaur quickly approached the Jiaolong. Hearing the roar, a mocking face appeared on his face. This Jiaolong must be a proud master. If it doesn't let it go through this calamity quietly, no one will notice it. .

But this one is not willing to be lonely, and actually put pressure on the surroundings, frightening the creatures in the river to shrink their necks to beg for a living. Isn't this just looking for trouble, now it's all right, attracting them here, this is a catch up .

Dinosaur thought that he could also eat dragon meat, and his mood was agitated. He never thought about this kind of thing in his previous life. Although he has suffered a lot in this life and suffered from loneliness, the benefits are not without it.

In the past, I couldn't see, eat, eat, or touch. In this life, I can touch it with my paws and eat a few bites with my mouth. Even emperors and generals can bully them for a while. When the people of the world kneel down and pray, they will bring Although their names are not gods, they are better than gods.

(End of this chapter)

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