Chapter 1570

Two-thirds of the dragon has been transformed, a few fake dragon beards appeared on the dragon's head, and a face full of pride, probably recalling the past, exploring the future, and imagining a better life.

It was at this critical moment that the dinosaur appeared in front of Jiaolong, stretched out his hand to touch Jiaolong's head, and looked satisfied. The angry Jiaolong became angry on the spot, shaking his head and tail, and the tide on the river rose ten feet high.

Qin Zixuan looked at the tide and was a little worried. Could it be that there will be a fight next time? This is exactly the case. When Jiaolong saw a dinosaur several feet tall, he really didn't have to worry about it at all.

In addition, the behavior of the dinosaur seriously provoked Jiaolong's self-esteem. It has dominated this river for a long time. How can a small bamboo pole provoke it, that's right!In Jiaolong's eyes, dinosaurs are bamboo poles, or dwarf bamboo poles.

Dinosaurs are not afraid of death, they pinched Jiaolong's face, pinched his belly, and then punched him twice in the waist. The meat is firm and firm, it must be delicious!

The more the dinosaur was inspected, the happier it was. It rolled up and down angrily, trying to flip the dinosaur down. It didn't want this little thing to ride on itself.

Qin Zixuan poked his head to observe the river, his cheeks were full of worry, and his brows were tightly frowned. Gong Liangyan was beside him to comfort him. If the dinosaur was not his opponent, he would definitely come up, and the dinosaur was not a fool.

In fact, the dinosaur is really not a fool. After checking the whole body of the dragon, he ran to pull the dragon's skin very kindly and pulled it down. It is too slow to shed the skin a little bit, so let's tear it off.

The painful dragon scolds the mother, don't take such a bullying dragon, it rolls the dinosaur into its body, wants to squeeze the dinosaur to death with brute force, but doesn't want the dinosaur to be unafraid at all.

Ever since he ate the branches and leaves of the magic dragon flower, his body can be big or small or long or sideways. This strength is not at all threatening. The dinosaur is now in a state of loneliness as a master. This is just playing with the dragon.

Jiaolong did not hurt Jiaolong even though he tried his best to eat milk, but the skin was ripped off by the dinosaur. The back half of Jiaolong was bloody, and the river surface was stained red.

Snake blood has a hemostatic function, not to mention dragon blood, the effect is definitely better.

The dinosaur stopped playing, he felt sorry for the dragon's blood, came to the dragon's head, and punched Qicun several times, causing the dragon to vomit blood. I didn't expect this little thing to be so powerful, why didn't I notice it before?
If he had known before that he would not dare to make such a big noise, and had hidden himself and evolved quietly, he would have cried with regret, and was beaten to death by the dinosaur in the end.

The dinosaur dragged the dragon to the surface, saw Qin Zixuan's worried expression and grinned badly, raised the dragon's head in his hand, and shouted, "Come on, let's eat dragon meat today."

Qin Zixuan stretched out his thumb, and the group ran back with a whimper, regretting that they had parked the boat so far away. Of course, they were more surprised at how strong the dinosaur was.

Donghuang Taiye seriously doubted that they could defeat dinosaurs together.Thinking of this, he cast his eyes on Qin Zixuan, the dinosaur only recognizes Qin Zixuan, so let's build a good relationship with this master.

Back at the camp, one by one carried pots and bowls to surround the Jiaolong. A drop of blood on the ground would cause a burst of pain. Neither Qin Zixuan nor the dinosaur was in front of the Jiaolong's corpse, only Gong Liangyan presided over the decomposition.

In front of the fire, the dinosaur sucked his saliva and looked at the dragon meat on the fire. Lin Xi brought a jar of wine and placed it next to the two of them. Qin Zixuan was watching the dragon meat roasting while the cook over there was busy cooking soup and adding ingredients.

Finally, Qin Zixuan gave the dragon meat a skewer to the dinosaur, and gave it to Lin Xi two skewers. Lin Xi went to find Gong Liangyan. Qin Zixuan blew on the hot air and took a bite, smiling happily.

"It's delicious. It looks like we'll have to hunt some high-end game in the future. Those wild boars are really not good." Qin Zixuan said vaguely.

Dinosaur nodded. He really didn't expect it to be so delicious. The two chatted while eating, and they were able to talk about one thing. They were really two senior foodies.

Gong Liangyan commanded everyone to disassemble it. Seeing the Jiaolong Meat Skewers, they couldn't resist eating them. The others gulped their saliva and didn't move a step.

These things are treasures that can be encountered but not sought after, that is to say, King Cheng of his family will not take them to heart.After they dismembered their limbs, Qin Zixuan and the dinosaur had already had their fill, and the two began to arrange what to eat in the morning, lunch and evening.

Most people in the world of foodies can't understand, but in Fengtian City Square, Changjiang stood on a temporary high platform, his eyes fell on Song Qishan's face coldly.

"Xuan!" The voice of the Yangtze River sounded over the square, which was full of onlookers and observers, as well as members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. These people had different expressions.

Li Mo took a step forward, turned on the loudspeaker, opened the file in his hand, and began announcing the crimes of Song Qishan and his son, first of all the crimes of Sein Fei. Most of the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance don't care about these crimes, but the common people do.

They really didn't expect Seinfeld to do so many bad things, kill so many innocent girls, some people couldn't help throwing stones, broken shoes, and stinky socks at Seinfeld
The soldiers guarding Seinfeld rejoiced secretly. Fortunately, they obeyed the order of their superiors to be fully armed and covered their heads, otherwise they would have followed suit.

But when Song Qishan's charges were announced, members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance quickly became angry, and some people's eyes were already red. They didn't expect Song Qishan to do so many bad things.

Many people came this time, and some aristocratic families also came, but they never knew that their most promising successor died at the hands of Song Qishan.

The Yangtze River stared at Song Qishan coldly, and Song Qishan's eyes turned green with hatred. He never thought that the glory of his life would be planted here. He really didn't expect it.

Now Song Qishan felt a little regretful about provoking the Yangtze River. He didn't expect that Jiang Dazhuang's heart would be so firm, and he didn't expect that Ge Dazhuang and the others couldn't even resist and struggle. Are they still allies?

After the charges were announced, Chang Jiang raised his hand to signal the boiling crowd to be quiet, and said loudly: "Now I declare that practitioners must not disturb the people, otherwise they will be punished according to the law, without exception!"


The cold voice of the Yangtze River fell, and the people stared at Qin Zixuan with admiration. Only then did they realize that their master is so powerful, and those cultivators who were held on the throne by the previous dynasty turned out to be the same as them.

With the flash of the knife, the heads of Song Qishan and Seinfei fell down, and the blood on Song Qishan's neck gushed out like a fountain.

Ge Dazhuang and the others slowly closed their eyes. They didn't know what they were thinking, and some of them looked calm. They were used to being superior and not bound by the rules of the world. Now that the Yangtze River announced this, it undoubtedly told them that their privileges had disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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