Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1580 Reagents

Chapter 1580 Reagents
This is the envoy sent by Qin Zixuan to deliver Jiaolong Meat drops to Huang He. Qin Zixuan served his own child with the bowl of water very flat, and gave them food. When Huang He heard Jiaolong Meat, he felt no worries at all, and even stretched his fingers. straight up.

After having a hearty meal of Jiaolong meat, Huang He asked the envoy to leave with his handwritten letter, and Xiao Qi watched the envoy take off, really wanting to go to the Western Continent as soon as possible, it must be very lively there.

In the evening, after Xiao Qi rested, Huang He found Ying Kai, the head of the Shadow Clan, and the two entered the secret room and had a long conversation. Huang He asked what happened to the mountain outside the city, and Ying Kai frowned. Didn't find anything different there.

So Yingkai called the Great Elder, who was the Shadow Clan's database, with a wealth of knowledge. After hearing Huang He's report on his discovery, the old man sat there twirling his beard and was speechless for a long time.

"Are there many people who know about this matter?" the Great Elder asked, Ying Kai shook his head, expressing that only the two of them knew, so the Great Elder was relieved.

He said in a low voice, "That mountain is called Reverse Mountain, and it is very mysterious. One of the ancestral precepts handed down by our family is that you are not allowed to investigate the secrets there."

"Why?" Huang He's eyes widened. The more he refused to investigate, the more Huang He wanted to investigate. This kid didn't follow the usual path, so he didn't care much at first, but he remembered it in his heart.

"It's extremely dangerous there, many peerless masters are there, I advise you not to act rashly." The Great Elder knocked Huang He on the head, and still had some understanding of this kid's character.

"Hey, it doesn't matter what I said, I have to make a decision by my elder brother." Huang He sent a smirk, and the first elder shut up immediately when he heard that Dahai had made a decision, because Dahai's baby put too much pressure on him.

"You'd better persuade me, our Ying family is not a family that is afraid of getting into trouble, it must not be easy to leave such ancestral training." Looking at the appearance of Huang He, Ying Kai knew what this kid was thinking.

"I don't think it's that scary. Mr. Ying should have written a letter to tell about the miracle my father discovered in the Western Continent. I think it's very similar to that." Huang He shrugged, with an indifferent expression.

Ying Kai patted his forehead and looked at the Great Elder, the Great Elder pondered for a moment, and asked Huang He to explain the trap again, Huang He cooperated and explained it again, Ying Kai said: "Maybe it's just the deep image, we didn't find a large number of people missing here. "

"Not necessarily. I think the rocks on the upside-down mountain are weird, like human bones. I will come to a conclusion when I go back and study it clearly."

As soon as this remark came out, Ying Kai and the First Elder looked at each other, their faces were full of shock, they really never dared to think about it, they had to admit that Huang He's brain circuit was so strange, they dared to think about it.

Even if the two of them were dying of curiosity, they still forced Huang He not to continue to investigate. If they really wanted to investigate, Dahai would bring all the experts back and investigate again. There was no need to take risks now.

Huang He looked at the two with serious faces. He originally wanted to recruit two allies, but he did not expect to recruit two guardians. Yingkai asked Huang He not to go out during this period of time, so he should stay at home with Xiao Qi.

What can Huang He say?Huang He just wanted to cry, and wanted to slap his own mouth, why didn't he ask about good or bad luck before he said it.

In Three Immortals City, Qin Zixuan rested for two days, and then took Li Han to the streets, and found that the traffic here was much more than the last time he came, and there were also many merchants.

Li Han told Qin Zixuan that because of the opening of the train, many businessmen have seen the business opportunities here. This place is close to the Dilong Mountain Range, and there are some wild game in it that can be transported back and sold for money.

It only takes one day's journey, and as long as it is well preserved, there is no need to worry about affecting sales. Besides, it is the auction, which attracts many warriors, and the magical bottomless pit has aroused the interest of many people.

Now there is no hidden door to dominate, and many forces will go to check it out with the mentality of trying their luck. It is not bad to see the scenery. In short, the City of Three Immortals is really lively.

When the two came to Sanxian Lake, the altar in the middle of the lake had disappeared, and the lake water was so clear that you could see fish swimming back and forth in it, but no one would eat the fish here.

Even Qin Zixuan couldn't whet his appetite when he saw these fish. It was because too many people died here last time. Even if they turned the tide and saved many lives later, they still couldn't erase the shadow in people's hearts.

"Master, you said that after decades, people here will still remember the tragedy of that day? Will everyone rush to eat the fish here?" Li Han asked jokingly.

"Hey, it's hard to say. Maybe some people have forgotten it. You also know that human beings have a great forgetfulness. They are people who remember to eat but not to fight." Qin Zixuan's eyes fell on the center of the lake.

This answer makes Li Han very satisfied, and it is consistent with Li Han's will, because human beings really have this problem.

"I feel someone staring at me, do you feel any danger?" Li Han asked suddenly, his eyes swept around, but he didn't hit the source.

"No, I guess it's because of my beauty." Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin to put gold on himself, and then Li Han burst out with murderous aura, who shameless is peeping on the little man?

That shameless guy was hiding in the crowd, but Li Han couldn't find it, Qin Zixuan didn't feel the murderous intent and didn't take it to heart, the two held hands and continued to play.

In Xinxiangyuan, Dahai and Dinosaurs are researching the magic dragon flower. The problem of how to use it as medicine is very serious. Dahai tastes a little bit by himself and enjoys the treatment that dinosaurs received at the beginning. It really hurts, and every cell is undergoing transformation.

The level of pain is that of a super luxury show, it is pain that costs nothing, the child who is so tolerant of Hai Hai is actually rolling on the ground in pain.

The dinosaur stood by with a worried expression on his face. He had no way to help the sea. He could only bear the pain by himself. Of course, the reward after the torture was gratifying, and the dinosaur was the beneficiary.

It's just that the dinosaur didn't know that Hai Hai's pain was twice as strong as that of him that day. The essence of the magic dragon flower was concentrated on the flower, but the branches and leaves were relatively mild.

This pain lasted for three days and three nights. It was as if the sea was fished out of the water. The clothes on my body were dripping, and my hair was tightly attached to my face. I lay on the ground and gasped for a while before I slowly recovered.

"How does it feel?" the dinosaur asked, worry written all over his face.

"It feels sublimated once." Dahai smiled wryly, and then controlled his body to make changes. An ugly and short old man appeared in front of the dinosaur. The dinosaur was speechless about his hobby of the sea.

Afterwards, Dahai returned to its original appearance, organized his words, and said seriously: "I think this medicine is too strong, not everyone can survive it, so we have to find a way to neutralize it."

The dinosaur nodded, and the sea hurt like this. If Qin Zixuan swallowed it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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