Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1579 Discovery

Chapter 1579 Discovery
In the Xinxiang Garden of Sanxian City, Dahai hugged Menger for a while, and Huayan hugged Guoer to exchange parenting experience with Qinglian. They didn't look like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but sisters.

Li Han was pulling Qin Zixuan to ask about things on the road, if he was in any danger, when he heard that the old man was going to snatch Meng'er, Li Han's eyes flashed murderous.

The dinosaur was chatting with the Yangtze River, the scene was a bit chaotic, there were voices of greetings everywhere, until the banquet was started, the noise stopped, and everyone went to the restaurant under the leadership of the landlord Changjiang.

After drinking and eating, the dinosaurs, the sea, and the Yangtze River left impatiently. They still had important matters to discuss, and Qin Zixuan just grabbed the fruit.

The eldest grandson was not hugged, and it would be nice to hug the second grandson. The grandpa and grandson said "oh" to you, and he said "oh", and they had a very happy chat. The person involved probably doesn't know what they talked about.

Li Han and Gu Yueru sat together, touching Gu Yueru's stomach and laughing unscrupulously, Gu Yueru lay on the lady's couch with a helpless expression on her face.

"Han'er, let me tell you, after I gave birth to this one, I will never give birth again. If my husband dares to let me get pregnant again, I will see if I can fix him." Gu Yueru clenched her fists and said

"That's no good, you can't hit your husband." Li Han opened her fist and said, "Sister is for pain, not for beating. You have to remember this. Only Mr. Xiang has a small body and can withstand it." Your fist?"

Gu Yueru thinks about it seriously, she should be able to withstand the learning, Qin Zixuan holds Guo'er and stares at the two with a speechless expression, can he say it was an accidental injury?He didn't know that Gu Yueru would be pregnant.

Gong Liangyan came over and pinched Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan haha, there is another debt collector here.

Huayan pulled Gong Liangyan to the corner, she wanted to discuss with Gong Liangyan about the old way, the old man was elusive and full of skills, and they wanted to work together to break the old way.

Otherwise, the old man will become the biggest disaster, and may even affect the future of Xianggong. The two of them can't figure out the matter, but the old man can figure it out clearly, and now he is staring at the unknown secret.

"Why don't you recruit Huang He, that kid's talent is still higher than mine."

Gong Liangyan suggested, Hua Yan thought about it and nodded in agreement, Huang He's talent is indeed higher than them, if the three of them work together, maybe they can restrain the old man.

"Then let Xianggong send a message to the Yellow River?" Hua Yan asked.

"Let's pass it on, let Huang He wait until Xiao Qisheng has sat for a full month before leaving. We will wait for him in the Western Continent." Gong Liangyan made a final decision on this matter.

In the Southern Continent, Huang He is walking on the busy streets with his fingers curled up. Whenever he sees a local tyrant, he will go up to persuade people to send a letter. That cheap look hasn't come to say a word for a day, but he has rolled his eyes.

This guy walked around all morning, and then he went back to his house, and when he left the city, he took the wrong path, gnawing on chicken legs while walking, looking delicious.

After eating about eight chicken legs, Huang He didn't go forward, but turned around and walked back, looking at the ground while walking. When he found a pair of messy footprints on the ground, Huang He knew that someone was following him.

He didn't know who it was, but his intuition told him that this person was not weak. If he was weak, he would have fallen to the ground and died. Huang He chased after him with graceful steps.

After chasing for about ten miles, we came to a mountain. This mountain was very special, thicker at the top and thinner at the bottom. The Yellow River seriously doubted that this mountain would fall down.

The trees on the mountain were sparse, so it wasn't considered a treasure of geomantic omen. The messy footsteps disappeared in front of the mountain, and the Yellow River turned around twice with his hands behind his back, but he didn't find anything unusual.

What the hell is this place?Huang He beat his head, is there any terrain that he can't see through?Huang He really didn't believe in this evil, he raised his foot and took a step forward, his foot went limp and his body fell down.

Huang He quickly grabbed the rope around his waist, quickly climbed up with both hands, climbed out of the trap and fell back to the ground in one breath, and then gasped heavily while clutching his little liver.

"Haha, be careful with the ten-thousand-year ship, what the old man said is absolutely right!" Huang He laughed three times at the trap. This trap is not a general hunting trap, it is designed for people.

Just now he glanced down a few times, but he didn't realize how deep the well was, which is really strange.

He moved a stone from the side and threw it into the trap. Huang He listened for a long time but didn't hear the sound of the stone falling to the ground. Damn, wouldn't this be the same as the deep pit that appeared in Sanxian City?

Huang He rubbed his chin and rolled his eyes to think. There was news about the Three Immortals City from the Yangtze River, and Huang He was asked to pay attention to collecting information here. At this time, he didn't hear the sound of stones falling to the ground. He really doubted it.

No, throw a bigger one.Huang He felt that a stone could not represent anything, so he moved another stone that was twice as big as before and threw it into it.

After a while, there was still no sound. Well, Changjiang was sure that this trap was natural, not man-made, and normal people would not be able to dig such a deep trap.

Would the person who was poisoned by him fall into this trap?Huang He murmured to himself, and circled the trap several times, thinking it was possible, but not likely.

If he really fell into the trap, then why is there something covering it? If he didn't fall into the trap, where did he disappear?

Huang He is a kid who likes to study. If he can't figure it out, he will continue to investigate. Overcoming the trap, Huang He starts to go up the mountain. At the same time, he is drawing with a charcoal pencil. He wants to write down the terrain here.

The position of the trap is marked with key points. When he has time to bring equipment to study in the future, there is no condition now, and he can't go in to check except for throwing stones.

After becoming a father, Huang He acted a lot more prudently. If it was before, he might have gone down into the well to check.

All the way to the top of the mountain, Huang He didn't find anything suspicious. Seeing that the stones here were particularly white, Huang He hacked a few times with his sword, cut off a few stones and held them in his hand to study.

"Huh, that's not right, it looks like a bone." Huang He finally found out that something was wrong, the stone here seemed to be made of compressed bones.

But how many bones are needed to successfully compress such a mountain as high as a thousand feet?Thinking of it like this, Huang He felt the wind blowing all around, shrinking his neck, Huang He decided to take a few samples back home.

This kid is caring. He collected three stones at the top of the mountain and at the foot of the mountain. Then he marked them, packed them and carried them on his back. Then he returned to the place where the trap was. He couldn't help but take another look, suppressed his curiosity, turned and left .

Just half a cup of tea after the Yellow River left, a figure appeared. Seeing that the cover of the trap had been lost, the figure swiftly made a new cover, and the ground returned to its original place, as if there had never been a trap.

Huang He returned to the Shadow Clan and found a big roc parked there, and Xiao Qi was standing beside him talking to someone. He was very happy to see Huang He came back, and happily told Huang He about the dragon meat his father sent.

(End of this chapter)

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