Chapter 1578
It was very simple for the old Taoist priest to come to Qin Zixuan, just to ask Qin Zixuan when he would go to the Southern Continent, and then seeing that Linger liked it very much, he asked to take her as his apprentice, but Qin Zixuan refused on the spot.

Not for anything else, it is because this old man is too mysterious, it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, he cares so much about the Southern Continent, there must be secrets there, what secrets Qin Zixuan does not know, he thinks it will be of great benefit, otherwise he will not be shocked tall man.

Dinosaur stared at the old Taoist viciously, and if he dared to snatch it, Dinosaur would let him know what regret is.

"My lord Cheng, the old man has no ill intentions. We are destined. Whether it is Huayan or Gong Liangyan, they are not as good as the old man in terms of magic fortune. You should be very clear about this."

What the old Taoist said was very sincere, but Qin Zixuan's trust in him is really limited. You can't be trusted with an honest and pertinent face. Qin Zixuan is no longer an idiot, and he knows that people should not be judged by appearances.

"Old Daoist, I really have no fate with you. Since you must establish a relationship, then tell your true intentions. What exactly do you want me to find in the Southern Continent?"

Qin Zixuan squinted his eyes to look at the old man's expression, and continued: "In other words, what do you want to find with my hand? Am I the only one who can find it?"

Hehe, the old Taoist, he knew the truth about Qin Zixuan, but he really didn't know what to ask Qin Zixuan to look for. In short, his hexagram showed that he wanted to leave this continent, and the opportunity should be on this person.

Think he has been busy all his life, isn't the reason for leaving here to see the outside world?Before Qin Zixuan appeared, he tried his best but could not find a way to break the situation. Until Qin Zixuan appeared, the hexagram pointed to this person.

Now Qin Zixuan was speechless when he asked the old man, so he could only say: "The heavenly secret must not be revealed."

"Bah! Say it out, if you can't say it out, say it out loud, don't tell me what kind of secrets you are doing, and treat me as a second fool." Qin Zixuan hugged Meng'er, leaned towards the dinosaur, and secretly resisted.

Alas, you are not good at all!The old man complained about Qin Zixuan in his heart, staring at the dinosaur, this is the first time he has seen this thing, it looks like a human skin but not like it, what kind of monster is this?
When the old Taoist appeared last time, the dinosaurs hadn't transformed yet, but the old Taoist didn't recognize them. He wanted to calculate the fate of the dinosaurs, but found nowhere to check.

What is the origin of this ghost-like thing?The old Taoist twirled a few mouse whiskers and said to the dinosaur, "What's your name?"

"Your uncle." Dinosaur replied three words, Qin Zixuan lowered his head and smiled, and then Meng'er saw his father Le also grinned his toothless mouth, the smile was so cute.

"Old Daoist, I asked your name last time. You said you forgot, so I won't ask your name. I'll ask you, where do you live?" Qin Zixuan raised his head and looked at the choked old Daoist with a cold face. eerie atmosphere.

"The sky is the bed, the earth is the bed, and the old way is the home." The old way's answer is equivalent to no answer, Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth, this old bastard has never told the truth since we met, what secret is behind him?

Just as he was thinking about seeing the old man disappear suddenly, followed by a muffled sound, Qin Zixuan was led back a few steps by the dinosaur, and landed behind the dinosaur, while the old man appeared on the deck, fell a dozen steps, and the corner of his mouth protruded blood.

The porridge and wine in front of Huayan were all over the floor, and the cook was taken behind him by Donghuang Taiye and others, but the dragon meat could no longer be eaten. Feng Qingluan and Gu Yueru stood on the other side of the deck, in front of them. Standing Gu Yueguang and others.

"Old Daoist, you are really useless, and you actually play a sneak attack, which is a waste of my sincerity towards you. You are too bad, and I want to break up with you." Qin Zixuan shouted angrily, he was on guard, but he didn't expect that it would be impossible to guard against, the opponent's strength surpassed him too much.

The old man didn't answer, but stared at the dinosaur secretly. Obviously he didn't expect the dinosaur to be so strong, and he found his orbit. This is a master at his level, even surpassed him, but why has he never heard of him? ?
Thinking about how I spent hundreds of years on cultivation, and looking at Qin Zixuan, that guy is only in his forties. As for the dinosaurs, he doesn't know his age, so he doesn't think he's too old. These people are really hard to deal with.

"Old Dao, are you going by yourself, or shall I see you off?" Dinosaur handed Qin Zixuan to Hua Yan, and took a step forward to stare at the old Dao with murderous look in his eyes.

"Haha, since King Cheng doesn't want to go to the Southern Continent, then leave when you want to go, and leave." After the old Taoist finished speaking, his figure disappeared, and the dinosaur stared at the old Taoist's leaving figure thoughtfully.

"What's his strength?" Qin Zixuan asked beside the dinosaur. There was no frightened look on this guy's face, but gossip.

Hua Yan was a little worried, she could see clearly just now, the target of the old man was Meng'er, this is her sweetheart, how could she be willing to be snatched away.

"On par with the sea, our team still has too few top players. Let your wife work hard to practice, so you can hide behind."

Dinosaur felt wrong after finishing speaking, and added: "It's not to hit you, but everyone has different talents. You just need to protect us with good luck."

"I'm going to hide behind, can my luck protect you?" Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, saying that it's not a blow, is the blow still light?

Thinking that he is a majestic seven-foot man who actually wants to hide behind a woman, alas, well, he is used to it, who made his enemies stronger and stronger, but his own strength has reached the limit.

After three seconds of silence for himself, Qin Zixuan became lively again. This trivial matter could not hit him at all. If it could hit him, he would have been hit in the mud long ago.

He has accepted Li Han's protection since he came to this world, then he joined his son, and then he has several wives, anyway, it's not the first day.

"Hey, you guys continue to prepare food, don't starve my little Qingluan." Qin Zixuan told the cooks to continue working, and the cooks were not surprised, they had been with Qin Zixuan for a long time, and they also learned not to be surprised.

It's a pity for Hua Yan, seeing his daughter sucking her fingers hungry, made the old man hate him.

Qin Zixuan and Dinosaur sat together again, and the two discussed the old way's goal, which is undoubtedly in the Southern Continent, but their current strength is not strong enough, and from now on, the Saint Master is not the ultimate.

Gu Yueru nodded frequently as she listened to the side. She also felt that the Saint Master was not the ultimate, but she didn't know what strength was above it, and it was not introduced in the ancient books of the Gu Yue family.

I thought that when I got to Sanxian City, I would gather all the old men and old ladies from various families together, and ask them what they thought, I think it would be rewarding.

Even if the old Taoist was beaten to death, he would never have thought that his appearance would actually arouse the thirst for knowledge of this group of people.
(End of this chapter)

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